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The Icon

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Posts posted by The Icon

  1. 7 hours ago, fido said:

    GCM needs to clean house and start fresh. Should have done it last time. Bring in a coach who is a proven winner and give Baytown a winner. It’s a shame 3 schools continue to produce losing teams. 

    How do you plan on bringing in a “proven winner” in what is almost May?

  2. 39 minutes ago, MEM said:

    Unfortunately you're correct....What has transpired since Barbay left is a absolute embarrassment.  If you ever wanted to see a blue print of how to kill a program look no further than Coldspring...It's a sh!t show plain and simple.  Who the heck hires a head coach with a 5-34 record only to see him quit less than a year later.  Unbelievable

    Must be why a couple of their players have taken their talents elsewhere in Polk County 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Alpha Wolf said:

    The Indians got a BU transfer late last year that will add a little electric or thump depending on which side of the ball they use him.  Small but plays with a ton of heart.  Can play RB, slot WR, S or CB plus he returns punts and kicks.  I know TF will find a way to utilize him unlike...never mind.

    Freudian slip?

  4. 42 minutes ago, Hazer said:

    Absolutely not, whoever told you this has a sour taste in their mouth about something. Great coach even better man.

    Perhaps it sounds like the term describing a daughter of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law? Who just so happens to coach at Fig ______?

  5. 8 minutes ago, oldschool2 said:

    I heard that the current AD isn't even really involved in the hiring process.  The board..or a committe..or maybe both are doing it which is why it's taking so long and/or not being done in a typical fashion.  That's just what I'm hearing.. so it looks like Kountze has Kountzed on the football job.  Shocker. 

    Who would want to take a 3A job and not be the AD and Head Football Coach?

  6. 34 minutes ago, navydawg31 said:

    Central middle school is the old high school... that’s why the football stadium is located there but it was built well and to last.. The high school was built in the 70s it’s the “newest” school but built open concept without walls. Langham elementary is the oldest I can’t recall 100% sure but I believe it was in the 30s it was built. Maybe someone can correct me better. 


    Some may say the kids are doing fine, why change? 

    Why not ask what can make them even better?

  7. 17 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Good post!  But let's not confuse those that are pushing this bond with facts.  When taxes are raised, and this is what this is, then everything is affected.  156,000,000 MILLION Dollars is a lot of money for which I'll say will not make much, if any, difference in a child's education.  Stadium improvements will not make athletes play any better.  If it did -- PNG would be State Champions every year.   But, I guess, it'll make them feels better about themselves.

    I appreciate your willingness to discuss and debate this civilly.

    I’m not even referencing the stadium upgrades - just the ones to the existing schools. I see the value in investing in STEM and CATE programs and the addition of sufficient classroom space so students are no longer in portable buildings.

  8. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I guess you haven’t priced mid county real estate lately, but you can pretty much double that figure up to 200k. Taxes on commercial property (which is taxed higher) will go up, too. So unless you’re Section 8, your rent is gonna go up, too. But what’s an extra $100 here or there? All of the local businesses that you visit will be passing their increased costs on to you the consumer as well. 

    I’d say the typical Nederlanderthal can expect his/her actual costs to run a little closer to $1500/year. 

    The bug man on Spurlock? He’s paying higher taxes on his home, his business property, his business personal property, and all of his work trucks. His costs are for the new bond issue are probably going to be 25x what you’re predicting. The good news is that he can pass a lot of costs on to his customers. So your $50/bug treatment is now a $60 bug treatment. Same for every other local business that you visit.  You will pay more for every margarita, every tank of gasoline, and every grocery that you buy in town. 

    So $30/month is by no means reflective of the true cost of the bond issue. 

    That was his choice to open a business - you assume the costs of running it. The good news is we have a free market economy, and are free to seek out other "bug men" for more affordable prices. I understand your point of view, and it is your right to speak out against it and vote it down. 

    There are plenty of homeowners in Mid County living in homes that are worth considerably less than $200K. However, once again, I do see your point. I'm also a firm supporter of adequately equipping young people for the future. Good news is we live in a country that allows us to speak freely, assemble and vote. Mr. Mosley has said on multiple occasions for the citizens, both for and against a bond, to attend the school board meetings and other gatherings to voice their opinion, so a more informed and collective decision can be made. 

    We'll see what happens in May.

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