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BS Wildcats

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Everything posted by BS Wildcats

  1. They are all infected with TDS, so they all think he is doing a good job. He is, by far, the worst we have ever had. Hands down!!
  2. You mean Dummycrats. He’s just following in the footsteps of another po💩 Democrat potus.
  3. A fitting description for liberal dims
  4. Proof that no matter what you do, you are not immune. Thanks to Fauci and the dims, it’s here to stay. No need for lockdowns or mask, they do no good.
  5. It’s coming!! Watch for mail-in ballots only during next year’s elections. Democrats want complete control of our lives. They are an absolute threat to our democracy. Mandate after mandate sure sounds like communism!
  6. Libtards have no clue what to do facts. They all tend to ignore them. UTalum and biggie girl rank at the top of that list.
  7. If they’re going to talk the talk, then they need to walk the walk. Democrats are about as two-faced as they come. And that means all of them.
  8. The truth hurts. Time to tuck tail and run!! Same thing when hippy pointed him to the truth about the 5,000 emails.🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗
  9. Of course you are blind, just like I suspected. How is forcing a government to fire someone for money irrelevant? It’s called quid pro quo. You know that thing Trump was impeached for, which no proof of was found. biden says it plain as day, yet you and big girl don’t have enough sense to comprehend it. The proof is that the prosecutor was fired, and the second worst potus in history sent the money. In case you are wondering, the current po💩potus is the worst.
  10. Biden says during a live interview that no money will be given to Ukraine, unless the prosecutor that is investigating his son is fired. But, you say there is no proof of his corruption. You just don’t want to see it!!!
  11. You’re right!!! Start killing the thugs!
  12. biden and his administration are considering a strict limit on alcohol consumption. They say they might go so far as to implement the same restrictions that Canada has, two drinks per week. Did someone say Communism? All you liberal voters better pay attention. Dims and their policies are moving us toward communism. But, I bet you are to blind to see it.
  13. You didn’t get a JOB after graduation? That is when you SHOULD have done it. You make ZERO sense!!
  14. Boy, isn’t that a racist term?
  15. I think he wants to start a civil war. Real Americans won’t stand for Communism, big girl and UT alum pay attention.
  16. Big girl will be the first to give hers up. She might have been able to pay off her debt, instead of defaulting, with the money she saved on her electricity bill if it wasn’t for those pesky fans.
  17. biden is an “idoit”, and you follow him blindly. Doesn’t say much for you
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