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Everything posted by EnlightenedMessiah

  1. I really don't care for the D or R, they don't care about us
  2. O'Reilly's character is hilarious, yelling over people he disagrees with, calling people pinheads, etc. I watch it for entertainment  
  3. Funny you say this, I was watching O'Reilly last night and they were discussing how the GOP won't nominate him because he'll lose in the general.  
  4. Religion is so dumb lol, look at those idiots
  5. Obviously the dems and pubs don't give a crap about the average American..
  6. I'm not saying cops are bad. Obviously the majority are decent people
  7. Typical. Put cameras on every policeman and this wouldn't even be an issue.
  8. That's not even close to the same thing. Questioning someone's ethnicity/religion/etc based off NOTHING is significantly different than blaming someone for events that happened. I'm not even an Obama fan. You guys acknowledge most black people blindly defend Obama because he's black but won't admit that he also gets extra hate because he's black? Come on mannnn
  9. Was Bush ever accused of being a Muslim from Kenya? And did he have to provide his birth certificate to the whole country? The "long form" birth certificate? Sad part.. Many people still beleive he's a Muslim from Kenya.
  10. FWIW, racism still exists and will always exist. Obama obviously would not get this much hate if he was white and from Kentucky.   But racism isn't the reason why black people kill each other over shoes and other dumb stuff.
  11. Anyone paying attention to his comments on race and race relations lately? I find it refreshing in a world of butthurt and political correctness.   [Hidden Content]    
  12. I don't understand why you and others here are so pro republican.. They don't care about you dude.
  13. Conservadumb logic "main stream media lies low information voters blah blah.. Fox News #1 in ratings yeehaw"
  14. Do you low brain activity voters not understand fox has a monopoly on conservative slanted news? Also, who brags about being the most trusted? Conservadumbs for whatever reason think fox isn't part of the main stream media because of confirmation bias. I can't tell if you guys are trolls or seriously this naive.
  15. lol you're kidding right? Do you want scientists to not change their positions when new information and scientific breakthroughs come out?
  16. Looks like you figured this science thing out smitty, bravo
  17. Most liberals now compete with each other to see who can be the most offended
  18. Obviously it's not natural/intended with evolution, are you retarded? Smh I can't deal with the stupidity in this topic anymore. For real for real this time.
  19. Why would i make another account? I'm not posting anymore in this topic because I've said that all needs to be said. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Bible thumpers will cling on for life no matter what.
  20. 99% of the people on this board know this already
  21. Smitty is by far the lowest information voter on this forum. Dont even waste your time.
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