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Everything posted by 89Falcon

  1. None of the Champions this year run the Slot T.
  2. He pulled off one of the best coaching jobs I have ever seen in his first year at Harmony. Watched film of them early in the season that year and thought there was no chance they could even be competitive during the season. I predicted 0-10, They ended up turning it around and making a SF appearance.
  3. Could go either way. Many of them have revolving doors with AD/HC combined as well. I think it is a good transition for a potential HC candidate that is currently a coordinator. They get full control of the team without having to deal with the non football issues
  4. Will be a good opportunity for a coach that is trying to move up. A successful coordinator moving into a HC role is a step in the right direction.
  5. You have not heard of “tryouts for baseball”? It is never “one kid”, once they know they can be in athletics instead of PE they will keep coming.
  6. Understood. What do you do in the Fall with a kid who claims he is going to be on a team in the Spring that he has not made? Keep him in athletics till February and when he doesnt make the team or doesnt show up, just keep him? Because it is too late to do a schedule change. He effectively consumed resources that could have been utilized on a player who is actually playing and wants to play.
  7. I have seen it every year. There are many that attempt it. Most programs do not allow non-football kids in athletics for all of the reasons that I mentioned. If a kid is a returning varsity player for a spring sport they are sometimes allowed in particularly for baseball or basketball. Everything else, no way.
  8. I realize it fully. SRs after football that are no longer playing other sports are not allowed to hang out with the kids still playing sports only to detract from their efforts. The reason that SRs are removed is because they frequently cause discipline problems for the program after they are no longer playing sports. This is the same reason that kids not playing football are not allowed in athletics because the vast majority are only trying to not be in PE and thus work against the program. They will all say that they "are baseball" or "are powerlifting" and then when the season rolls around they never materialize, yet they consumed resources for the whole year and there is nothing that anyone can do as the year has nearly passed. They were simply dead weight to the program for the whole year.
  9. Understood. When you were coaching, How did you handle kids in athletics that had no interest in being on a team but did not want to be in PE? That told you at the beginning of the year they were going to in powerlifting, baseball or tennis and then made no effort to be on the team.
  10. Excellent! If you have not already, add this to the program just before you send them out and tell them: "Wherever you go, do not draw any conclusions until you understand all of the factors that the AD deals with" and "Always assume that the person who is in a position of leadership and runs an athletic program for a living, likely has insight that you do not have regarding the program".
  11. Yes, please keep "sending coaches" into the world.
  12. Understood, I know what I am talking about while you do not. Would love to hear what school allows “all athletes” in athletics when you cannot know what “athletes” will be on the team. Keep 40-60 kids in athletics all year and they never play for a team. Especially when they “say they will be on a team” and then “never even try out”, but they were “in athletics all year” consuming limited resources and diverting coaches from players who are sincere. Comments like “elitist attitude” further establish your ignorance on the subject.
  13. You have never run an athletic program and there is no other way. You cannot have the entire school in a single athletic period consisting of kids who do not play sports. They will destroy the program and prevent the coaches from interacting with players who actually play on a team in addition to destroying the discipline in the program. If it is not a "riddle", tell us what school you are referencing.
  14. Not sure what school your riddle pertains to but there are "MANY" schools that do not allow students that do not play football in the athletic period. It is because there is not enough coaches to coach them all and there are always a hoard of kids that will claim they are "baseball" or "powerlifitng" or some other sport and then never make the team. Their only agenda is to "not be in PE".
  15. Doubt it. Does LH have the same number of coaches as Vidor has now? Do they have the same classroom duties? If everything is equal, the results would likely be the same.
  16. Understood. No team running any offense lately in this particular area has had the type of success of LH, Franklin and Bellville other than PNG. It has to do with the combination of players, resources, coaching and program structures. Similar to every type of offense in every part of the state. OF has had some success. Vidor has had moments of success. In regard to Franklin, they are near in a class of their own for any team anywhere.
  17. There are teams “having success” and “not having success” with every type of offense in every part of the state.
  18. I think UncleSi is ok because it is open information.
  19. Splendora is not a hopeless situation. They are not completely devoid of athletes
  20. Garrison is going to be loaded for a while. San Augustine will be battling them for the District Championship for the next few years. SA and Garrison will be untouchable for the rest of the district unless one of the other teams get some spectacular "moveins".
  21. You found a picture of a ring? You on the staff now? Or even if you were associated with the team, it means nothing. Your flippant comments betray you.
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