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Posts posted by RoschonsBigBro

  1. 14 minutes ago, oldschool2 said:

    Getting the waiver approved is only part of it.  It still has to at least say on paper that the kid actually moved into the district.  

    The PAPF (previous athletic participation form) has to be filled out by the previous school/Athletic director to decide whether or not the kid is moving for athletic reasons.  There is a place on the form for the student's previous address, as well as the new address.  The new address has to be in the school district of the new school.  Or it's getting denied.  Waivers can be filed...but I think the likelihood is pretty low.  If at all.

    This is the hidden content, please

    I what you're saying becauset again I did it and was denied for the addresses. With port Arthur, groves, Nederland and Port Neches sometimes the separation of cities is across the street. for example twin city hwy in Port Arthur is P.A. On one side of the street and Groves on the other. Literally 20 yards of street. I bring this up because with the cities being close like that getting addresses could be easy especially if your family and extended family live in the area. I transferred from a school that was 30 mins away from my original school. My brother lives in Groves, aunt int Nederland and the rest is in P. A. If you know what you are doing to work the system, you could have your pick of schools 

  2. 9 minutes ago, oldschool2 said:

    Proves my point.  Did the kid sit a calendar year?  If not...then what you just stated is illegal.  

    Not if his waiver got approved.  There is a waiver that can be submitted with a fee. Otherwise you are correct you sit a year. I think LN has the pull to do that.  When I. Transferred mine was denied and I had to sit

  3. 3 minutes ago, GCMPats said:

    That would be quite the feat since we don't play.

    Why was he "buried on the depth chart" at Memorial? Is he a senior?

    Are you saying he transferred for athletic purposes?

    Junior. And Who knows? I'm not  the coach or that kid but  the Nederland peeps have said that plenty of times. 

  4. 1 hour ago, GCMPats said:

    Prima donnas. 


    No you are wrong there.  The quarterback for Nederland  was a transfer from Memorial. he transferred because he was buried on the depth chart.  Now he's a starter and is likely going to beat your GCM patriots whenever y'all play. How do you hate transfers when you don't have talent on your team? you need transfers!!!

  5. 4 minutes ago, NDNation said:

    This was not the right way to expose. You do not send it to the person it's about...they should have turned it over to the coach or someone with authority. Sending it to someone at WOS is just stirring the pot ..not resolving the problem.

    I get you but I have to respectfully disagree. It may have never come out that way and I do not think that would have helped anything.  I in fact think it helps to bring the problem to the forefront because now on this very website Blacks and Whites are having POSITIVE CONVERSATION on race relations. People from all across SETX are communicating together on this issue. This same issue that is a THEME in the CURRENT ELECTION and that has plagued this country since its creation. This is what America needs to heal. Different people coming together TO LISTEN TO ONE ANOTHER before JUDGING EACH OTHER. This provides an example to parents and kids alike in SETX that this behavior is wrong and non progressive. 

  6. 1 hour ago, NDNation said:

    Sounds like the person that forwarded it to the WOS player, wasn't  trying to correct a wrong, but start even more mess.

    If you see and hear things like this and do not say anything about it, I assume you condone it. Who cares how it happened, racism exposed is a win


    10 minutes ago, NDNation said:

    To me it goes beyond even that....I've raised mine to be respectful of others peoples feelings. You don't call people fat, You don't judge by the cloths people wear, etc...... You don't intentionally set out to hurt someone. Basic manners go a long way. And stand up for whats right.

    I agree. Many people apparently do not. I love SETX and miss Port Arthur from time to time. I would be lying however, if I told you that I didn't experience similar things and worse growing up though. We have a long way to go.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Gabe said:

    I know several BC parents and they are very upset. One was talking of removing their child from the team because they didn't want them a part of this. 

    Good, I  know everyone is not like that in BC. I just also know that children are much more likely to internalize the beliefs of family or close friends than just some random guy that they met spouting racial slurs. If your parents do not condone bigotry, then you are much more likely to not condone it either and vice versa, 

  9. 9 minutes ago, NDNation said:

    Wonder what the parents will do.

    Probably nothing, bigotry and racism is usually learned from family or others in close proximity. Racism and bigotry are taught, which is why all kids play with one another at the playground before they are influenced by outside forces. One has to challenge the schemas the individuals hold about others to create the dissonance needed to bring about positive change.

  10. I know that tweet  isn't a representation of all people in BC but this is how many people undoubtably feel. I'm a 90s kid, but even as I was growing up places like BC and Vidor were never places I felt comfortable being after dark or for long periods in the day.  Its sad because it reflects the how some people haven't learned a damn thing. BC again has many great people , but that has got to get handled. 

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