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BS Wildcats

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Everything posted by BS Wildcats

  1. Mediocre in the SEC better than competing for conference champs in the Big X11. Maybe the grass not always greener. But hey, at least y'all can say we play in the SEC.
  2. The dems are so out of touch with the American ppl, but somehow a lot of voters agree with them. I guess there are a lot of Americans that are out of touch as well. Harry Reid is a damn idiot.
  3. He's a Kentucky fan and he thinks they should be #1. Go Tar Heels!
  4. He created a few by giving Solyndra $500 million, but they closed shop and ran with the money. This pres is an idiot and always has been.
  5. How about Yobammy, Reid, Pelosi, and Hillary? The biggest con artists and liars in recent political history, hands down.
  6. Making the playoffs this year will not be good. Win the division with a losing record, which means next years schedule harder. Blessing in disguise. The Texans need not make playoffs this year, which I don't think they will.
  7. Dems talk about creating jobs, this kills a lot of jobs. Idiots, smdh.
  8. Collins let Harvey dictate what he was going to do. Collins looks like he wants to throw up. Should have pulled him. Let's go KC.
  9. Texans now own a better record than the cowboys.
  10. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter, because neither will be there in the end.
  11. Gordon gets the #24 into victory lane after more than a year since last doing so. Punches his ticket for champ round in Homestead, looking for 5th title in his final year. First time I ever seen Gordon cheered like he was today.
  12. Can the Texans just play the Titans the rest of the year? Finally, a team worse than they are. Don't need to read a lot into this win.
  13. Texans and Lions would be a hell of a game. The Lions are terrible, and they have a far better qb than the Texans. The NFL is starting to become hard to watch.
  14. But the SEc is the best no matter what. All SEC fans drink the same kool-aid.
  15. what a shame that Texas is relegated to being homecoming whipping boys. Sad state of affairs
  16. If they lose today, and that's a good possibility, O'Brien has to go. McNair needs to quit playing nice and somebody accountable. Rick Smith included as well. And I mean O'Brien has to go now.
  17. Gonna take another coaching change, IMO. Strong not ready for what it takes to run a major program.
  18. It ruins the agenda if they can't prove racism.
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