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Everything posted by myrecordwashorrible

  1. Because it's not a "mainstream" media organization people will question this. But, with a democratic president in place who is much less popular than Obama and no other "star" on that side, information like this makes 2024 so interesting. Trump, DeSantis or whomever needs Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia to flip. A little over 40,000 votes in those 3 states. Simply a matter of Democrat enthusiasm likely down and there are always independents that flip that make those 3 states so interesting. Wisconsin Supreme Court, like it or not, will play a huge roll with the recent decision on drop boxes. Arizona was really tight and Hispanics are flipping party alignment. Georgia scares me though. Weird statement here...I wish Kemp were on the ballot in 2024 instead of 2022. Might have a better shot at preventing poster board on windows and "better plumbing" at voting sites if he was on the ballot at that time.
  2. Can't believe I'm in a forum about junior league football. One of your biggest issues that few people realize is puberty from a developmental standpoint. Feel free to roll eyes and stop reading if you wish. It's interesting how different races "hit" puberty at different ages, so this example really shows up in a predominant Caucasian population. 7th grade half back hit puberty before almost all other "candidates" for the position, 8th grade he is now the H back, and when high school comes around he has become an interior d-line player. I ask college players how many of you played with "this" kid in J. High and HS and almost all grin and have some similar example. I mention this to support those of you that understand the importance of development for the young athletes. There's only playoffs for Varsity teams in schools and that is how it should be. All other levels are for development.
  3. I'll play along. Why Pelosi as VP? Rockefeller was Ford's VP not the Speaker of the House. Curious as to why her. If Harris becomes President, wouldn't she likely be the Dem nominee in '24? If so, she may prefer to already have her running mate in place. Quite sure she would never have Pelosi on the ticket. Age, national view of her, etc. Harris may also want a lesser "personality" than Pelosi.
  4. Reagan! Get another source! 45thand46th said to. You must comply!
  5. Lesser of 2 evils? I simply don't recall the DOJ under Trump going after mom's and dad's at school board meetings questioning curriculum and boys in girls bathrooms. Labeling concerned parents as domestic terrorist! If I'm wrong please enlighten me. I sadly get to see the textbooks the left puts out. Pick up a sociology text and explain to me how a so called moderate Democrat could even think about being part of that party. If lesser of 2 evils and his crew could, they would shut down every Christian based school in this country. They including 46 do all they can to withhold funding. There's your evil. I'll leave you with 1 more. When that party celebrates abortion you are evil. If you support it, I disagree. When you celebrate it, you lose all grounds for any discussion of evil. If you doubt they celebrate it , left wing articles have celebrate in the title of stories about the World Trade Center being lit to celebrate Cuomo's signing of an abortion law. CELEBRATE!! Sheer madness.
  6. LCM93, my turn to call you out! Lol. I was referencing it's distance to Moorhead in Conroe. Mentioned Woodforest because Texas Bob states it uses both as a home facility. I believe all of Conroe ISD uses Moorehead at one time.
  7. Scott High School in Woodville. I simply know this due to the late GREAT John Payton, quite possibly the most beloved coach/professor in LU history.
  8. To hear political pundits on both sides discuss this issue....it is common place for former Presidents to have documents. There is often examinations/discussions about what can and can not be kept.
  9. There are likely quite a few situations like that with a school on the edge of its district and bordering another school district. Oak Ridge is slightly closer to Spring High than it is to Buddy Moorehead in Conroe. According to Texas Bob, Oak Ridge utilizes it and Woodforest Bank stadium.
  10. LCM93...I was reading all the things being written and simply ignored your title. I didn't read the instructions on the test. My bad!
  11. Disregard previous post at least the section about the original post and playing at other schools for home games. Head up the...moment.
  12. If the original post is related to having to possibly use other schools facilities for a "home" game or actually be the home team at the visitors stadium could be a frustrating situation. I have no idea of the situation and if it could have been avoided. High school kids are resilient when they choose to be and it can be used as a motivation tool. ROAD WARRIOR! t-shirts and a "cause" to rally around. Silly? Maybe, but if it works.. Heck some kids would love the after game meal that's often served for road games. There are coaching staffs that get disappointed about certain games NOT being on the road because of the restaurants in that given town. 😀 Also, several times professional teams at the highest levels have used alternative venues for several seasons to build and/or refurbish. Just a simple thought thrown in.
  13. Her lead keeps growing. She is approaching a 40,000 vote deferential. Interesting still that the "decision room" folks didn't have the data to know this was coming. There were lesser known groups discussing the mathematical situation for Karrin Taylor Robson and calling it. Yes, I keep harping on this, but what Fox did on election night 2020 in Arizona was beyond unethical. They chose the same state to snub someone and many feel its simply because she questions the legitimacy of 2020. A certain gubernatorial candidate in Georgia still says SHE was cheated the last time she ran for governor. But, don't dare question that state either when it comes to 2020. Feel free to slam me for this and say I'm living in the past. The present situation is what keeps the past alive.
  14. I have been rooting for this one. Jesse Kelly and Jack Posobiec are big supporters, for what it's worth.
  15. Aside from the occasional major city with a 4-A district, it would be real interesting at that level and below to know how many "travel" for a home game. I know it would be low. Imagine most would be a situation where a new high school was built and the old one became the junior high (hate the term middle school). Thus, the stadium is now off site from the high school until and if ever a new stadium is/was built.
  16. Interesting question. In the 5A and 6A ranks there are many schools with no on-campus game day stadiums. School districts with multiple schools often have no on-campus game day facilities or 1 at the oldest high school. Totally different from your question, but it would be an interesting thing to know. How many schools, by classification, do not play games on campus?
  17. You didn't answer. You stated a question. You failed as always, but think you accomplished something.
  18. Now you are just being cute 45. Cute in your own eyes. Congratulations on being the annoying teenager that gets off on pissing off your teachers, coaches, and friends. You are a piece of work. High five your buddies reading your posts for us all. I would have loved having you in class. Loved it! You would have been the one kid I would have turned the tables on daily.
  19. No he is not. I answered your question. Now please answer mine.
  20. Interesting. Yang and Cuomo are questioning this move. This is quite interesting. If this was done with very little input from "above", I would love to hear the internal conversations with those involved in the process and those concerned about the optics. A what the hell were you thinking moment?
  21. 45 and 46, question for you. If both suck why do you sledom if ever comment about anything you see questionable by 46? When you do, it often points out something you disliked about 45.
  22. Card, do you think what has happened is justified or do you not like it and just pointing out what you saw at the Trump rallies?
  23. It has to be just wonderful for a young man at HD to play sports that knows about this website. A few locals either over hype things are some disgruntled parent is ripping coaches. A small town program that should be able to just play and enjoy their time has been set up for jokes and ridicule by those individuals. Not smart and definitely not productive.
  24. Check out the background of the judge that signed the warrant!
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