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Separation Scientist

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Everything posted by Separation Scientist

  1. You are seeing GCM in 6A. Sterling should be 5A-1 and Lee 5A-2.
  2. If that happens it would pretty much be a wash for BH. Travel and logistics would be about the same too. I bet the UIL will throw a curve ball though and we will see something else. I'm good with it however it goes.
  3. Yeah my gut feeling is Soros will install Gavin Newsome into office. I think Senile Joe "graciously" steps aside for "health issues" just before their convention. You have to understand, Senile Joe was always just a Soros puppet. Soros identified an easy to manipulate dull old man with the firm intention to dump him when he no longer seemed useful to them.
  4. Dunno about Bellville but Beaumont used to be the NFL capitol of the world. Things change everywhere.
  5. Some said BH's previous AD was not going deep, but now this AD supposedly inherited deep runs? Most sports are about the same IMO. Its time to turn the page on 2023 FB because FB is over for now and next year will come. 2024 will give some real clarity on the programs trajectory.
  6. The son will suffer a similar fate in his time too, unless he has a complete change of faith.
  7. May God bless and heal your heart. One of the most comforting verses in the Bible is Revelation 21:4 for those who know Him as their person savior: He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Every hurt will be healed! Keep the faith!
  8. Biden slammed for repeating claim of Naval appointment, remark to young girl at military's Friendsgiving event. Biden, addressing service members at Naval Station Norfolk for 'Friendsgiving,' asks a 6-year-old girl if she's 17 81 year old Dementia Joe thinks a 6 year old girl is 17... and her 4 year old brother is 15. Then Dementia Joe told the 6 year old girl he "likes her ears". At least the Perv in Cheif didn't smell her hair or "nibble" on her like he did before with another child. [Hidden Content] God help us.
  9. Can a school opt up for football only? Or if they opt up is it across the board for all sports, girls included? If they are allowed to opt up football only, a way to fix a lot of it would be to make all their sports opting up or nothing.
  10. I don't know, we will have to wait until next year to see if this has actually been learned or not. I had hoped after the LP and especially the Porter game that the lesson had been learned, but it wasn't. Sad thing is, if we had finished out Richland, then we get Forney, who we beat 21-7 last year.
  11. Soros is really old. He will be meeting his maker pretty soon. It won't be good at all. Tick tock. Tick tock.
  12. Seems most colleges are not hosting HS games anymore. Whatever. There are plenty of real nice HS venues available. CEK has a real nice place, for example. Many others are around.
  13. And why are you concerned? Do you pay any BHISD taxes? 180K might be lottery money to you but BHISD can easily handle it. Absek, our AD, is presiding over BH success in almost every sport. Volleyball went 5 rounds deep. Basketball looks good. Baseball and softball can contend for another State Championship. BH Football was the last team in our district standing, and Absek is building lots of depth in the lower grades. 180K well spent! Better worry about PA. At least BH got a playoff win. Your coach has zero to show for whatever amount you paid him. LOL.
  14. You are right. They did. After the half BH coasted, and Richland came out and played like maniacs. They threw the kitchen sink at BH and BH let it work. When momentum swings against you (and it will), you have to step up and reclaim it. BH needs to find the mental toughness and discipline to FINISH. This is fixable.
  15. This game illustrates playing "safe" is not a part of most 2nd round games. You got to lay it all out and go wide open from the kickoff to 00:00. Playing tentative will not advance you. When its time to fight, you fight like you are the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark, and brother, its starting to rain....
  16. All I care about tonight is Richland. 100% focus on that. A game at a time!
  17. Lumberton is playing it safe, not playing to win. Good example is Lumberton fair catching the kickoff after Needvilles 3rd TD. The kick returner had 15 clear yards in front of him and two blockers by his side but fair caught the ball. There are no more tomorrows in the playoffs. JUST GO!
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