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    jv_coach reacted to baddog in Schwarzenegger plans to sue big oil for ‘first-degree murder’   
    I'm going to sue Schwarzenegger for impersonating a human being.
  2. Like
    jv_coach reacted to Hagar in Theresa May Gives Putin 24 Hours   

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Bear with me on this.  It appears Ms May suspects Russia of using a nerve gas to try and kill a double agent and his daughter.  She's irate it happen on British soil, and rightfully so.  But I'll admit to being confused that she displays this anger over this incident, yet ignores all the Britons being killed by Muslims.  Of course, this is a typical example of how the liberal mind works, it's just my inability to understand it.  My brain doesn't work like that.  Wonder how a big computer would analyze this?
  3. Like
    jv_coach reacted to About a week ago in My 47th straight state tourney   
    Trying to catch you, on my 4th straight.
  4. Like
    jv_coach reacted to Hagar in what if auto garages worked like public schools.   
    I think in most states, it's turned into 12-16 years of indoctrination into left wing ideology.  Colleges, which once where the bastion of free speech and the open discussions of different ideas, are now little more than socialist brainwashing factories.
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    jv_coach reacted to Tigers2010 in what if auto garages worked like public schools.   
    This is funny.
  6. Like
    jv_coach got a reaction from Hagar in what if auto garages worked like public schools.   
    What If Auto Garages Worked Like Public Schools?
    We don't force kids to go to mechanic school, so why do we force them to go to teacher school? This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up   by  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up
                Imagine a world in which all kids were sent to auto mechanic school for the first few decades of life.
    Some percentage of them, those destined for a future with cars and mechanical problems, would love it. It’d be a great fit for them. They’d spend their time focused on the skills they enjoy and that will bring them value in their careers as mechanics.
    For most, it would be wasteful and annoying. They’d spend years and years being prodded into memorizing and repeating facts and tasks that they don’t care much for and that bear no resemblance to what they’ll do for a career.
    Of course, those who grow up to be mechanics would think the whole system is great. They’d be genuinely baffled by people who dislike it or think it should be skipped or scrapped. They’d go on about how valuable all of the skills and habits gained in the system are for life.
    You don’t have to imagine an educational system like that because we already have it.
    Instead of mechanic school, it’s teacher school. And college is professor school.
    Public School Is Teacher School
    It’s no surprise that it’s such an epic waste for most people.
    The entire system, top to bottom, is designed by and for teachers. All the things learned and methods of learning are valuable nowhere in any part of the real world except in the academic professions. The most effective learning happens just from being around things and being in an incentive structure that rewards certain behaviors. School means you spend all your time around educators (and none of it around any other real-world professions) and in an incentive system that rewards things they like. So that’s exactly what you learn; how to live like an academic. As I’ve described elsewhere, 
    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up . It’s no surprise then that teachers and professors are baffled by people who complain about the fluorescently-lit hell of classroom-cramming and credential-chasing. They loved the whole experience, and it taught them all the stuff they needed to succeed in their careers as academics and educators. It’s also no surprise that it’s such an epic, colossal waste for most people who want to enter other parts of the vast job market.
    There’s nothing bad about auto mechanic school. But it’s easy to spot the absurdity of forcing every person to spend 12 or 16 or 20 years in it and telling them it will be valuable no matter their interests, goals, or future career. It’s no less absurd to do what we currently do and force everyone to go to professor school for most of their young lives.
  7. Like
    jv_coach got a reaction from 77 in what if auto garages worked like public schools.   
    What If Auto Garages Worked Like Public Schools?
    We don't force kids to go to mechanic school, so why do we force them to go to teacher school? This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up   by  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up
                Imagine a world in which all kids were sent to auto mechanic school for the first few decades of life.
    Some percentage of them, those destined for a future with cars and mechanical problems, would love it. It’d be a great fit for them. They’d spend their time focused on the skills they enjoy and that will bring them value in their careers as mechanics.
    For most, it would be wasteful and annoying. They’d spend years and years being prodded into memorizing and repeating facts and tasks that they don’t care much for and that bear no resemblance to what they’ll do for a career.
    Of course, those who grow up to be mechanics would think the whole system is great. They’d be genuinely baffled by people who dislike it or think it should be skipped or scrapped. They’d go on about how valuable all of the skills and habits gained in the system are for life.
    You don’t have to imagine an educational system like that because we already have it.
    Instead of mechanic school, it’s teacher school. And college is professor school.
    Public School Is Teacher School
    It’s no surprise that it’s such an epic waste for most people.
    The entire system, top to bottom, is designed by and for teachers. All the things learned and methods of learning are valuable nowhere in any part of the real world except in the academic professions. The most effective learning happens just from being around things and being in an incentive structure that rewards certain behaviors. School means you spend all your time around educators (and none of it around any other real-world professions) and in an incentive system that rewards things they like. So that’s exactly what you learn; how to live like an academic. As I’ve described elsewhere, 
    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up . It’s no surprise then that teachers and professors are baffled by people who complain about the fluorescently-lit hell of classroom-cramming and credential-chasing. They loved the whole experience, and it taught them all the stuff they needed to succeed in their careers as academics and educators. It’s also no surprise that it’s such an epic, colossal waste for most people who want to enter other parts of the vast job market.
    There’s nothing bad about auto mechanic school. But it’s easy to spot the absurdity of forcing every person to spend 12 or 16 or 20 years in it and telling them it will be valuable no matter their interests, goals, or future career. It’s no less absurd to do what we currently do and force everyone to go to professor school for most of their young lives.
  8. Like
    jv_coach reacted to TxHoops in The Rev. Billy Graham, prominent Christian evangelist, dead at 99   
    An old friend of mine, Jodey Arrington, paying tribute to Rev. Graham on the floor of Congress.  A lot of truth and wisdom in his words from a “young” congressman (relatively young anyway).  He’s new to Washington and although I’m biased, I’ve been very proud of him.  Hope the link works. 

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  9. Like
    jv_coach reacted to 77 in Post here if you are a member of the NRA   
    NRA- Dilly Dilly!
  10. Like
    jv_coach reacted to Kountzer in Some NBA Teams Play Negro Natl Anthem   
    John 14:1-3 King James Version (KJV)
    14 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
    2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
    3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
  11. Like
    jv_coach reacted to TxHoops in The Rev. Billy Graham, prominent Christian evangelist, dead at 99   
    His autobiography had maybe the greatest title of all time, even if borrowed from a famous hymn, Just As I Am.  Seems perfectly fitting.  Most today also don't realize the major role he played in the civil rights movement. 
    RIP Rev. Graham.  And "well done, good and faithful servant."
  12. Like
    jv_coach reacted to mat in The Rev. Billy Graham, prominent Christian evangelist, dead at 99   
    Billy Graham laid to rest today. Watched CBS news this evening and midway through the news they recognized the funeral with a 30 second clip. Followed by a two minute story about Oscar drama.
    It's a messed up media in a messed up world.
  13. Like
    jv_coach got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Will America really become great again, or is this just the last hurrah?   
    Marxist are always redefining word's in order to advance their beliefs. If they told the truth people would see their evil, but if they hide their agenda and redefine "moderate" to be an ultra-liberal, then over time (like you said) what is perverted becomes accepted. Look at the redefining of marriage. We are not even fighting homo-sexuaity anymore, we have boys claiming to be girls and beating the dog mess out of girls in wrestling. In 1970's if you would have said that Title IX would be used by the government to mandate that boys and girls share the locker room, it would have never passed.
  14. Like
    jv_coach got a reaction from Hagar in Will America really become great again, or is this just the last hurrah?   
    It is the advance of humanistic secular reasoning in which morals are based on what man says ( moral relativism) rather  then what God has revealed through scripture and nature (moral absolutes).

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    this podcast talks about it. 
  15. Like
    jv_coach reacted to Hagar in Shelbyville 79 Evadale 73/FINAL   
    Ditto on the efforts of both teams.  The Dragons 6'5" linebacker playing post gave us fits.  I'm proud of the run the Rebels made.  Good luck to the Dragons the rest of the way.
  16. Like
    jv_coach reacted to PhatMack19 in Transgender male vs girls wrestling   
    Sad part is she beat the same girl both years for the state championship.  The best legal female in the state had to settle for 2nd twice.  
  17. Like
    jv_coach reacted to TxHoops in Big Sandy   
    You both are so right.  I knew the first time I ever saw BS play that they were extremely well coached.   That opinion was more and more validated every time I’ve seen them since.   But as great a coach as Foster is, he might be an even better person.  
    Case in point, the man didn’t know me or my family from Adam but my knucklehead son left his backpack in their gym after a scrimmage.   Didn’t realize it until he got home.  We call and make sure they had it and he confirms they do and then offers to meet us in Lumberton, about the halfway point to drop it off.  I said thank you but absolutely not, I will come to dallardsville and pick it up.   I did it on a tournament day so I could have an excuse to see one of my favorite local teams play (which is hard to do often due to distance).  But that to me told me all I needed to know about the man.  And he was happy to talk a little hoops after the game when we went to his office to get it.  I will ALWAYS be a Kevin Foster fan.  
  18. Like
    jv_coach reacted to indian15/16 in Big Sandy   
    He's one of the best in the biz! Imo... 
  19. Like
    jv_coach reacted to Hagar in Will America really become great again, or is this just the last hurrah?   
    What happened to (to quote a Star Trek movie), "the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few"?  And what I can't figure out, what has taken common sense out of the human equation?  Was it our educational system?  Was it the TV shows they watched as kids?  Or just to much TV?  As bad as Trump may be in his personal life, how could anyone support, or even defend Hillary is beyond my understanding.  I've never heard a democrat admit anything bad about her, except Hoops.  And, imo, the gun control, homosexuals, gays & TG are merely means to an end.
  20. Like
    jv_coach got a reaction from Uncle Pig in Big Sandy   
    Goes to show how great of person coach Foster  is and how great of coach he is also.  
  21. Like
    jv_coach got a reaction from TxHoops in Big Sandy   
    Goes to show how great of person coach Foster  is and how great of coach he is also.  
  22. Like
    jv_coach got a reaction from Ty Cobb in Will America really become great again, or is this just the last hurrah?   
    Marxist are always redefining word's in order to advance their beliefs. If they told the truth people would see their evil, but if they hide their agenda and redefine "moderate" to be an ultra-liberal, then over time (like you said) what is perverted becomes accepted. Look at the redefining of marriage. We are not even fighting homo-sexuaity anymore, we have boys claiming to be girls and beating the dog mess out of girls in wrestling. In 1970's if you would have said that Title IX would be used by the government to mandate that boys and girls share the locker room, it would have never passed.
  23. Like
    jv_coach reacted to ST413 in Argyle 65 Dallas Lincoln 63 final   
    That explains it!
  24. Like
    jv_coach reacted to indian15/16 in Big Sandy   
    I know exactly the young man you are referring to as a result of a couple of conversations I had with Coach Foster during those state runs. Coach Foster said he would have been the most talented player on those particular rosters at the time and those rosters included the likes of Angel Bullock, Benson Williams, Trent Williams, and Joseph Williams, just to name a few. And it in no way was any disrespect to any of those incredible players but rather a show of great respect to the young man's talents that unfortunately couldn't pull his life together of the court.
  25. Like
    jv_coach reacted to Hagar in Will America really become great again, or is this just the last hurrah?   
    I wish I could find fault with your post Coach, but other than a smidgen of doubt (hope?) at one or two things, I can't.  I'll say this for the democrats, when they made a big left turn many years ago, they stayed the course, allowing Republican Presidents to be elected, knowing that they'd get their chance.  Now, with Feinstein and Pelosi being labeled moderate by most in the Party (I guess moderate now is just an ultra liberal, which is what they are), by any definition what you have left is Marxist.  And your last two paragraphs are prophetic.
    All of us can see what Obama has done to the judiciary.  Imo, about the only thing holding our country together is the SCOTUS, and only by a hair.  Imagine what would happen if we had seven Ginsburgs on it.  Give the Marxist enough time, that's what will happen, then it's pretty much all over.  Funny, old Khrushchev was right,  Again, jmo
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