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Everything posted by EnlightenedMessiah

  1. So let's be consistent and get rid of social security and Medicare as well. You might be fine, but the vast majority of the country will not.
  2. Should we go back to delivering all communication by horses? I feel like half this board is still stuck in the 1850s.
  3. You need to stop making broad generalizations, not once have I ever said government is always the answer.
  4. Then it can be used for a major talking point in 2016. not trying to bash republicans but even throughout the pushing of obamacare I didn't see them suggest any alternative (other than the "my insurance is fine, therefore healthcare insurance isn't an issue") rhetoric
  5. Let's see what the republican controlled congress can put together in the next two years
  6. Cyberterrorism is actually a pretty big issue these days
  7. Maybe the government did this to protect us from terrorists! And defending the country is in the CONSTITUTION! Surely you'd support it then right? Gotta defend this country from those darn terrorists.
  8. Which is why I said in post #6, the consumer gets screwed either way. This isn't a black and white issue. Kudos to the guys willing/capable of using their brains rather than scanning article headlines for key words and choosing their stance on the spot.
  9. In this situation, yes. I don't see Texas doing anything to help out its own taxpayers
  10. This looks like it'll be one of those issues we just fundamentally disagree with. I beleive grandma Beth should have a basic insurance safety net and shouldn't have to sell her house and move in with her kids to pay for her hip replacement.
  11. On the retirement savings, sure. That's easy to save for retirement. Insurance when you're older is a bit more tricky and unpredictable.
  12. Should we get rid of Medicare then? How are our elderly going to pay for their exponentially increasing healthcare costs? Remember, the average American is a complete idiot.
  13. You are a confirmed low information voter, please stop making stuff up.
  14. You have fun trying to afford health insurance when you're 70 years old and your body is increasingly falling apart. Good luck.
  15. Sure, Medicare should be expanded to all age ranges. If you're not happy with your services then you can purchase additional insurance. Tough concept to understand, but I believe in you.  
  16. Exactly! Do you not know what expanding the age range for Medicare or single payer system means?
  17. Lets get rid of Medicare and social security then. Oh wait that's different, you probably have older family members that depend on that. Obviously because they're too stupid to plan ahead, right?
  18. Not necessarily, just obamacare. A simpler fix to our healthcare cost issues would've been going to a single payer system like Canada. Or just expanding the age range for Medicare.
  19. Your mph example isn't the greatest. Just because we're both getting shorthanded doesn't make it okay. Yes, costs will probably increase. But it always has and always will, just like healthcare. Thats why I'm on the fence about this issue.
  20. This is hardly a "help the poor people who can't afford Internet" topic. It's more like.. I already pay $150/month for cable/internet at X speeds. When i open Netflix, I better be getting X speeds making my movie in HD (as intended) rather than 420p and constant buffering. ISPs do this on purpose. You paid for a service. You deserve the right to this service.
  21. Everyone on here should check out speedtest.net to check their current download/upload speeds, then compare it to what speeds they're actually paying for (ie. 20mb down/2mb up). I'm willing to bet it's maybe half.
  22. Also look at it from a monopolistic perspective. Say TWC/Comcast start up their own video streaming service and decide to charge current customers $200 extra to access Netflix. Guess who becomes the next top dog in the online tv/movie streaming business? TWC/Comcast since they essentially create a barrier to entry for Netflix since they are not an ISP. Or maybe one day google decides to pay an ISP $1 billion dollars for the ISP to block access to Fox News or yahoo, etc.
  23. Net neutrality is the principal that all Internet traffic should be treated equally, instead of ISPs deciding to limit your bandwidth usage for a certain website or service (because that website hasn't paid some arbitrary cost or whatever), despite you already paying out the ass for your internet connection. It's somewhat of an overexagerion, but Internet package will eventually turn into this without net neutrality.[attachment=349:image.jpg] I'm on the fence about this topic.
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