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UT alum

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Posts posted by UT alum

  1. 11 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    My friend, there's  nothing there.  This new clown they got has violated Trump's 1 and 6th Amendment protections.  BTW, in the past, he tried to attack anther Republican politician and the Supreme Court "unanimously" threw it out.  If this gets to the SC it'll have the same result.  

    The Mueller report?  My friend, everything concerning the Russian collusion was a hoax perpetrated by Hillarious Clintionista with "fake" Russian dossier.  I hope all this is not new to you.  

    Federal indictments?  It's been said you can indict a ham sandwich.  Meaning you can always indict even when there's "nothing" there.  BTW, in this J6 indictment, the special prosecutor clown left out very important pieces concerning Trump.  Like when Trump said to protest "peacefully!"  He left that out.  This is cause for the clown himself to get indicted.  I bet you didn't know you left that part out of the indictment!  They've got a nothing burger.  Like the lady said in the video, if you would have watched it, she said Trump wants J6 ligated in order to subpoena for 2020 election documents.  Like I said before, I don't think the special council wants to go there.  But, they've been real stupid so far.  

    Great! If there’s exculpatory evidence out there, I’d love to see it.  Haven’t seen a shred yet, but if Jack is as dumb as you say, oughtta be a snap.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    My friend, there's  nothing there.  This new clown they got has violated Trump's 1 and 6th Amendment protections.  BTW, in the past, he tried to attack anther Republican politician and the Supreme Court "unanimously" threw it out.  If this gets to the SC it'll have the same result.  

    The Mueller report?  My friend, everything concerning the Russian collusion was a hoax perpetrated by Hillarious Clintionista with "fake" Russian dossier.  I hope all this is not new to you.  

    Federal indictments?  It's been said you can indict a ham sandwich.  Meaning you can always indict even when there's "nothing" there.  BTW, in this J6 indictment, the special prosecutor clown left out very important pieces concerning Trump.  Like when Trump said to protest "peacefully!"  He left that out.  This is cause for the clown himself to get indicted.  I bet you didn't know you left that part out of the indictment!  They've got a nothing burger.  Like the lady said in the video, if you would have watched it, she said Trump wants J6 ligated in order to subpoena for 2020 election documents.  Like I said before, I don't think the special council wants to go there.  But, they've been real stupid so far.  

    That’s a mighty long answer. You could have just said no.

  3. 42 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Total BS. How can you live with yourself, dude? Mueller didn’t even know what was in his own freakin report. You must have been absent that day. In conclusion, Mueller stated there was no evidence of Russian collusion. If that’s not being exonerated, wtf is?

    There was mucho evidence of obstruction of Justice.

  4. 53 minutes ago, Reagan said:


    How the DoD & Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election!

    Interesting learning about this Treaty she talked:

    This is the hidden content, please


    @Big girl @UT alum @CardinalBacker

    That is a complete and total lie. That woman is not a member of a DOD task force. She’s shown talking before one.  She used to be the Vice President of this outfit called Republicans Overseas. She’s just another Trump shill.  About as bad as Sydney Powell.

  5. 38 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Why would he be scared of discovery? Nothing happens to dims that bring false charges. Where are all the people who assisted in false accusations for 2 impeachments? They’re still living their lives as usual. Conscience certainly doesn’t bother them, neither does the truth, which is not what they were after in the first place. Hey, but you’re a lefty and see nothing wrong with this while attempting to have moral ground.

    Look, dude, the Mueller Report cited ten possible violations of law but would not pursue because of his status as sitting President.  He was not exonerated.  He used the DOJ through AG Barr to misrepresent and obfuscate the situation because his mental illness will not allow him to consider the possibility that he has ever done wrong in his life.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Trump Lawyer Bobb: Jack Smith's New Indictment Empowers Trump Legal Team to Get J6 Answers.  If this goes to trial, like I've said before, this will open Trump's team for discovery.  Everything concerning J6 is on the table.  Dose the anti-Trump side really want this?!  Since this is all for show, just like the J6 committee meetings were, I doubt they want this to happen!

    This is the hidden content, please

    Smith wouldn’t have brought the suit if he was scared of discovery.  I’m more interested in hearing answers given under oath in a court of law.

  7. 49 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Conspiracy theorist = free thinking American who doesn’t blindly follow like sheep being led to slaughter. Also do not defend criminals on either side. 

    Conspiracy theorist =Someone who has no idea or even curiosity about the concept of sociology and the laws and customs that bind societies.  If it doesn’t fit their world view, anything opposing that view must be a dishonest manipulation of of their reality.  More like lemmings than sheep.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Chutkan donated $1,500 to Barack Obama's campaign between 2008 and 2009!  Yeah, she's not biased.  LOL!  Yobama also appointed her husband as a Judge.  Yobama appointed people to do his bidding, NOT to follow the law.  Check the 2 on the Supreme Court.  Plus this recent one has Yobama's finger prints all over it!

    I see no comment on the unanimous vote to confirm.

  9. 4 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Lame, tired argument when you can’t dispute the point.

    I heard the argument. It’s lawyer BS. The investigation started over a year ago. A grand jury voted to bring charges based on the evidence collected over that time, not the DOJ. Citizens chosen at random saw the DOJ evidence and voted to indict. Seems Trump would be anxious to want to prove his innocence he so brazenly proclaims and get on with the election. He’s acting like a guilty person, most an innocent one.

  10. On 8/2/2023 at 4:11 PM, Reagan said:

    RIGGED: Obama-Appointed, J6-Hating Judge Presiding Over Trump Case Worked at Same Law Firm as Hunter Biden!  Blatant conflict of interest!

    This is the hidden content, please

    @Big girl @UT alum @CardinalBacker  What say you?  Conflict of interest?  Thoughts?!

    She was approved by a 95-0 vote in the Senate. That’s as bipartisan as it gets. I’m not even going to read the Liberty Daily. That’s a propaganda publication from a highly partisan, highly conservative evangelical zealot.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    You’re a deranged perverted warped individual to be excited about bringing another BS indictment against Trump over something from 2 1/2 years ago. The guy is the leading Republican nominee by a mile. It’s called Election Interference. If you can’t see that you’re sick individual. The guy had been spied on, harassed and falsely accused of BS since he announced in 2015 he was running for President. I truly believe the Democrat Party is trying to create a Civil War in this country. It’s just gotten Ridiculous at this point! I will be definitely voting him in 2024 just to give two middle fingers to you and our corrupt government.

    You’re a demented lunatic.

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