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Posts posted by jv_coach

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    ....Nonetheless, it has been 21 years since Bokassa died a freeman in the comfort of his home in the capital Bangui, but for the millions affected by his greed and terror, his evil cannot be undone. His horrific legacy is proof that absolute power can be a virus, and as Barry Goldwater aptly 

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    , “Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. …and [they] must be opposed.”

    Ibrahim B. Anoba
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    Ibrahim B. Anoba is a Young Voices Advocate who lives in Lagos, Nigeria. He is a commentator on the African economy and international relations. You can follow him at @Ibrahim_Anoba.


  2. On 12/25/2017 at 8:41 AM, REBgp said:

    To paraphrase what Jack Nicholson said, "They can't handle the truth".

    I said that kind of tongue in cheek.  Our faith in our Christian beliefs is just that, faith.  I can understand an atheist who just doesn't have faith, but what I can't understand is someone that rejects faith in Christianity, then puts their faith in a religion created by a science fiction writer?  On another site, they have an emoji of a guy beating his head on a wall.  That would be so appropriate for me to place here, for I can make no sense of it.

    Christians do have a reasonable faith, unlike the cults and man made religions. 

    I Peter 3:15

    but honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.


  3. As it was in the days of Noah so it will be when the Son of Man returns. Mathew 23:37

    Genesis 6:5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 

    Genesis 5:11 Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence.12 And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. 13 And God said to Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh,[

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    ] for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth. 

  4. On 12/16/2017 at 10:00 AM, REBgp said:

    I can't in no way understand how you get relatively intelligent people to buy into his made up religion?  How does it happen?  Are so many people missing the "logic gene"?  You know, I never gave much thought to what Abe said, but part of his quote speaks of a similar scenario, "You can fool some of the people all the time".  Guess I'm not the only one befuddled about stuff like this.

    People want on top of the ponzie scheme and the rest are gullible to lies because they reject the truth 

  5. This is one of the best stories of the young Trump administration. While many of the battles were fought under Obama, Trump pursued the enemy relentlessly. He delegated decision-making to commanders in the field, they fought within the laws of war, and they prevailed. Trump promised to defeat ISIS, and he has delivered a tremendous victory.

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  6. On 11/9/2017 at 6:06 AM, Kountzer said:

    I get that warm & fuzzy good feeling when the holidays roll around but I still believe they are of pagan origin. If it is in the bible I believe it.  The gospel is in the bible.  The story of Jesus miraculous birth is in the bible.  But the bible does not set a date.  God in his infinite knowledge & wisdom did that for a reason.  He knew that is he set a date of his birth people would worship the date instead of worshipping him.  

    100 agree with this part. 


  7. On 12/9/2017 at 7:18 AM, TxHoops said:

    Related to my post above.  Just because you are driving 2 mph faster than the car in the right lane that is a mile or two in front of you does NOT mean you’re passing.  GYAO!

    My dad is the worst about driving with the cruise control on and passing people, while going on the interstate. He did that just to irk  me! 

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    A consummate teacher, R.C. Sproul loved and lived for teaching doctrine to the laity. He had a deep sense of humor, with a ready supply of one-liners. Conversations with R.C. pivoted effortlessly from deep theological engagement to sports to golf (more than a sport) to jokes. He longed to see minds renewed, hearts transformed, and lives changed by the gospel. He had a remarkable gift to make things clear. He neither intimidated his audiences with technical jargon nor patronized them. He taught deep issues, issues of substance and weight, with clarity and a compelling urgency. He taught his homiletics students to find the drama in the text and then to preach the drama.

    R.C. often recalled his first encounter with the God of the Bible. As a new Christian and a freshman in college, he devoured the Bible. One thing stood out from his reading: God is a God who plays for keeps. The Psalms, the story of Uzzah, 

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    , Mary’s Magnificat, 
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    , and, of course, Isaiah 6—the drama of these texts captivated R.C. from the moment he first read them.

    R.C. taught us this: “God is holy, and we are not.” In between is the God-man Jesus Christ and His perfect work of obedience and His atoning death on the cross. That was the message and the legacy of R.C. Sproul (1939–2017).


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