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Posts posted by Reagan

  1. 3 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    And she frequently criticizes the source of other posters- in her mind, Jeff Sessions= bad  Valerie Jarret=beyond reproach

    Steve, one thing about it -- Trump's putting in adults in these important positions. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Big girl said:

    This is the hidden content, please

    What are your thoughts?

    It's like when Hillary made the statement that if elected she was going to run the coal miners out of business and coal miners will lose their jobs.  And when a miner confronted her about it she said -- you took my statement out of context!  So, BigGirl, if you excepted your beloved Hillary's explanation then you have to accept that this too was taken out of context!

  3. 43 minutes ago, Big girl said:

    This is the hidden content, please

    You guys know about Bannon. Here is another one

    Quoting Motherjones and the Huffington Puffington Post?  What's next, the Political Times of communist Russia or China?  Listen -- these rags, along with the lame-stream media, got the polls wrong and the election wrong.  And you still take them serious? 

  4. 1 hour ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    whats sad is....is that trump and conservatives have to spend time and money cleaning up all of Obama's trash he left behind (larger debt, obamacarecrap, illegal aliens as well as terrorist, depleted military, more free crap.....dang now that I think about it did Obama do anything good.....oh wait seal team 6 killed Osama bin laden while he was in office.......oh and he helped elect President Trump.....THATS IT....THATS OBAMA GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT ELECTING TRUMP.  Thank you Obama I now may consider you ahead of Carter.


    True!  With carter we got Reagan.  With obama we got Trump!  Again -- everything is done for a reason!

  5. Their free speech is important not the University's President.  These 469 students and professors that signed this letter, doesn't seem that concerned though.  They still go to school there and still work there! If they had true convictions, the professors should resign and the students should leave and go else where.  As a matter of fact, if I were the University President -- I would insist on it!

    This is the hidden content, please

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