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Everything posted by EnlightenedMessiah

  1. If this board is any indication of the general public then you have your parties confused bud
  2. Hate how PC this country has become. Blacks, women, Muslims, Etc have entered into a competition on who can be the most offended and victimized
  3. Republicans will kill each other off and democrats win by default in 2016
  4. We need to ban cheeseburgers as well. Too many fatties in this country taking up the parking spots
  5. Quick, someone use their mental gymnastic skills and somehow relate this to Obama being a Muslim
  6. Oh, you guys are under the impression that jobs that were outsourced so Mr. CEO can get a bigger bonus would come back if US tax codes weren't as high (nevernind that effective corporate tax rates are significantly lower than stated tax rates). Those jobs aren't coming back ever. We cannot compete with the slave wages they're paying overseas "contractors"
  7. What exactly do you guys want? For other states to copy texas? Yall should be thanking the states with high taxes, seeing as their corporations and jobs are relocating to Texas.
  8. Or you could just try and stop making this a political issue. You guys want obama assassinated, we got the point.
  9. True "small government" republicans will not get air play on fox. Mainstream republicans arent small government except for the programs they oppose.
  10. The level of crazy has just reached new highs
  11. The media bias excuse is old and tired. Fox News is #1 in ratings (until the old people who get their news from chain emails die off)
  12. You guys need a REALLLL conservative like Palin #palin2016 #trueconservative
  13. If Republicans lose in 2016 it'll be because they nominated some Jesus freak instead of a normal moderate republican. Fortunately for democrats, republicans will most likely shoot themselves in the foot during the primaries, where they force candidates to lean extremely right. You guys who are passionate defenders of either party crack me up, talk about drinking the kool aid.
  14. News flash: Almost all alternative assets have higher costs compared to traditional stock and bond funds. And please elaborate on how you're doing to "blend" top performing managers in alternative asset classes into a traditional portfolio, without paying 2/20.
  15. Palin not conservative enough for you guys? Wow, teabaggers must really hate America
  16. I don't know about you guys, but I am excited at the thought of a TRUE CONSERVATIVE running for 2016. Those dang liberals in disguise (McCain, Romney, etc) hurt our party. Now that we have a STRONG INDEPENDANT WOMAN who don't need no welfare running well be able to get this country back on the right track. #PALIN2016 #JESUS #GUNS #TRUECONSERVATIVE
  17. You still dodge my questions regarding diversification benefits of alternative investments Yawn Pick up the phone and get back to dialing
  18. PS - Stevenash, I'm waiting for you to address my question about the diverisification benefits of hedge funds and other alternative assets in traditional stock and bond portfolios. You are a super sophisticated financial planning cold caller, so this shouldn't be an issue for you. Please PM me when you get a chance.   Thanks
  19. I read again and again how Obama is a socialist who takes from the rich and gives to everyone else.   Based off verifiable data found virtually everywhere, any competant person can see that the rich have gotten considerably richer with inequality reaching decade highs.   Great intellectuals of setxsports.com (Looking at you smitty), can you explain how Obama is a socialist given the current wealtth inequality in this country?   Thanks   - EnlightenedMessiah  
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