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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Not exactly a smart move when the WR’s have so much more speed than your DB’s. 😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️😂😂😂
  2. Like most, I’ll take any victory. Be it one point or 20 points. Sure the HH fans feel the same way. Don’t forget the Falcons have had the Pirates number since we’ve dropped down into 4A. Vidor needs this win - Big Time.
  3. Here’s the deal - I’m generous, but I hope the Pirates are not. I’m prepared to send you an 8 X 10 glossy of the 2022 Vidor Pirates. ☠️☠️☠️😂😂😂😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️
  4. Glad I didn’t cancel, lmbo!
  5. Thank you to Coach Reyes of Lumberton. This was a classy move. He didn’t have to do it. Few would have. A BIG KUDOS to Coach Reyes. He presented Ricky Gall a big photo of both teams praying for Ricky on the field. In fact, a classy move by all involved. [Hidden Content] And for any liberals who are upset by this post, you’re not nearly as upset as I would be if the Forum Police took this post down. So if the “upset meter” determines what gets taken down & what stays, I win!
  6. Good grief, can y’all repeat the gift giving once more? Vidor’s bad about gifting also, but rarely the recipient. I’ll see y’all get some kind of gift after the game for your benevolence. ☠️☠️☠️😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️
  7. Doubt Gall will be back at all. Anyone more familiar with the situation? Heard it was a compound fracture. Could he possibly be back for playoffs?
  8. Might be post of the year. Sling Blade, Fetterman or Mickey Mouse? Does it really matter? That sums it up. Essentially George or Marilyn don’t matter either - simply the D or the R. Sadly, we’re almost to the point there aren’t enough I’s to make a difference. The D’s have played the long game. Take over the Colleges/Universities, then we’ll easily take over the schools. They’ve done that so brainwashing complete. Now they’re eliminating genders. I’m not intelligent enough to understand why. Someone else will have to explain that.
  9. My Son in Law came up with the best analogy. He compared Fetterman to Karl Childers in Sling Blade. 😂😂😂😂😂☠️☠️👽☠️☠️😂😂😂😂😂
  10. Trump way to smart for Biden’s White House. Old Donald snuck back in.. Even got a picture with Joe, lmbo. [Hidden Content]
  11. For those of you who haven’t looked at the links provided, to give you an idea how bad it was, Fetterman actually, in a loud boisterous voice, interrupted Oz in Oz’s closing argument. A time respected by all for candidates to make their final appeal to the voters.
  12. I’ve never, for anything, used “Pay For View” to watch ANY event. For what you suggested, heck yes, I’d pay to see that. No doubt in my mind that would exceed Jeff Foxworthy & Bill Engvall. Bring it.
  13. Good grief, if there was any doubt in your mind about Fetterman’s ability to function as a US Senator, this debate should remove it all. I’ll tell you how bad it was, I actually almost felt sorry for him. Not only can he not function as a Senator, I’m surprised he’s allowed to go to the bathroom by himself. Seriously, he totally embarrassed himself. And the whole thing was closed captioned for him. In this link, a few samples. [Hidden Content]
  14. Speaking of underdogs, I guess Philly would meet the criteria. But here endeth the unlikely.
  15. Not a joke but I got a kick out of this. I’m addicted to Triple D (Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives with Guy Fieri on the Food Channel). He was interviewing a potential place and ask them, “How would describe your place, as a Diner, a Drive-In, or a Dive”? The guy responded, “We’re a Dump aspiring to be a Dive”. Lmbo, cool answer.
  16. I heard a vicious rumor. Two previous teams have swept the Divisional & League playoffs. Both went on to lose the World Series. Nonsense I say. The 💩 stops here. The Astros will prevail. Here’s my thoughts - the Astros sweep Philly in four straight. A feat never done before, nor likely ever to be done again. Do it Astros. Put an exclamation point on an outstanding season. Eleven straight victories over the best MLB has to offer.
  17. If you get an intelligent response please make sure I see it. Yes indeed, Who, in their right mind, could possibly think this will turn out well?
  18. Illinois, arguably the most politically corrupt State in the Union, has added “crazy” to it’s reputation. A new Law called SAFE-T (Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity - Today, Act —— just that name implies stupidity) ends cash bail, loosens how Flight Risk is determined, and if wearing a monitoring device, gives the criminal 48 hours head start before the Law can pursue. Even a cursory knowledge of this Act screams, “What in the heck is going on?” Tell you what, based on what I’ve posted, if anyone thinks this is a good idea, please post your agreement with it and explain why. Conservatives? Liberals? Independents? Anyone. I’d love to know how anyone could think this is good. That would perhaps explain how the Illinois State lawmakers came up with this 🐂💩. And yes readers, that’s what it is, and the nicest descriptive term I can use to describe it. [Hidden Content]
  19. Certainly something that needs to be addressed. Jmo - and I think this is the more appropriate area. I just hate that it happened.
  20. Didn’t see this posted anywhere. Sad it’s in the News at all. Hope this isn’t a new trend. We’re talking some serious money to clean this up. I hope if they catch who did it they get some serious penalty time - many hours of community work type, plus financial. You have to make examples out of them as a deterrent. [Hidden Content] Texas — The Little Cypress-Mauriceville CISD stadium,of the field in red and blue paint.
  21. This game is the very epitome of a “rivalry game”. It has the tradition, atmosphere, geography and history of such. Even if it’s an apparent lopsided game, such as this year, it’s still easily worth the price of admission. To sum it up, it’s a happening.
  22. Been keeping up with this game for over 60 years. Rarely, if ever, have I thought it was a cinch. I’ve seen the underdogs win this one wwwaaayyy to many times. This year —— just don’t see it. Not even this age old rivalry will give the Bulldogs enough to win this game. Heck, Ned would have trouble with the Vidor rivalry. Might win but it’d be a struggle, lol.. But don’t be surprised if this game is not as lopsided as it should be. It’ll be “Release the Kracken” time in Nederland.
  23. Holy Moly, no wonder Caesar’s Palace had the point spread so low. Them guys don’t miss nothing. ☠️☠️☠️😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️
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