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    marshman reacted to skipper in Why did West Orange lose?   
    hats off to all the kids from gilmer 2014 STATE CHAMPS
  2. Like
    marshman reacted to Integrity68 in Gilmer 35 West Orange-Stark 25/Final   
    Gilmer played worse in the first half than I have seen them play all year! Thank goodness they got their heads on straight and played BUCKEYE football in the second half!
  3. Like
    marshman got a reaction from XX Man in Gilmer 35 West Orange-Stark 25/Final   
    whatever dude, fact is they didn't. Fact is wos had a terrible second half and Gilmer didn't. Fact is Gilmer overall was the better team and brought home the trophy. Fact is these type comments from you are pointless.
  4. Like
    marshman got a reaction from maniacalum2036 in Gilmer 35 West Orange-Stark 25/Final   
    Well I just got back to Orange Saturday night. (wife drug me off after the WOS game to finish up Christmas shopping up there), then we stopped at her sisters house outside Waxahatchie.  Tried to read all the comments on the game from my phone but held off commenting until I could get to a computer. First off I want to congratulate Gilmer.  Yall played like a true champion in the 2nd half to overcome the points you were down. You overall were the better team Friday and it showed. Enjoy the off season as state champions. I also want to congratulate the WOS Mustangs, What a great ride its been. many, many memories you have given to the community and we all are very proud of you.   Now to address some things, someone, don't remember who, stated in an earlier post, that WOS better be glad that Gilmer didn't play the 1st half the way they played the 2nd half, well that can be turned around also and one could say that Gilmer should be glad WOS didn't play the 2nd half like they played the 1st.  Those kind of statements are pointless. the fact remains neither team played their best for 4 full quarters.  I think WOS stunned Gilmer somewhat in the first half then Gilmer made some great adjustments in the second half that WOS couldn't counter.  WOS "controlled" the 1st half while Gilmer "dominated" the 2nd.   Bear Bryant always said that nearly every game no matter if it was a 1 point margin of victory or 50, the outcome could be traced back to 4 or 5 plays. This statement was never more true than this game.  I think 4 plays turned the tide in Gilmers favor.

    Play #1;  DT's return for a TD called back at the end of the 1st half.  I'm not going to get into whether it was a valid call or not, but I will say I saw much worse by both side during the game that didn't get called. But if that score was allowed to stand then WOS goes into the half with a 32-7 lead and tons of momentum. 

    Play #2:  The turnover that occurred on the opening drive of the 2nd half,  WOS was driving the ball and had moved into Gilmers side of the field.  If WOS could get a score on that drive then the tempo would have been set for a completely different 2nd half.  Especially if DT's TD had been allowed from earlier.  Would have been looking at a possible 39-7 WOS lead.

    Play #3:  The fumble into our end zone that Gilmer recovered for a gimme TD. When you play teams like Gilmer you cannot allow that to happen.

    Play #4:  The dropped pass on 4th and 9. This came on the same series after the long pass that got WOS out of their own end of the field.  Again, had that reception been made, maybe WOS could have scored and slowed down the momentum Gilmer had built up. 

    I think had at least 2 of these 4 plays had gone in WOS favor the outcome may have been different, but not completly saying WOS would have won, just that things may have played out differently.  Now, I am not taking anything away from the Buckeyes, they made the plays when they had too and WOS didn't., WOS also looked very tired in the 4th quarter which is something that very rarely ever happens.   After reading talk on various forums all week and hearing how basically we shouldn't even be on the same field with Gilmer, how they would score 60-70 on WOS I think they showed that Gilmer was beatable,, but great teams overcome adversity and with some help from WOS thats exactly what they did.  Great season though WOS, you got farther than all but one team in your class! Hold your heads high, the area is proud of you all!!!

    One last question...someone on an earlier post said something about the Gilmer coach. Something about his post game comments, I asked on that thread but didn't get a complete answer.  What did he say in those comments? I know someone on here has to know???
  5. Like
    marshman reacted to Indianforever in WOS Mustangs vs Gilmer Buckeyes   
    Fox sports go app
  6. Like
    marshman got a reaction from stangx2 in Gilmer 35 West Orange-Stark 25/Final   
    Lot of football left Mustang fans. We all seen how fast Gilmer can score. Lets stay and more importantly the Mustang players stay focused and finish the job.
  7. Like
    marshman got a reaction from bone in Gilmer 35 West Orange-Stark 25/Final   
    Lot of football left Mustang fans. We all seen how fast Gilmer can score. Lets stay and more importantly the Mustang players stay focused and finish the job.
  8. Like
    marshman reacted to jimmyw in WOS Mustangs vs Gilmer Buckeyes   
    Heavenly Father, I pray for safe travel for all West-Orange fans and Gilmer fans and a injury free game. I pray the Mustangs plays up to there ability's and that will be goo enough for the win!
  9. Like
    marshman reacted to Gabe in WOS Mustangs vs Gilmer Buckeyes   
    Ohhh they let your players have numbers on the jerseys??? Nevermind yall are going stop WOS like you did that team out of Melissa.
    If you say the.Bucks get cleats too, heck Stangs will stay home
  10. Like
    marshman reacted to WOSgrad in MUSTANG 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!!   
    I wish I could take credit for this prose.  But it is republished from a long time, hard core Mustang fan who now resides it Central Texas.  Pure gold my friend!
    "Mustang Christmas 2014 Chapter
    ‘Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the Fruit,
    I saw Isaac Dunnie Hunter dressed in his Santa suit;
    The jerseys were hung by the lockers with care,
    To the smiles of Coach T, and his graying hair;
    The fans were nestled all up at the malls,
    With visions of Kevin Pup Smith, intercepting those balls;
    And Coach Dyer with a whistle, and Coach Pierce with a cap,
    Had just settled the defense to watch out for those traps;
    When out on the field there arose such a clatter,
    It looked like Earl, in a skirmish of a Mustang matter;
    Away to Hub, the ‘boys flew like a flash,
    Jogged across the Blue Line, preparing for the Jerryworld clash;
    The scoreboard all painted with the name of Dan Hooks,
    Gave a lustre of yester-year and the history books;
    When what to my Austin eyes did appear,
    But a miniature sleigh and Tezeno antler rein-deer;
    With ‘ole 11 as the driver, and Franks family quick,
    I knew in a moment, we'd see a Russell Turkel kick;
    So remembering like Ernest his followers they came,
    And Eddie whistled, the blood-lines of the Orebo name;
    "Now, Will! now, Deionte! now Spencer and Jackson!
    On, McCarty! on, Hebert! And the defense a Blitzen!
    To the top of the bracket to the top of the stands
    Now dash away! dash away! To Dallas Mustang Fans!"
  11. Like
    marshman got a reaction from LND09 in sinton support   
    Saw that on KOGT. Awesome! Thanks for yalls support!!!
  12. Like
    marshman reacted to WOSgrad in West Orange-Stark 42 Sinton 21/Final/WO-S GOES TO JERRYWORLD!!!   
    Funny how so many folks from outside of the area wish to dance on the Mustangs' grave.  One problem, THEY AIN'T DEAD!!!
  13. Like
    marshman reacted to Cat22 in sinton support   
    Bobcats supporting the Mustangs
  14. Like
    marshman got a reaction from Gasilla in Newton and WOS!   
    Lets get past this weekend first!
  15. Like
    marshman got a reaction from Gasilla in jack dallas wo-s qb   
    Meant to say, Sometimes things happen for a reason! Lol posting from my phone from a deer stand in Mississippi!!
  16. Like
    marshman got a reaction from One4All in jack dallas wo-s qb   
    Meant to say, Sometimes things happen for a reason! Lol posting from my phone from a deer stand in Mississippi!!
  17. Like
    marshman got a reaction from griff in West Orange-Stark 42 La Grange 7/Final/WO-S advances to semis!   
    I was sitting on the top row right by the press box and at halftime an older gentleman came out of the box wearing an LG polo shirt with an LG cap. I don't think he was a coach but obliviously he was affiliated with LG somehow, anyways, he was speaking to 2 guys that were also sitting near me who happened to be from a Houston area school just there to watch the game.  he told them he couldn't believe how much team speed WOS had on defense. He said, you hear about it and read about it and see it on film, but until you see it in person you just have no idea how fast they actually are.
  18. Like
    marshman got a reaction from CLW321 in West Orange-Stark 42 La Grange 7/Final/WO-S advances to semis!   
    I was sitting on the top row right by the press box and at halftime an older gentleman came out of the box wearing an LG polo shirt with an LG cap. I don't think he was a coach but obliviously he was affiliated with LG somehow, anyways, he was speaking to 2 guys that were also sitting near me who happened to be from a Houston area school just there to watch the game.  he told them he couldn't believe how much team speed WOS had on defense. He said, you hear about it and read about it and see it on film, but until you see it in person you just have no idea how fast they actually are.
  19. Like
    marshman got a reaction from the-riot07 in West Orange-Stark 42 La Grange 7/Final/WO-S advances to semis!   
    I was sitting on the top row right by the press box and at halftime an older gentleman came out of the box wearing an LG polo shirt with an LG cap. I don't think he was a coach but obliviously he was affiliated with LG somehow, anyways, he was speaking to 2 guys that were also sitting near me who happened to be from a Houston area school just there to watch the game.  he told them he couldn't believe how much team speed WOS had on defense. He said, you hear about it and read about it and see it on film, but until you see it in person you just have no idea how fast they actually are.
  20. Like
    marshman got a reaction from Mike_Mustang in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    Posted Today, 05:08 PM
    ICEWATER, on 03 Dec 2014 - 3:36 PM, said:
    And I'll third this...great post
  21. Like
    marshman reacted to td in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    He can run for over 200 as long as we win by 1!
  22. Like
    marshman got a reaction from stangx2 in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    Posted Today, 05:08 PM
    ICEWATER, on 03 Dec 2014 - 3:36 PM, said:
    And I'll third this...great post
  23. Like
    marshman reacted to whoisatfirst in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    "Let the silver helmet do the talking" :)
  24. Like
    marshman reacted in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    If you are a true Mustang or a former player then let the arguing with them end. Our motto was "DON'T TELL ME SHOW ME" I respect the LaGrange team and if we get cocky then we are acting like the very people that we love to send home with their feelings hurt. Be respectful and give credit where it is due. The kid is unreal and no your team is no one trick pony. We got work to do so find ways to support the boys and leave the arguing for people who have nothing else to do. We are the Mustang Nation and being humble speaks volumes! It promotes a positive spirit that we need right now so lets get it rollin!! So proud of my boys!!
  25. Like
    marshman reacted to Gasilla in West Orange vs Lagrange   
    HJ proved it, Giddings proved it, Caldwell proved it... problem is, none of them did. We must.
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