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Everything posted by EnlightenedMessiah

  1. That'd mean he's not muslim either, lol...
  2. He says he's christian so he could get elected. There's too many idiots in this country to elect a non believer. I'm on my phone so it's a PITA to copy paste different quotes but essentially the guy was raised in a non religious household while still learning about all religions from an educational standpoint. In an excerpt from his book you can pretty much see that he understands how ridiculous and over the top some of the material in the bible or quran are. There's a video of a speech he gave as a senator (pre 2008) where, if I recall correctly, pointed out some of the hypocrisy of the bible. On top of that, the guy is obviously very intelligent and educated whether you agree with his policies or not. Columbia grad and magna cum lauda at Harvard Law. I Don't want to start a "religious people are dumb" debate, but there is evidence that suggests that agnostics and atheists tend be have higher IQs than the general population.
  3. Agnostic, yes. Why not the other ones? It's the same concept.
  4. Oh you must be one of those SCARED LIBERALS!
  5. How did he justify what ISIS does? He's essentially saying all religions are stupid.
  6. Ya I have. Failed foreign affair policy != Muslim.
  7. Shouldn't have been acting muslim I suppose
  8. By keeping marijuana illegal you're inherently continuing the war on drugs. Any politician who supports the status quo on this issue is a hypocrite in my eyes. Smoking a joint after dinner is no different than cracking a beer open or pouring a glass of Pinot noir
  9. The implication that the majority (>50%) was definitely not there considering the country wide vaccination rates are pretty high.. Unless you believe liberals are 75% of the population.
  10. What words indicate he's muslim? Try not to copy paste a chain forwarded email.
  11. You think he's muslim because you've been brainwashed by reading too many chain emails. However, it's obvious his politically correct world peace strategy failed. It's a secret for obvious reasons. He's the president. You wouldn't expect Bush to open up his meetings with Saudi arabia linked guys now would you? Or have the CIA live stream their weekly strategy meetings?
  12. You guys are still stuck on this obama being a Muslim from Kenya thing. LOL
  13. Conservatives on this board crack me up.. "Ohhhh it's a liberal hit piece because they're scared!!". Pretty sure the current president was an expert on marijuana smoking in his youth
  14. What are you even talking about bro? Russellwestbrookface.jpg
  15. Another hypocrite politician destroying teenagers lives for doing the same thing they did. What else is new
  16. During ferguson riots, Katrina lootings etc of course I support whatever police tactics are necessary to get people in line. My concern is the increasingly militarization of the police if the government decides to turn on YOU. They're already spying on literally everything we do via NSA. I'm just surprised that some of the biggest tin foil wearing hat borderline conspiracists are fine with this while distrusting government on pretty much every other issue
  17. I never asserted that "most" conservatives oppose vaccination. My belief is that the majority of people who do oppose vaccination happen to be conservative and fit into the "I don't need gubment telling me what to do" crowd.
  18. Id vote Rand / libertarian , too bad the GOP will never back him since he thinks for himself
  19. Perry is probably a "true conservative" according to you guys and he couldn't even beat out the "closet liberal" Romney who you guys weren't big fans of. It's pretty simple.
  20. This is another topic I've seen a lot of conservatives have issue with lately. More scientific ignorant from the right smh. To be fair, my educated conservative friends aren't the ones causing a big fuss over this.
  21. You extreme conservatives really do live in a bubble. Well just have to wait and see how miserably he fails in 2016
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