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Everything posted by EnlightenedMessiah

  1. Don't even try having a rationale discussion with the loonies on this board, not worth your time. I've narrowed the list of "conservatives" I'd engage with to TVC, Hippy, Bamakid and sometimes Lumraider. I'm probably missing a couple people but you get my point.
  2. Let's be honest - it's because the majority of the people on this board just aren't intelligent.
  3. This post belongs in the sports forum. You hate Obama, we get it
  4. [Hidden Content] Hopefully military.com is a reliable news source.
  5. Is that why Congress spends hundred of millions on tanks despite the Army telling them they don't need any more? Ahhh why the hell am I even wasting my time. Conservatives will defend the military industrial complex no matter what.
  6. I think men should have an "opt out" clause where they don't have to pay child support, but they have 30 days after birth to declare it. Obviously this situation would be for one night stand type pregnancies where the two mates are obviously not going to work out. No child support = no visitation either, if one day ole Johnny decides to re enter the kids life. Or if one of these crazy women lie about being on the pill. Men get the shaft in family courts hard.. Someone make a topic on this lol
  7. The government massively over spends on military as well.
  8. What exactly are you trying to prove? That obamacare is flawed legislation? I already agree with you bro! Check
  9. Sure, but where does the line get drawn? Should we be subject to pat down search every time we leave the house? Microchips planted in our skin to monitor our everyday activities? Technically one can say that this is called for in the constitution. If Obama pulled this you'd start a SETX revolution yesterday.
  10. I don't feel comfortable comparing abortion to vaccines. Here's my stances on both - interpret it how you want Abortion - Not a big fan of it.. But sometimes it's probably the best option (rape, birth defects, extremely low IQ parents) Vaccines - I support vaccinations. I'm not sure how I feel about forced vaccinations. I do believe they should be required if you let your kid go to public schools, daycare, etc.
  11. Whose fault will it be? 1) The current president 2) The previous president 3) Federal Reserve 4) Market cycle Your answer choice will be recorded and compared to your posts in 2017. Thanks
  12. NSA and Patriot Act.. Smaller government, yaaaaa. About that. You are big government on issues you agree with and small government where you disagree. Yawn
  13. I'm not changing the subject. You stated you don't believe the fed gov should be involved in healthcare.. You are obviously not going to change your mind no matter what. We agree to disagree. I'm just curious if you believe we should have public schools.
  14. That's not the point. Every modern and functioning society should be able to provide basic services for its citizens so they don't die off in droves or can actually read. If they want additional or premium services THEN they can buy additional insurance or go to private school. Do you think we should have public schools in this country?
  15. I have a buddy who here recently completed his cancer treatments. Total bill was over $1,000,000, luckily he had insurance and only paid $5,000. If he didn't, he probably would've been better off letting himself die.
  16. Exactly, it was fine by YOU, not by the millions of Americans who go bankrupt over medical bills. I'm no healthcare expert, but on the surface it seems Canada has a pretty alright system. If I recall correctly, healthcare taxes come out of their paycheck, and if they need a bandaid or prescription they normal uninflated prices. I went to the clinic the other day for a cold and the total bill would've been $400 without insurance. That's just stupid.
  17. I'm not a fan of obamacare, but how can some of you sit here with a straight face and say healthcare was fine pre 2008? Are you serious?
  18. Plenty of crooked democratic politicians but haven't heard the term "mini-me" ever being used to describe them until now.
  19. Lol @ "mini me".. Because they're both black right?
  20. Standing up for Muslims makes him a Muslim? Come on man.. That's just stupid logic.
  21. "Congress is ran by a bunch of idiots! Except the guy I voted for, he's smart" - Literally every single person in this county
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