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  1. Haha
    5GallonBucket reacted to baddog in Dang "Erectionists"!   
    Hey CB, at least you have BG on your side. You should feel proud……..I agree carries a lot of weight. Lmao
  2. Haha
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Traitor Carlson   
    Well what can I say. I learned from the best.
    It’s hard to take anything you guys say serious.
    ”he s popular in Russia” 😂 so was Michael Jordan….probably still is.  
  3. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to LumRaiderFan in Global Warming Update!   
    Very easy to get snowflakes wound up about something, global cooling, global warming and now climate change has been one of the best snowflake tweekers to date.
  4. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to LumRaiderFan in Dang "Erectionists"!   
    Nope, biden vs Trump, no brainer for who is best for the country.  Take responsibility for your own vote, you know, like a grown up.
    I’m tired of folks blaming others for their bad choices.
  5. Thanks
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from Reagan in Dang "Erectionists"!   
    Everyone is more appealing than biden including your Trump daddy 😉😂
  6. Like
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Dang "Erectionists"!   
    Everyone is more appealing than biden including your Trump daddy 😉😂
  7. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to TxHoops in LC-M is open   
    Brad is a great dude with a sharp sense of humor.  They will miss him over here. 
  8. Haha
    5GallonBucket reacted to SmashMouth in More voting fraud! Guess who?   
    All VERY true. And it's both sides drinking the Kool-Aid. But I'll say it once again, I'll vote Trump over Biden everyday of the week and twice on Sundays...wait, did I just employ a democrat strategy?
  9. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to Reagan in More voting fraud! Guess who?   
    @CardinalBacker      Hard to argue with this!
  10. Like
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from Ty Cobb in 148 Democrats Just Voted AGAINST A Bill To Detain And Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Police Officers!   
    Let me put it nicely 
    ”dummies electing dummies”
  11. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to SmashMouth in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    1. Trump has been the president before, and you're saying he has a chance of winning again due to Biden's poor performance. And you're agreeing that he's a turd sandwich (fair). Wouldn't it stand to reason then that Trump must not have had a poor performance during his presidency (since that's the only reason you're saying Biden would lose) which refutes your claim that the only reason Trump stands a chance is due to Biden's poor performance?
    You would have been better served to say that the only reason DJT may lose the presidency is because his personality is unappealing to many (turd sandwich).
    I'll take effective over feelings 8 days out of 7.
    2. In my opinion, the major reason Biden has any shot at winning is TDS, a country that is slowly but surely being indoctrinated to socialistic thinking and a left-wing media bias that won't report what's truly happening. Definitely not going to win on the real issues. The real issues that are going to sink Biden:
    a. Wokeness and his unwillingness to stand up to it. He promised centrality, but instead took a hard left into oncoming traffic.
    b. Economy - go to the grocery store, and you'll see what I mean.
    c. Immigration - It's a dangerous free for all that is a huge national security risk, a personal safety risk, a health risk & an economic crisis for any city that has to take care of these illegal migrants. All to gain the Democrats millions of votes and control of the government basically forever.
    d. Energy - I could speak volumes, but you know what I mean.
    e. Crime and anti-LE sentiment - Turn on the news.
    f. Handling of COVID-19 - Biden did everything in his power to shut this country down short of martial law
    Get past the turd sandwich and do what's right for you, your family & the country as a whole.
  12. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to SmashMouth in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    Who was the last president that did what he said he would do? I think people are forgetting about the Senate and House. Without control of Congress, very little will be accomplished, no matter who wins. Politics is too polarized in this era.
    But I disagree with you saying he'll be fighting with his own party this go round. IF the GOP has the Presidency, Congress & Supreme Court all at the same time, I think you'll be surprised.
  13. Haha
    5GallonBucket reacted to SmashMouth in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    Idk why it posted 4 times, but hopefully CB gets the message at least once. Lol.
  14. Haha
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    Someone call a shrink quick….
  15. Haha
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from CardinalBacker in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    Someone call a shrink quick….
  16. Haha
    5GallonBucket reacted to tvc184 in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
     Right on schedule!!
  17. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to SmashMouth in Columbia University Protest Response   
    Aside from the religious implications, (since not everyone is a Jew or a Christian), there are many reasons for the United States to support Israel. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. It has been a partner to U.S. security and intelligence efforts for decades. Almost as many Jews live in the U.S. as in Israel, so personal connections are plentiful. It may very well be the most important ally the U.S. has.
  18. Haha
    5GallonBucket reacted to Big girl in Biden s title nine remake   
    It's a recognized mental disorder.
  19. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to baddog in Biden s title nine remake   
    Baseball bat time again. You mentioned two “mental” disorders. That tells me they are made up in someone’s mind. Allowing a male in women’s restrooms and letting them compete in women’s sports makes them feel better about themselves? All they amount to is males who can’t hack it in the real world.
  20. Like
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from Separation Scientist in Biden s title nine remake   
    Pure evil and if you vote that way you are too
    and you know exactly who I’m talking to
  21. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to baddog in Biden s title nine remake   
    Another in a long line of wussified people. Mental disorder lines right up with each other. I should be flogged for not knowing all mental disorders. Rusk hospital has some rooms available for these weirdos.
    Is that all you gleaned from my post? Your diploma precedes you.
    CB taking sides with you tells us all we need to know. Lol
  22. Like
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from Reagan in Political Memes   
    His place would definitely be crawling with illegals I was in charge.
  23. Haha
    5GallonBucket reacted to Englebert in More voting fraud! Guess who?   
    I didn't think it was possible, but your credibility has sunk even lower. And I can see my football analogy, although simplistic, flew way over your head. Why do you continue to lie?
    At least you didn't try to use your word of the day toilet paper in this post.
  24. Thanks
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in End of an Era: Boy Scouts of America Officially Changes Name to Embrace Inclusivity After 114 Years!   
    Progressiveness.  They take what they can even if it’s just a fraction of time.  They play the long game and before you know it their sticky web surrounds you.
  25. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to LumRaiderFan in End of an Era: Boy Scouts of America Officially Changes Name to Embrace Inclusivity After 114 Years!   
    Not yet, anyway.
    If you can't see that there has been a strong effort to create gender dysphoria amongst young folks AND try to keep it from parents in many instances, you're not paying attention.
    You may not care about this, but it's ridiculous to ridicule those that do.
    There is an agenda behind this, no doubt about it, like bullets pointed out earlier, it's just a name change...for now.
    And it was only very recently that girls were allowed to join the "boy scouts", they have been allowed to join certain other groups that weren't available to girls at the time.
    It's the frog in the slow boil.
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