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Posts posted by griff

  1. 2 hours ago, WOS99 said:

    I have actually seen HJ this year, and i can vouch for their classiness. In fact, even though "classing up" the uniforms was a nice touch, I think they are hding them back on the field. The tuxedos restrict flexibility, especially when throwing the ball and tackling. Also, it seems like an inordinate amount of time is wasted with "equipment time outs" while players search for monocles between plays. Maybe only players who need glasses should be required to wear them? 

    In some ways, it does improve sportsmanship, but it also dulls some of the aggressiveness that is NECESSARY. Yes, telling your opponent, "That was a dandy run, friend," is sportsman like and even quaint and endearing. But requiring your players to say "Many pardons" every time they slip through the line or break a tackle quenches that competitive fire. 

    I don't mind being required to wear a jacket to the concession stand, but I don't like being called "riff raff" when I order a link and popcorn. I don't carry enough cash for caviar or escargot, and wine and cheese are hard to enjoy in the stands. I also have to protest the parking being valet only - especially when the man at the podium tells the valet to park my truck "in the nearest body of water."

    I enjoyed HJ's halftime show, but I felt bad for the kid marching with the cello and the nine kids who had to carry the piano and the pianist all over a muddy field. I hope the girl who fell off of the piano is OK. That was scary. There were sequins everywhere.

    The chandelier over the field is beautiful, but the rigging holding it up is bound to cost a fortune.

    And "Puttin' on the Ritz" is a weird choice for a fight song. 

    Ha ha ha...good stuff, 99. I would make one correction, though...their field is never muddy. The grass is so thick because they never trim it when WO-S comes to town. It's an attempt to counter the speed stampede, but it's just not enough. 

    HJ fans, this is all in fun. Let's have a competitive injury-free game Friday. 

  2. He seemed to think he was the most popular person on this site and we just couldn't live without him. The constant posting every five minutes on every thread was irritating. He was given many warnings from the site's owner to stop. I mean...the guy had over 70,000 posts. Does he have a life away from this message board? Just like Cooper a few years back...his moderator status was stripped, so he pouted and took his ball to play somewhere else. This site is more enjoyable without him. 

  3. The third TD by Kennedale should not have counted. A WO-S defender was breathing down the neck of their QB, then was badly held to the point where his jersey was almost pulled off. It had a direct impact on the play and allowed the QB to get free and score. The ref blew that big time. 

    It seems that after one of the WO-S guys got tossed for throwing a punch, we may have lost some compusure, at least a couple of players may have. It lead to a Kennedale TD. Kennedale was facing 3rd and 17 and would likely have punted there. This TD could have been prevented and I can understand Coach T being upset over that.  

    That 96 yard TD from Kennedale was a blast up the middle. Our safety seemed to move out of position and the play came right at the area he moved away from. That was an impressive burst and Kennedale definitely earned that one. In spite of all my nitpicking (not to mention too many penalties), the defense played great. Only 70 or so yards allowed in the first half. A few mistakes late in the game bit us, but overall the Mustangs earned an impressive win. 

    Kennedale is easily the best team WO-S has faced so far. They were big, physical, and their tailbacks have good speed. This is the kind of competition the Mustangs can expect in the playoffs.  

    Now it's on to district play... 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Stattrax said:

    Buddy Garrity is on a break.. I have to take up the slack... I tried to fill the front page with Vidor post but the mods caught me and combined them....LOL...

    Is it a permanent break? You mean we can now have conversations here without the same poster responding every 5 seconds in every thread? This is starting to sound like a more pleasant place to visit.  

  5. 21 minutes ago, pakronos said:

    can't tell with three threads about can or who can, what's the best back what's the best  or that wos faced ...NOBODY CARES!! and by you posting in this thread a couple of times. probably more., that makes you???? oh yeah, being part of the stupidity i'm referring to....go have a seat.

    Lol...that's because you didn't see the sarcasm in those threads. Chester86 (who is not from WO-S) and 78Stang started two of them as a joke towards skipper. You gotta look a little harder and follow the trails to grasp the meaning of these threads. So you see, your outrage was all for nothing. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, pakronos said:

    actually pull that up because in the first one, it was cancelled due to lightning. the second one jamaal made yall look REAL silly. and i'm not deleting it. it's to bring awareness of the stupidity that posters are posting these dumb threads.

    You have incorrect info. The first year the two teams scrimmaged, WO-S outscored PAM 20-7. The following year, PAM outscored WO-S by a lot. 

    This thread is ridiculous. Congratulations for being part of the stupidity you refer to. Most WO-S fans DON'T CARE about who would beat who by playing teams in larger classifications. We're all about winning in 4AD2. 

  7. 1 hour ago, thaghost said:

    Actually the two schools have played before. It was a JV game, but we have played. It was Terrance Singleton, Jhuan Seales and Elandon Roberts sophomore year. PAM won and there was a tussle afterwards. (Which is possibly why the teams stopped playing)

    WO-S and PAM had two scrimmages several years ago. WO-S outscored PAM in one of them, and PAM returned the favor in the next one. That is the complete history between these two schools. 

    pakronos, by creating this thread you are contributing to NOT letting this nonsense stop. 'Never should have started this thread. You can also delete this thread anytime. 

  8. Why...why...WHY...continue asking these silly questions? WHY can't some of these posters be satisfied with winning in the division they are sanctioned...4AD2...and stop with the hypothetical questions that are meaningless? 

    We are only in week 6 and the Mustangs still have much business to take care of. WO-S fans, try to stay focused on the journey ahead of you...PLEASE!

    If we (WO-S) win the state title, at the end of the season is the time to ponder these questions. Not NOW. 

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