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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. Well, at least my horns will either be able to say that they lost to the eventual national champion, or that they beat the national champion in the regular season. Not much consolation though.
  2. College, but it's amazing how easy the pros make it look.
  3. I'm going to go with Memphis. I've been predicting against them for quite some time, and they're proved to me that they're a very, very good team. Memphis by 11.
  4. i have ya'll right where i want you.
  5. Yeah right...(Rockets reserve) Steve Novak and (Celtics reserve, reserve ;D) Matt Scalabrine....Those are my picks... :....Stop stirring the pot, bullets13! I actually heard they were giving it to Greg Ostertag. Can you confirm this?
  6. I overheard Dick Vitale saying on here that he strongly feels it should be a co-mvp between Dirk and Nash... ;D
  7. The window I'm looking at has you with 22 points for Beckham and 2 for Christman. So you might be OK. And I can't leave this alone... it also says that you have 10 points on your bench with Sean Franklin... a DEFENDER with the Galaxy... Dude, if you're looking for sympathy in this league, make sure you don't have any defenders on your bench from the Galaxy. That's like being Darth Vader's yoga instructor. What purpose does that guy really serve? it shows the points i would've gotten if my roster wasn't "incomplete". With the 76 points i would've gotten so far (not counting whatever i'd get in the dallas game, which is still going on) , I'd be in 4th right now instead of 14th. just gives me something to come back from, i guess.
  8. If this is the case for Deaver, that's stupid. The only games he missed were because he was out-of-town on Tennis Tourny's. I'm not saying i agree with this, but could it be that the coach didn't nominate him because he made soccer his 2nd choice, leaving his team for these tourneys?
  9. By some kink in the system, I managed to somehow drop four players while i was only able to pick up three. because i was short a midfielder, and didn't have one on the bench, i will receive no points this week. What the hell?
  10. He was one of Silsbee's best players last year too, he plays club in Houston, did he just have an off year or something? Because I remember playing against him last year, and he was pretty dang good... When a team's whole starting lineup makes it, there's not much room for the teams at the lower end of the district. I'm not trying to take anything away from lumberton, as they were certainly the best team in the district. That's just a bit extreme to me. 51 players honored, which represents half the starters in the district (absurd), and 29 of those from 3 teams (more absurd). If you're going to give out that many awards, you need to find a way to represent the bottom half of district as well. I'd much prefer to see the MVPs, 11 on 1st team, 11 on second team. Then the absence of players from the lower teams wouldn't look so offensive. I can understand the way you feel; however, you talk about it being absurd to have 51 named, but do the other teams you talk about have players better than those 51? I will say I watched every team in the district muliple times, and the bench and quite a few JV players on the top three teams were better than most of the starters on the lower tier teams. Not only that, but a few of the lower teir teams were beaten by JV teams. I agree with you. The key word in your statement is "most". As bad as those lower teams are, there are a few players on them that would not be stretches to put on the 2nd team (Deavers, for example), even if it means Lumberton's 11th best player only gets honorable mention (or LCM or Nederland's 9th best). My point, basically, is this. If you're going to dilute the honor by putting 51 players on the team , then you need make sure the lower teams are better represented, at least on the 2nd team. If each all district team had been only 11 players, I wouldn't say a word if I didn't see an HJ, Silsbee, or WOS player on the list. As it is, if the district is going to go out of it's way to pat as many kids on the back as it can, it should honor some of the kids who might have succeeded in other squads, but were stuck on bad teams.
  11. He was one of Silsbee's best players last year too, he plays club in Houston, did he just have an off year or something? Because I remember playing against him last year, and he was pretty dang good... When a team's whole starting lineup makes it, there's not much room for the teams at the lower end of the district. I'm not trying to take anything away from lumberton, as they were certainly the best team in the district. That's just a bit extreme to me. 51 players honored, which represents half the starters in the district (absurd), and 29 of those from 3 teams (more absurd). If you're going to give out that many awards, you need to find a way to represent the bottom half of district as well. I'd much prefer to see the MVPs, 11 on 1st team, 11 on second team. Then the absence of players from the lower teams wouldn't look so offensive.
  12. it would be a shame for this to happen the so shortly before a 3A soccer playoff system is developed. Things will be a little better for them when they aren't having to play 4A schools in district.
  13. He's done well with Marquette. It will be interesting to see how he does at Indiana. [Hidden Content]
  14. I actually do agree with you. I'm just glad that Jeff Hornacek and Greg Ostertag aren't the great white hope.
  15. Haha... I'm sure we can come to an agreement. I was going to draft you and shark for my fantasy team, and both of ya'll were inexplicably not available to draft.
  16. Dickie thinks they're both grossly over-pale
  17. Will they be available for outside consults?
  18. let's see--what do Nash and Dirk have in common???? They're both foreigners. ;D
  19. I didn't put ruiz on my roster simply because i don't like him, and i didn't put twellman on my team because my wife likes him a little TOO much. Being petty finally paid off for once!
  20. The Ags fall 53-45. They were up 42-37, and then just fell apart. Tennessee's experience was too much.
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