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Everything posted by CardinalBacker

  1. No…. The Dems could have trotted her back out in 2020, but what’s the point. She’s obviously less likable than even Trump. A political party would have to be especially stupid to run a candidate, lose, then rematch the same guy again four years later, right?
  2. No, as evidenced by the fact that Joe clapped Trump’s cheeks in 2020. I mean, other than the border, Biden has done a much better job than Trump by every possible measure-even though his faculties are diminished.
  3. You know, a couple of weeks ago I was angry enough about the verdict/damages in the NY vs. Trump case that I found myself hoping that the Ds would lose. Not saying it's enough to make me vote Trump at all, but then this weekend I saw footage of Trump and Ivanka walking in to the venue at the UFC fights and I was like "THAT part of him I like...." It'll be a game time decision. If Trump is way up in the polls, I might vote for him. I'm like that. Always rooting for the overdog. I still think that the Ds will sub someone in who's infinitely more likable than Trump (and not suffering from end stage dementia like Biden) and all of the moderates/undecideds will end up voting that way.
  4. Also, simple math would indicate that a vote for a candidate that can't win (Trump) is the same as a vote for the eventual winner (Biden).
  5. It was when the Rs decided to get behind a reality tv star/rapist for President.
  6. Actually, not voting is the same as voting for the winner, and you just admitted Trump is gonna lose again. Wanna know how “they” already know? They claim that the election was stolen in 2020, but here we are and there’s not a single Republican doing ANYTHING to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. They’re not even talking about how to stop the cheating. They’re not scared of it because they know the truth-it didn’t happen in 2020.
  7. School Choice is gonna be even more wonderful for high school athletics.
  8. No, I won’t vote Biden, but I’m part of the “1 in 7 Republicans who are vowing not to vote at all if Trump is the nominee.”
  9. I don’t know which is worse… the fact that the Dems are putting up a guy who’s clearly diminished, or the Repubs for nominating someone who can’t beat him.
  10. I would have been very disappointed in him… I thought it was in very poor taste when Pelosi did it. The difference is that Pelosi doesn’t represent me or my party… Johnson does- and it’s my obligation to point out when they fall short of what I expect of them. I know that’s a concept lost on the right these days, unless somebody isn’t being MAGA enough. Then the knives come out. You know what the police call an escalation of force? When somebody does something, the other side has to do it back, but harder. What’s next? The Ds pelting the next R President with tomatoes during the SOTU address? Y’all seem to forget that for every action, there will be a more forceful response. It’s funny how y’all all think that your opinions are the correct ones, so anything you want to do or say is justified. Republicans still stupidly believe that their childish behavior, since their friends all approve, is okay. It’s not. Just like in 2020 when Trump lost the undecided vote (and therefore the election) in large part due to his behaviors in the debates, the actions of REPUBLICANS on the biggest of stages did nothing but alienate voters. For what? So the most ignorant of us all can say “Biden deserved every bit of the heckling he got.” What a dumb way to think. What’s comical is that y’all actually believe you’re the good guys.
  11. Does every gold star parent get to go to the state of the union? No. So how did the most vocal of the gold star parents get in? Some Republican congressman invited him in hopes that he’d do exactly what he did. If that’s not milking that man’s grief for political purposes, then I guess I don’t know what it is. Why do all of the outbursts keep coming from “our” side? Because character and decorum don’t matter to Republicans anymore…. Just who can be the biggest anus. Mike Johnson should strip MTG of any committee spots she currently has.
  12. Trump put the total number of illegal immigrants 15 million last night on truth social. Biden says 2 million. As best as we can tell, the number of illegal immigrants that have come into our country since Biden took office is 7 million or so. Of that 7 million, how many were “terrorists, gangsters/cartel members, streamlined drug smugglers, rapists, and murderers?” Screaming about the small percentage of illegal immigrants who ARE criminals as a reason to stop ANYBODY from coming here is just a clever way of disguising the real issue… some folks (predominantly older white people) are still pretty racist… and they don’t want “them” coming over here. One of the key talking points in our District 18 House race was “Colony Ridge” and how Bailes’ legislation allowed it to happen. There’s another development going on in Hardin County right now that was created using the same legislation. It’s a 3200 home development called “Brampton Essentials” but it’ll be white folks so nobody cares. How stupid is it to campaign against Colony Ridge as being a freaking favela, when it’s guaranteed that they are going to be a huge voting block after the next census? I hope they can’t read all of those horrible things that republicans keep saying about them.
  13. Here’s the thing… I think we need to fix our border issue. We can’t fit 7.5 billion people inside our borders and give them all a phone, apartment, food, healthcare, and a free college education. But I can also tell you that without immigrant labor, our economy would crash, without a doubt. I give the Dems credit for reading the room better than the Rs. They’re the fastest growing segment of our population and will determine the outcome of future elections. The Dems embrace them and the red hats are all like “send them back,” even though we all know we can’t survive without them.
  14. That was poorly done… but why didn’t his predecessor handle it in an orderly manner? Isn’t he all about America first, nationalism, isolationism, etc? Maybe because there wasn’t a “good” way to get our boys out of there?
  15. Yes. In favor of immigration. Not a racist. Humanitarian. Intelligent. Who y’all gonna get to build that wall? It won’t be whites or blacks, lol.
  16. I thought it was comical…. There she was in her MAGA hat, complete with pins, matching shirt, etc… she handed a pen with Laiken Riley’s name on it and I was like “I wonder why he even accepted it?” At that point in the speech he purposely mispronounced her name as “Lincoln Riley” and made MTG look like a clown with her “say her name” shirt, which really wasn’t that hard, I guess. How bad must it suck when you put on a clown suit so that you can make a big splash at the biggest political event of the year, then get put in your place by a geriatric old dude like Joe Biden?
  17. He’s not a traitor. His political leanings are just different than yours.
  18. Reading comprehension… I’m betting that some R congressman got that Dad a seat so that the Dad could make a spectacle. You do realize that every President, ever, has “blood on their hands,” right?
  19. All I knew is that some dude up in the balcony was yelling something incomprehensible. I wonder who got that guy into the event? Five bucks says that they weren’t a Democrat. Some Republican used that poor dad’s grief for a photo op.
  20. I tuned in hoping to see an epic train wreck, but it never happened. His delivery was far from perfect, but we never got a “locked up like Mitch McConnell and had to be led away by his handlers” moment, either. It wasn’t pretty and I don’t think anybody was convinced of his vitality by watching that. I remember a few years ago when it was scandalous that one of the Justices said “not true” during the speech. Then you had a congressman yell “liar” a year or two ago. I thought that there were some people who really made us all look bad last night. The catcalls, the guy in the gallery that got tossed out, etc… Things are getting worse between the factions in America, and this event just proved it… I’m not excited about where we’re all headed. Marjorie Taylor Greene did a good job of representing Trump fans, in my opinion. She looked ridiculous, acted inappropriately, made a fool of herself and put on display for the whole world how buffoon-ish and out-of-touch with reality Trump’s fans are on a daily basis. She served y’all well.
  21. My opinion is “no.” But once it was proven that there was no voter fraud and he continued to push that narrative…. Corrupt. I read the other day that 62% of Republican voters believe that Trump won in 2020. That’s a lot of faith in things unseen, lol.
  22. “This is false. This resulted from an error where Steve Garvey was mistakenly shown to have received 1,039,044 votes instead of 103,904 in Orange County, a difference of 935,140. The mistake was then corrected, causing the totals to recalculate.“ Or at least that’s what I read directly under the tweet that you posted.
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