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Everything posted by EnlightenedMessiah

  1. How do your questions help you understand what I asked? I asked if you really thought the earth was cooling. It's pretty straightforward
  2. Wow this guy actually thinks the series 7/63/etc are difficult exams, I literally busted out laughing
  3. You have a weird obsession with me and my political views. You come in every single topic and derail it with pointless arguments. I think you're envious that I manage billions of dollars worth of investments (confirmed by bullets13) while you manage retail accounts.
  4. Stay tuned for the post where Stevenash claims to know my political views better than I do.
  5. Stevenash and I have entered into another pointless pissing contest. He wants me to admit MSNBC sucks so I can appear unbiased. I figured this was already obvious, but apparently I was mistaken. I have placed too much faith in the intellect of certain posters in this forum. I apologize for making assumptions. Let it be known that Fox News isn't the only news outlet I dislike. Let's start a discussion on how much MSNBC sucks. Stay tuned for my "Is water wet" discussion.
  6. I post about how much Fox News sucks because the majority of you guys consider it gospel. MSNBC is also terrible. You guys know that. Do you want me to make a post about that so we can sit around and pat each other on the back? YES/NO, let me know.
  7. It just infuriates Stevenash that I'm fiscally conservative and (usually) socially liberal. His brain can't comprehend it.
  8. You thought my post about all presidents being socialists was serious? You are not a smart man.
  9. You're trying to catch me in a trap, when I actually agree with you. You see, as an enlightened individual, I agree with conservatives on certain issues while agreeing with liberals on other issues. Go ahead and attach a questionnaire that I can fill out. I know it's coming.
  10. Add up the number of viewers for the liberal news outlets and compare it to fox, there's your answer
  11. Stevenash admitted global warming is real. The end must be near guys. Stock up on ammo, food and bibles.
  12. I've said multiple times every major domestic news outlet is clearly biased and therefore trash. You're showing signs of Alzheimer's due to old age so I forgive you. fox news has a large viewership because they have a monopoly on conservative slanted news. It's pretty simple
  13. I'll be generous and let you use your own definition of global warming. Just be sure to state your definition of global warming in your answer.
  14. Sorry that your brain doesn't have the intellectual capacity to figure it out
  15. You think the Earth is currently cooling? Do you, by chance, get your news from Fox News? Genuinely curious
  16. This should be an interesting topic, seeing that conservatives aren't the most scientifically inclined.
  17. "Fox News reinforces my personal beliefs, therefore they are the best news outlet" - setxsports.com in a nutshell
  18. I have better things to do than defend positions that I don't even believe in. You need help.
  19. I don't represent the left Do you represent the KKK? Alright then.. Stop making baseless claims
  20. Al Jazeera is better than Fox News, which isn't saying much I admit
  21. I would've voted to sterilize idiots in the first place to avoid the situation
  22. Idgaf about this topic, just pointing out how the usual talking points you guys stick to are stupid This forum is a Fox News 25/8 anti obama echo chamber
  23. Rich have never been richer under obama. Dang socialists! Oh wait, socialist means taking from the rich (via taxes) and giving to the poor. Whelp.. Looks like every president since 1800 something is a socialist! Well gahhh leeee I'll be darned
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