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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. was it just my imagination, or was it almost comfortable this morning when we got up? today it is actually okay in the shade. it's not as cool as i'd like it to be, but at least it's not 98 degrees!
  2. Dr. Thomas was upset, but he had to admit that his strategy had failed. Sure, the attendance of young men in his district had risen dramatically, but test scores were dropping as requests for bathroom passes continued to rise.
  3. Scott McClain, a 36 year old rookie for the Giants hit his first major league homerun after 19 years in the minors and overseas.
  4. i don't like the way that Ike is turning. also, whenever Kyle forms, watch out. I know Kyle, and he'll most likely want to come to my house, get drunk, and break stuff (and maybe pee in the corner).
  5. the new models look better! if they are correct, what can we expect for beaumont?
  6. I won't be surprised if the next headline involving this story has the word "lawsuit" in it.
  7. we just came to dallas, and 45 was fine. we got here in regular time. i just saw that Gustav is upgraded to a category 4. that's pretty crazy to go from a 1 to a 4 in a day.
  8. that new picture has us A LOT closer to the center of the possible landing area.
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