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Everything posted by CardinalBacker

  1. Woke up this morning and realized that I forgot that this last night….
  2. Are we talking about the kid from bc a couple of weeks ago? Seriously, though… it’s the Silsbee parents fighting each other in the stands, Silsbee players going after each other in their loss to Cuero last year. “These boys are like family… they’ve lost teammates … they’re protective of each other… other teams pick on them because they’re so good… the other team did it first… are you sure the other team wasn’t using slurs? The kid hurt himself flying over the bench…. It was a freak accident.” These are just the excuses I’ve heard from Silsbee fans on these boards this year. It’s nothing new, and it’s one of the big reasons…. Scratch that, the biggest reason doesn’t have any football hardware in the trophy case. You can get away with it in basketball, but the penalties in football are just too harsh to overcome.
  3. You might be right about last night, but every week it’s somebody new mixing it up with Silsbee. And it’s not just this year… it happens year after year.
  4. You can’t focus on doing your job if you’re jawing at the guy across from you. Lack of discipline is gonna sink this ship.
  5. I saw a small six point and a doe on Saturday morning in North Hardin County... nothing since.
  6. Why didn’t y’all try for the field goal at the end of regulation?
  7. I don’t care about the score… I just can’t wait to hear what the WOS faithful have to say if they drop this one.
  8. Jasper lb has 220+ rushing yards on the Silsbee D. Lort.
  9. I’ll hold off on the comebacks because a kid is hurt…. But 99 was about to get his feelings hurt.
  10. Liberty-Biberty goes down.... BC pulls away late.
  11. From hours and hours of intensive film study. It's okay if you don't believe me... My guess is that the Jasper Coach will make sure that 99 doesn't line up over 73 anyways.
  12. Lol... He's only gotten one all year. I guess we'll see.
  13. I’m ready to see if they line 99 over Silsbee’s 73…. That could be a battle.
  14. I went last year to watch PNG and stayed across the street from six flags. I’m not lying when I say that I slept with that thang on my nightstand, son…. I was ready. I’ll be looking a little further out if comes around again.
  15. Don’t get me wrong… I’d go to Dallas to watch. I’m just not plunking down my credit card for a room yet.
  16. I've got Jasper making two rounds.... I think Silsbee will see the third or possibly fourth round like last year. I think they've got enough talent to win the Region and make the semis, and even Jerry World would be an outside shot, but I think the intangibles (playcalling/lack of adjustments/penalties) will eventually catch up with them by round four.
  17. Hey, buddy! You know me… just trying not to embarrass my mama. You?
  18. Yeah.... If I came from a town that was the site of the worst hate crime incident in the modern era, I'd probably hold off on the racial insinuations towards others.
  19. It seemed to me that it was other kids commenting on the Silsbee players post(s), but people were blaming the player for other people’s’ comments-then complained more when the comments were deleted. I’m with you-lots of feminine energy.
  20. Beating them would be an accomplishment for y’all, too, these days.
  21. Calvin Tyler Jr was the feature back for Silsbee in ‘16…. We beat them that year. I remember them having to separate two of their own players in their secondary after one of our touchdowns. Tyler was in camp with the Browns this fall, btw.
  22. There was only one unsportsmanlike late in that game-late hit out of bounds on our sideline. That’s it.
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