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UT alum

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Posts posted by UT alum

  1. 5 hours ago, Reagan said:

    No, not true.  If facts lead to criminal activities, then so be it.  But, 4 years of attacks against Trump like Russia collusion with fake Russian dossiers has all been proven false.  BTW, I have heard that Hillarious Clinton told obama and biden she was going to push the Russian hoax.  So, again, nothings been true so far concerning Trump.  So why should we start believing now that's he's done something wrong?!

    Uh, it’s true he is guilty of sexual assault and defamation.  The only investigations that have not gone to trial are congressional, not legal. It’s the court system now he had to account to. Not Jim Jordan and Ron Johnson and their ilk.

    ”I have heard”? What the hey is that worth?

  2. 7 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    I really have no words, none of this is true and any rational person knows this.

    You can't point out any policies where Obama rebuilt the economy because there were none.  He was the one that proclaimed high unemployment was here to stay, nothing to do about it, Trump came in and said BS and made him look like the unqualified fool he was while bringing unemployment to record lows, including the lowest unemployment for minorities ever (how racist of him) as well as having us energy independent for the first time ever

    If you only received crumbs under Trump, you are a very poor money manager, his tax policies were good for everyone, I see you hold to the democrat playbook on class warfare, gotta hate those rich folks.

    Illegal immigration was lower than at any time and there was nothing brutal about it, you must have forgotten that it was Obama that built the cages.

    Putin feared Trump because he knew he would act, why do you think he waited until Joe and the idiot were in office to invade Ukraine?  He knew he would have another coward like Clinton that would be afraid to act.

    We received the useless vaccine that everyone said we had to have because of the actions Trump took to ramp up production, you know this and if you disagree, show me a timeline of how things occurred to back up your claim, you can't.

    As far as the racism and xenophobia, all lies made up by the left, absolutely nothing to it. Biden however, has a track record of racism, you just choose to ignore it because he's a democrat.

    Border crossings are a fraction of what they used to be?  Really?

    This is the hidden content, please

    Biden treats the office with respect, what a joke, he has used his time in office to make money with his crackhead son and crooked brothers while selling the American people out.


    You have shown yourself to be ignorant of current events.

    You have your opinion, I have mine. One of us, or maybe both of us are using alternative facts.  Difference is I don’t hold my opinion out as absolute truth. That’s really my only problem with Trumpism. It holds itself out as incapable of error. Beyond arrogance.

  3. On 6/11/2023 at 1:41 PM, Reagan said:

    It's way beyond "actual" hammer time for the criminal JoeBama!  Bribery IS an impeachable offense.  Not only should he be impeached, what he did was an actual crime which should result in prison time.  What I would do, is start the impeachment proceedings in July, August or September right before the 2024 election.  

    This is the hidden content, please

    You do realize one of the links in the article, the one that “shows” the evidence is reported by CNBC. That’s mainstream media. Fake news, right?  The article itself shows no evidence of what the blog claims.

  4. On 6/11/2023 at 1:41 PM, Reagan said:

    It's way beyond "actual" hammer time for the criminal JoeBama!  Bribery IS an impeachable offense.  Not only should he be impeached, what he did was an actual crime which should result in prison time.  What I would do, is start the impeachment proceedings in July, August or September right before the 2024 election.  

    This is the hidden content, please

    Besides that, you are referencing a freaking blog site. Thee is no legitimate news there. Just more vague accusations with no documentation that would holdup in court. 

  5. On 6/11/2023 at 1:41 PM, Reagan said:

    It's way beyond "actual" hammer time for the criminal JoeBama!  Bribery IS an impeachable offense.  Not only should he be impeached, what he did was an actual crime which should result in prison time.  What I would do, is start the impeachment proceedings in July, August or September right before the 2024 election.  

    This is the hidden content, please

    What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Only applies to your guy?

  6. 10 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    What a pathetic answer…list the policies you disagreed with, it’s a very simple request, unless you’re like most TDS sufferers that never got past their hurt feelings to even know the policies.

    And while you’re at it, list the policies of Biden you agree with, you know, an actual adult debate rather than what’s been happening.

    I don’t really think you can do that, prove me wrong.

    He inherited an economy Obama rebuilt from Bush’s near destruction. More debt piled in his four years than any other. His tax policies gave a banquet to the billionaires, while the rest of us got a few crumbs. His immigration policy was one of brutality. He didn’t to jack to impede Xi or Putin. To Un he was just another Rodman. His environmental policies were a disaster, his leadership through the pandemic was pathetic. He fomented racism and xenophobia through his words and actions.The man is unfit for the office.

    Biden’s infrastructure plan alone is more than Trump did in four years to give the working man a chance. Border crossings are a fraction of what they were. Our allies trust us again. He also treats the office with the respect it deserves.

  7. 1 hour ago, BS Wildcats said:

    biden is far more corrupt, you fail to believe it.  The majority of why you call Trump corrupt, is just fabricated nonsense spewing from your party.

    Bring the evidence. I’ll listen.  Trump’s own mouth is not fabricated. 

  8. 1 hour ago, baddog said:

    No one can simply dislike a person as much as you do Trump. The hate comes through your every post. 
    My brain is past its prime but I can still tell right from wrong. The way Trump has been railroaded is totally wrong. It doesn’t really surprise me that you can’t see that, or better yet, you simply don’t care…..and that’s a shame. 

    I believe he is the most dishonest and corrupt President we have ever had and should be held accountable. I don’t hate. I am commanded to love. I love Donald Trump because he is a child of God, just like me. I believe in the Constitution and the integrity of our system of Justice. That he has shredded one and tries to destabilize the other are unAmerican. That’s not hatred. It’s called patriotism. If he’s found not guilty, I’ll be glad for him and the court system.

  9. 1 hour ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    But you haven't been watching Joe Biden for 50 years leaching off the government and making racist remarks, giving the eulogy to a KKK member and proudly passing laws that put minorities in jail for many years for small crimes?

    Here comes the stupid whataboutism comment, but you hypocrisy is glaring that you find fault in one and can ignore the other.

    And you can't accuse me of being a red-hatter like the silly little troll because I'm not, I'm simply smart enough to see an injustice without letting my emotions cloud my judgement.



    Hey, I never said Biden was anything special. He ain’t no liberal, but nothing has been brought forth in a courtroom, or political party investigation, for that matter, that suggests he’s a criminal.

  10. 7 hours ago, baddog said:

    You are a totally lost individual. Hatred has eaten your brain. 

    It’s not hate. It’s 40 years of watching Donald Trump. He’s a world class grifter. I don’t know about your brain, but your thought patterns are extremely narrow.


    7 hours ago, baddog said:

    You are a totally lost individual. Hatred has eaten your brain. 


  11. 40 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Which documents are these yo-yos really concerned about? Was Trump passing nuclear secrets like the Rosenbergs, or was he simply taking documents like all others president before him? Fake concern is just that…..fake. 

    I’d say closer to the Rosenbergs than all other presidents. Except he wouldn’t pass them, he would sell them.

  12. 11 hours ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    My point being, I am convinced that Trump cannot and will not win an election. So going forward, wouldn't it be in the best interest for the Republican party (and the rest of the country) to get a candidate that can win an election?

    I really believe the Trump ship has sailed. Need someone else to hang our hopes on. I have no clue who that could be but it's imperative that Biden needs to be voted out of office for the sake of the country.

    Not as badly as Trump needs to be kept out. We have political differences, but we both agree, I think, that given the two, America would be worse off in four years were Trump President than if Biden were. The country wouldn’t collapse under Biden.  The Constitution and U.S. security would be under threat with Trump. I hope you read the indictment. 

  13. 1 hour ago, BS Wildcats said:

    When anyone points out the illegal deeds committed by biden, all you have is what about.  Why is it that you feel the laws do not pertain to biden, or demoncrats in general?  Y’all are so blinded by hate that you can’t see the forest for the trees.  And a lot of what you fell for was concocted by clinton and obama.  About as big of pieces of 💩, as biden.  As a matter of fact, the Demoncrat party as a whole, are all pieces of 💩!

    That is from the Espionage Act of 1917

  14. 1 hour ago, BS Wildcats said:

    When anyone points out the illegal deeds committed by biden, all you have is what about.  Why is it that you feel the laws do not pertain to biden, or demoncrats in general?  Y’all are so blinded by hate that you can’t see the forest for the trees.  And a lot of what you fell for was concocted by clinton and obama.  About as big of pieces of 💩, as biden.  As a matter of fact, the Demoncrat party as a whole, are all pieces of 💩!

    Read Chapter 37, paragraph 793c. Evidence shows Trump might well have violated that act. Tell me any evidence anywhere that Joe Biden has done anything even vaguely approaching what trump is accused of by the United States.

  15. 2 hours ago, Unwoke said:

    To say Trump violated the Espionage Act is ridiculous and a super far reach. Lol.  Lay off Hunters crackpipe. No one is saying Trump is perfect but we all know BS when we see it. 

    Read Chapter 37, paragraph 793(c. of the Espionage Act of 1917.  The reach is not far at all.

  16. 6 hours ago, baddog said:

    You have to be the most ridiculous person in the world. I think you live to argue and live for the “I told you so” after being wrong so many times, especially about Trump. 
    What is sad is that no one on the left cares that Biden has “colluded” (remember that word?) with world powers and companies for the almighty dollar for God only knows what kind of payback, but here we are trying to get Trump out of their way with charges that should be brought against any living president that has government documents at their houses. Biden has them in his garage with his Corvette. Like I have said before, you are not about Justice, so get off of your moral/legal high horse. It’s fake sentiment. 

    It’s not the fact that Trump had documents. Pence and Biden both fully cooperated with NARA and returned a handful. Trump stole a truckload and lied. READ THE INDICTMENT. 

  17. 3 hours ago, Unwoke said:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if this is true. Nothing surprises me about the Treasonous Communist Democrat Parasites. 



    I’m sure the transcript will be presented as evidence.  Omitting those two words in the charging document means nothing. What does such name calling do for you?  It must get you off somehow.

  18. 11 hours ago, Reagan said:

    Why did the DOJ move the case out of DC and move it to Miami.  Then a Trump appointed, constitutional conservative has been appointed his judge.  What do ya'll think is going on?!

    They wanted to be sure there would be no objections or doubts as to proper venue.  Crime happened in Florida. The judge was one of four available chosen at random. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Unwoke said:

    Trumps indictments will not affect 2024. 

    ~President Trump cannot be kept off state ballots, citing Section 3 of 14A.


    ~Any attempt by a state legislature to remove Donald J. Trump's name from its ballot would immediately be enjoined by a federal court, citing a violation of equal protection under Section 1 of 14A.


    ~In fact, only Congress can disqualify someone from holding office under Section 3.


    ~Note too, Section 3 of 14A does not specifically name the offices of President and Vice President.


    ~Section 3 hasn't even been invoked in about a century and for good reason.


    ~The Amnesty Act of 1872 removed the penalty of disqualification under Section 3 of 14A.


    ~When it was last used to bar a socialist from holding office, federal courts overruled it citing the Act.


    ~The only qualifications for President under Article 2 is that someone is 35, born in the US, and lived there for 14 years. Not being innocent of a crime.


    ~Bottom line is, even a convicted felon is Constitutionally qualified for public office. That is the way the Founders wanted it.


    In a Republic, the People democratically decide who's qualified and who's not.

    Know your civics Man! 😂🤣

    Oh one more thing. They’ll be another indictment coming also but it’s the indictment of all indictments. Lol

    I believe a majority in this nation believe in the rule of law, not the infallibility of one man.  I know he can run regardless. I also know he cannot win.

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