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Everything posted by EnlightenedMessiah

  1. I pity the fool who takes a politicians word at face value. Talk about lessons unlearned. D or R.. They are politicians. They do not care about you (unless you're one of their very generous donors)
  2. But what if the people are protesting obama after he (hypothetically) amends the constitution and declares himself emperor of the US for another 50 years. Would you want your local police having military grade equipment? If those police don't comply with executive orders they get jailed for treason.
  3. Let me clarify - my tank example is obviously a hyperbole. I do not expect police to use a tank to arrest ferguson rioter #194
  4. It comes down to a personal responsibility issue for me. Dumb people are going to be dumb. Don't punish the rest of the country (guns, McDonald's, beer, etc)
  5. if push comes to shove and the American people ever need to take back the country from the government, the last thing I want is for the local police to have tanks while I have a BB gun
  6. I think a standard assault rifle will work. No need for city police to have the latest military gadgets.
  7. Legal system now is set up to arrest as many people as possible to collect revenues via fines/court costs/probation so police departments can get some damn tanks and sniper rifles to "protect us from terrorists". Such a joke.
  8. I remember reading about how teenage drinking picked up dramatically after the age requirement was lowered in some European country, but after a few years it tapered off and now really isn't a big deal. I'll see if I can find it later
  9. It probably is being increasingly found at schools, but I'd say that's because it's the hot new controversial topic at hand and not because of mom and dad leaving it around the house. Give it 5-10 years and I bet the craze does down (in states already legal) I'd say your experience regarding underage drinking is an outlier. Now it's 21+ and laws are a lot more strict. I remember having to jump through hoops to get a six pack
  10. But legalization and regulation would actually make it harder for kids to get it. Right now your kid can buy it from any one of his classmates with no real hurdles. Finding a source to buy alcohol was significantly harder for most kids in high school because alcohol has to be purchased by a 21+ year old inside a licensed store. Drug dealers don't ID, stores do.
  11. Ok real conservatives - would you vote for or against marijuana legalization in the state of Texas?
  12. This is why the seperation of church and state is so important. You have idiots from all religions fighting each other trying to prove that their magical sky god is the right god and everyone else is wrong.
  13. Fine with me. I support the legalization of prostitution as well. Hooker gets her money, guy gets the service he payed for. Win-win. Free markets right?  
  14. I'm fine with legalizing and regulating marijuana without the taxation. Would that make you happy?   How about you answer the question? What is so hard about that? Do you support the legalization or marijuana? Yes/No and give reasons why. It's not that hard TVC, stop beating around the bush.  
  15. TVC, I'd like to extend to you a pat on the back for recognizing the super obvious hyperbole. Congrats. Your cookie will be shipped in approximstely 3-5 days.
  16. What?   I never said conservatives are in favor of higher taxes.   I never said conservatives are against law and order.   I never said conservatives are against keeping non-violent offenders out of jail.   Good job avoiding the question. I don't expect you to be of much help in this topic, considering your line of work.  
  17. Personal freedom - Check Tax revenues - Check Less taxpayer money spent on court costs - Check Less taxpayer money spent on jailing non-violent offenders - Check     Common sense would say that marijuana should be legalized, regulated and taxed in a manner similar to alcohol. For those without common sense who oppose pot legalization, can you give us some reasons why?
  18. Supposedly this guy "True Republican" is going to win the 2016 in a landslide. I've done tons of research on academic databases such as foxnews.com and could not exactly pinpoint who this guy was.   Can someone help me out here?
  19. No no no we must have it wrong my man!   These guys only post 10 anti Obama articles every single day for the past 5+ years because they "disagree" with him.. Yaaaaa, about that..  
  20. Lol... I'm talking to an old senile redneck stuck in his ways  
  21. Right. 99% of the posts on this board is about how obama is a Muslim. But it's the liberals who are doing all the hating. Keep telling yourself that
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