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Posts posted by Tigers2010

  1. Can't say I didn't see this coming. LSU was a smoke screen to make sure Texas didn't take their time in the hiring process. No question Strong had 3 down years in terms of wins and losses, but you can't deny it was on the rise. Look at the recruiting classes he was getting. The pieces are there and more are coming. They were not mature enough yet. Herman will have the pieces, but needs to keep recruiting well. Texas has to be patient. 

  2. 1 hour ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Do you spew that racism crap everywhere you go?!!!!!!!

    Idk why she is even acknowledged on this board. She squirts out comments like this constantly, and refuses to back up any of it. She refuses to answer any rebuttal question, knowing she has no legitimate argument.

    Do you all not think she does this just to piss people off? Like an obnoxious child looking for attention, you can't play into the act. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Uncle Pig said:

    Im not sure about a coaching advantage...number of coaches yes Yoe will have advantage, but Coach Robinson has proven himself as one of the better coaches in the state. He's won pretty much everywhere he has been.

    You are correct, not discrediting Robinson. He is a very good coach as well. It should be an great game. I am hoping Woodville pulls it off.

  4. 22 minutes ago, UTfanatic said:

    And what GOOD DC would come for possibly 1 year?

    ......and what HC candidates would be different next year?



    A quality DC could come knowing if Strong doesn't stay, the job will be open. Usually the OC and DC get at least an interview. Especially if the said DC who would come is a damn good DC. May come, hoping to eventually land Strong's job.

    Idk. Like I said, i'm not thrilled with what has been going on. I just don't think there is a big enough catch to make a difference as fast as we want. Your better off giving him another full year of Shane and that offense and go from there. Once again who is a realistic expectation?

  5. 16 hours ago, baddog said:

    I love it. I laughed all the way through. This is hwat I have referred to as the wussification of America. This is the generation of kids coming from the.....timeout, unspanked, everyone gets a trophy/ribbon, yeah but what about them.....did I cover it all? These people have never had to take responsibility for their own actions. That is the whole thing in a nutshell.

    These people are in college? For them, college is a continuation of daycare that public schools provided for their parents. 


  6. 1 hour ago, nappyroots said:

    They already had everything except the presidency. Because they couldn't beat Obama. 

    An African American is elected twice by the same people the Left call racists. How does that work? Couldn't be that the Dems got behind a trash candidate that couldn't out politic a celebrity. The Republican party could have ran almost anybody and beat Clinton. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    U make an excellent point.  And it proves how indoctrinated these nba players and owners are as well as a lot of the liberals. 

    when these players' career s are over most will be broke living off govt.....then again if trump fixes this they won't be living off govt......they will be suffering for THEIR bad life choices.

    I pray for this day. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, Bandwagon Ranger said:

    Well, it's just what it is right now.

    It has been frustrating to watch. I just try to convince myself that the team is young and will be 100% better next year.

    Now, if Herman had UH playing lights out, I may have a different stance


    My whole point. There is not a realistic candidate out there that will change the landscape of Texas Football. The team is young. I don't think you bail on Charlie with a freshman QB that could be a difference maker next year. Unless you bring in a Saban, Meyer, Fisher, Swinney, what is the point. Give it another year and go from there.

  9. 41 minutes ago, UTfanatic said:


    If he beats Kansas loses badly to TCU!

    We should not even be having this conversation. 

    We are Texas and should not expect/accept mediocrity!


    I doubt very seriously Texas loses badly to TCU. If they get ran off the field in embarrassing fashion he is probably gone. They will not lose to Kansas. 

  10. IMO the most realistic expectation would be Herman or Peterson. I like the latter. I was never sold on Herman, nor completely on Peterson, but if they are set on a new coach he would be a formidable choice. Saban, Harbaugh, Meyer, and Fisher seem pretty unrealistic. I would be thrilled for a Dabo Swinney to Texas move. With Watson leaving for the NFL, I could see Dabo considering that move. Doubtful, but one can dream. 

  11. In your opinion UTFanatic, who do you think should be the man, if Strong is let go. Texas is not winning, so it would have to be a name that recruits will believe in. Is Herman still that guy after the collapse at U of H? Les Miles? Who is a realistic expectation?

  12. 8 hours ago, UTfanatic said:

    I believe the PTB have already made a decision, just waiting on the announcement. 

    Black Friday

    Texas will not be held ransom by a couple of recruits!!!

    Depending on the new staff and having them on board in December, new recruits could be lining up outside of Belmont. 

    Horns up and Hookem 


    I doubt there will be a new staff. There is a pretty obvious progression at the QB position, which has killed Texas in the past. He can play, and there is no reason to dump a new coach on him after his freshman year. Didn't Strong hit on him? I think another year to grow from him and tighten up that defense, next year will be a more Texas-like year. I'm all for firing him, after one more year. ONE.

  13. As disappointed UT Football has made me in the last 8 years or so, I think you gotta bring Charlie back for one more year, at least. He has the pieces on offense (QB), finally to make a run at a Big 12 title. Obviously the defense has got to play better, but there has been a progression in overall team play that they have not shown in recent memory. I'd give him one more year with this group.

  14. 1 minute ago, TradenupBH said:

    I agree with you. I believe besides coaching, Texas fell off when Briles went to Baylor and started snagging some really good recruits. TCU, U of H have had recent success as well and are picking up really good recruits. Years ago, Texas had it's choice on whoever they wanted in Texas. Now, not so much. That was the point I was trying to make. Baylor will fall down with the likes of Kansas now.

    Texas fell off when they had their choices of players, and missed on those players. Nothing other schools have done, in my opinion, has caused UT to fall. The Longhorn did this to themselves and it is up to them to get out of it. You cannot repeatedly miss at the QB position. 

  15. 1 minute ago, TradenupBH said:

    If you think UT is the same as they've been in the past, you're as dillusional as the other Crosby fans. TCU, Baylor, and U of H are taking recruits from UT. At the end of the day UT may be ranked higher for recruits, but those schools are stealing some of the cream of the crop. Don't get mad at me because Texas is like 5th or 6th best in Texas. Lol btw, I could care less since I'm an LSU guy.

    Regardless of UT's recent struggles, they will always survive. I wouldn't be surprised if they get back to the top of the Big 12 sooner rather than later.

    Baylor on the other hand, is about to take a major tumble. I think that is why Baylor fans are so mad. They know whats coming, and the future has very few wins in it. OF is right, it happens. However, this is bad for Briles, real bad. He will not be on the sideline for the foreseeable future, thats a given. I would not be totally shocked if he never gets another D1 job again. This is about as close to a death penalty as you can get. With season being so close, Baylor will be in complete disarray, and think of all of the future recruits that will not even consider Baylor now. Briles was the reason they were going. With their performance looking like it will take a major hit in the coming years, I cannot see a major prospect gong to Waco without a Briles there.

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