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Everything posted by EnlightenedMessiah

  1. Did you even read the article you linked?   I need PROOF. Not the chances of some guy getting betrayed by a friend.    
  2. Why would I make a case for them doing it? I don't support it at all.
  3. The scientific data goes against your personal ignorant beleifs, therefore it must be "doctored" evidence. Gotcha.
  4. More conservatives trying to revise history [Hidden Content]
  5. Let me guess.. You don't believe in the theory of gravity either?
  6. It's called work. I don't sit around all day collecting social security like you grandpa.
  7. Which one? And why the one -you- believe in? I need proof besides the book that's making the claim (circular reasoning)
  8. Why is it always republicans in southern states doing stupid stuff like this? First they deny science.. Now they're trying to revise history / brainwash the youth. [Hidden Content]
  9. Oh, and the extreme voters on both sides who don't beleive there can be a middle ground. This forum is the perfect example. I never voted for Obama and thought Romney wouldve been a better choice, but because I don't passionately hate the guy I'm just a socialist in disguise. Despite me being fiscally conservative and working in an industry where a Romney presidency would've benefited me tremendously.
  10. Fox News and MSNBC. Both are complete trash that pander to their audiences. Dumb rednecks want to hear about Obama being born in Kenya and welfare leeches want to hear about how the white man is holding them down.
  11. Oh you watch MSNBC now?? I knew you were one of those obummer kool aid drinkers. RINO!! It all makes sense now. You're like one of those super anti gay marriage people who are secretly gay.
  12. I'm seriously surprised some of you dummies passed middle school. Oh wait never mind, the Texas education system is trash
  13. Hilarious seeing idiots on this board pointing at short term weather fluctuations as if that's proof that global warming is fake. Keep that stereotype alive fellas
  14. Let me guess.. NASA and NOAA a doesn't count since they're liberal Obama puppets [Hidden Content] If you disagree with science then you an idiot. Sorry not sorry.
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