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    baddog reacted to CraigS in Extremist Muslims   
    the bottom line is political correctness.....lets call it what it is
    Whites are predominantly your serial killers - that kill
    Blacks are predominantly your gangsters - that kill
    Middle Easterns are predominantly your terrorist - that kill
    Everyone - will have some that will randomly kill for various reason, but you take away these 3 things from society, you've stopped a large percentage of the killings.
    Doesn't make all of any group a serial killer / gangster or terrorist....but if we aren't willing to identify the problem as what it is, it can not be resolved, which is Trumps point against the liberals.
    Simple solution - Lock up the crazies (whites) lock up the gangsters (blacks) and lock up the religious freaks (Middle Easterns)
    If you are mentally ill, belong to a gang or follow sharia law - you WILL go to prison....no need to wait until these things cause you to commit a crime...being associated with any likelyness of these will land you with a life time of lock up.
  2. Like
    baddog reacted to LumRaiderFan in Is it my imagination   
    Obama is probably making plans to have them brought here to be put on our list...so they can be be ignored.
  3. Like
    baddog got a reaction from Chester86 in Omaha-College World Series   
    I just like to watch good baseball. I like pitchers who have a great curveball and can throw it anywhere in the count for strikes.
  4. Like
    baddog got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Is it my imagination   
    Other than the gunfight at the OK corral, I think most wild west gunfights were in the movie westerns and Hollywooded up. The person who killed more people than anyone was Lucas McCain. He's what they need in Chicago.
  5. Like
    baddog reacted to LumRaiderFan in Is it my imagination   
    That was the claim when concealed carry was being considered...there would be wild west style shootouts in the streets...never happened.
    Only place you see that are in strict gun control cities like Chicago...run by Democrats.
  6. Like
    baddog reacted to Englebert in Who Is hillarious clinton?   
    The comment section after the article was worth reading. Had some pretty good zingers in there.
  7. Like
    baddog got a reaction from UTfanatic in 2016 Dallas Cowboys   
    This gives Zeke more time working with the first unit. Also give Darius Jackson time to show his stuff since Dunbar is still recuperating. Jackson may beat out McFadden who will become trade bait.
  8. Like
    baddog reacted to Hagar in SHOOTER MADE TWO TRIPS TO SAUDI   

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up And this confirms a post I made earlier about the children of immigrants being "walking time bombs".    You may disagree.  But the proof is in the link.
  9. Like
    baddog reacted to Englebert in Is it my imagination   
    We have a complete difference of opinion then. I'm around people with guns all of the time. I've actually heard people say "we wouldn't dare go out there and mess with y'all because everyone has a gun". Criminals look for soft targets. They are much more likely to find a different target than to go to a place where they know people are packing.
  10. Like
    baddog reacted to whsalum in Is it my imagination   
    There were probably 102 innocent victims in Orlando Saturday night who would now have a very differing opinion !!
  11. Like
    baddog reacted to Hagar in Is it my imagination   
    For example, I doubt you'll ever see a mass shooting at a gun show.
    i know it's not impossible someone may attempt it, but IF someone was that crazy, I can assure you, there won't be 50 killed by a single shooter.   More likely the shooter would be shot 50 times.
  12. Like
    baddog got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in 50 KILLED, 53 INJURED AT NIGHTCLUB IN FLORIDA   
    I keep reading that the shooter frequented this club for years. Maybe he was gay and had issues coming to terms with it. Cant believe seeing two men kissing set him off if he went to this club.
  13. Like
    baddog reacted to LumRaiderFan in 50 KILLED, 53 INJURED AT NIGHTCLUB IN FLORIDA   
    Take a look at how homosexuals are treated in Muslim countries...what is "radical" here is not radical there.
    Take a look at how women are treated in Muslim countries...what is "radical" here is not radical there.
    Like it or not, this is a religion of Islam problem, and the more we allow to come in this country, the more often this will happen.
  14. Like
    baddog reacted to Hagar in 50 KILLED, 53 INJURED AT NIGHTCLUB IN FLORIDA   
    WOW!!   So if you were alive when Japan destroyed Pearl Harbor, wouldn't you have looked upon the Japanese as the enemy?  Virtually all Americans did.  In 1941, most Americans had common sense.  Now, to many, including you, don't.  We've been repeatedly attacked by Islamist.  How many Americans have to die before you say, "Enough"?
    I'm fascinated that not a single liberal has condemned Islamic Terrorist about this attack.  Not a one!  You used this tragedy to attack me, call me a bigot, twice, because I'm outraged at what happened.  Another liberal buzzword to use when confronted with an argument you can't win, like racist and Bush.  Fifty people were killed and you attack me!   You are one brainwashed moron.
  15. Like
    baddog got a reaction from UTfanatic in 2016 Dallas Cowboys   
    Yes, but some players live up to the billing, and I think he will.
  16. Like
    baddog reacted to Hagar in Trumps Mouth   
    Lol, not gonna happen sn.  Cheney is associated with Bush.  Bush has been the Democratic "buzzword" retort to all political problems.  I think nappy is intelligent enough to realize Bush had ample reasons to go to war in Iraq, so he just substituted Cheney as his target.  
    I actually think there must be a book they all have, "Socialism for Dummies".  Example:   When confronted in a political discussion that you can't win, just say Bush.   When losing a discussion on social issues, just say racist.   You get the idea.
  17. Like
    baddog got a reaction from UTfanatic in Johnny Manziel   
    ....because he won a NC?
  18. Like
    baddog reacted to Peppermint Patty in College Baseball Super Regionals   
    Oh my. My phone sure is dry now. 
    No more aggies texting me how many SEC teams made this, how many SEC teams hosted that. How they shoot bubbles and have fancy yells for this and that. Poor aggy. Best team in school history. Most players drafted. Enjoy your stay in Omaha. We all know you made reservations.   There will be some Texas teams there for you to watch. You just will not be able to do your SEC chant.  (Even tough we all know if Florida sneaks in you will ride their coattails until the bitter end). What's the old addage-  Those that can, do. Those that can't,  chant SEC, SEC.
    About that SEC. Toughest conference my ass. Most overrated conference whose teams get ranked so high simply because they only play the other overrated teams in their overrated conference. 8 teams enter 1 team (maybe) leaves.
  19. Like
    baddog reacted to LumRaiderFan in 50 KILLED, 53 INJURED AT NIGHTCLUB IN FLORIDA   
    Looks like the biggest threat to the gay community is not the Christians who simply don't approve of the lifestyle...it's these "radical" muslims that make it very clear how they feel about homosexuality...and this will happen more and more as long as we don't recognize the threat these folks openly claim about us infidels.
    Pamfam, it is a left and right thing...let the left handle it and we lose...let the right handle it and we win...we are at war and seem to want to embrace the enemy.
    And by left I mean liberals and by right I mean conservatives...not simply Republicans and Democrats.
    You lefties should really quit whining about gays not getting their wedding cake baked by Christian business owners and start being vocal about the Muslim attitude and now actions toward gays.
  20. Like
    baddog got a reaction from Hagar in 50 KILLED, 53 INJURED AT NIGHTCLUB IN FLORIDA   
    Wow, I really saw nothing wrong with what Trump said. The people who attacked him sure have no answers, except maybe to blame guns. When a certain race or religion screams death to America or Allah Ackbar (sp.) while slaughtering Americans, why is it that no one else can see that for what it is? Have we become so compassionate that we allow people that hate us to enter our country just to show we have political correctness? How stupid! It doesn't take a genius to figure this out.
    Blaming Trump for the murder of these people? I blame it on the politically correct. Before you remind me of how he was born here, remember, we dont know the bad from the good. Hopefully they don't massacre someone near and dear to you. 
  21. Like
    baddog reacted to CardinalBacker in Is it my imagination   
    I blame the NRA. Guns are the problem. No one needs a gun. Not the citizens, not the police. Federal agencies should be the only groups with firearms. And they should only be issued to the government personnel at times approved by the UN. 
    How did I do?
  22. Like
    baddog got a reaction from 77 in 50 KILLED, 53 INJURED AT NIGHTCLUB IN FLORIDA   
    Again I'll ask.....what good is it to be on a list? This guy in Orlando was on a list and so was the guy and his wife in San  Bernadino. So, we know who they are and we put them on a list. Guess it's something good to throw out there after a massacre......"We had an eye on them".
  23. Like
    baddog reacted to stevenash in Is it my imagination   
    Nappy will be so proud.
  24. Like
    baddog reacted to 77 in Is it my imagination   
    I will give it a shot for them! We must open our borders so these people will know we love them and we will kill them with kindness until they murder every last one of us. Yall are just racist bigots! How was that?
  25. Like
    baddog reacted to Englebert in Why even the "NEVER TRUMPERS" Should Hope He Wins   
    When it comes to evidence, the race card throwers rarely have any.
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