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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. geez coop, on that model, a lot more of those tracks are a lot closer to us!
  2. the beaumont courthouse will be closing tomorrow at noon and be closed through the weekend. how about BISD, Dr. Thomas?
  3. leaving it up to us means forcing many of us to stay. let's see how the meeting tonight at 9:30 goes.
  4. we're in a "hurricane watch" area for a storm only a couple of days out, and people act like we're silly for being nervous.
  5. it means you can leave but can't use it as an excuse for leaving.
  6. And you trust what BPD says???? WOW! You're braver than most! not particularly. note the comment about being stuck in my car during landfall.
  7. Gary Childress sounded a little nervous just now talking about Ike. He doesn't like that Ike is only going 8 mph instead of 10 or 12. He also doesn't like that it's moving northwesterly rather than westerly.
  8. BPD is on tv right now talking about how they have contigency plans in place in case Ike does shift. They know how "unpredictable" these storms can be. I hope those plans involve crash courses on surviving hurricanes while in your car!
  9. if those effects are 70 mph winds and several inches of rain, and that without the very possible eastward shift, i think it's time to go. Then leave. I'm not being flip about it. If you think it is not worth staying and getting into the crowd, go now. i teach for BISD. i can use a couple of personal days, but i'll take a ton of crap about it from my principal (and if a lot of teachers leave, then probably the superintendent). they're not going to cancel classes until there is an evacuation called. the problem with what is happening is that people are being forced to choose between safety and their jobs. it's not an enviable situation to be in. if the evacuation is called, people don't have to try to either explain themselves to their bosses or try to lie about why they are leaving.
  10. if those effects are 70 mph winds and several inches of rain, and that without the very possible eastward shift, i think it's time to go.
  11. i'm an employee of BISD, so i'm going to be upset if they wait long enough for me to be stuck here tomorrow, and then call for an evacuation on friday. i'll then end up having to evacuate with everyone else and spend 20 hours in traffic.
  12. that's because he's in the back room with all of those european models (Coop likes em a little hairy)
  13. we found a good number of sows last week, and could've limited out on 12-20 lb fish... of course, we had to throw them back.
  14. emergency management might get a chance to find out which is more unforgivable... making us evacuate when we didn't need to, or trying to correct that mistake and waiting too long to evacuate us this time. if this storm turns, there's going to be a lot of fallout if we're made to evacuate only a day and a half before the storm gets here. i really hope this works out for everyone.
  15. Lincecum should get it, and i think he will. it's not going be lost on the voters that he's put up unbelievable numbers for a terrible team. the last i heard, the giants didn't have a player with 10 HR's yet. the fact that he only has 3 losses for a team which consistently scores very few runs is the most telling statistic to me.
  16. how much will the slowing of the storm effect when it makes landfall?
  17. we're about to get screwed if this thing turns. very little time to evacuate.
  18. "Why are they doing this to me?", thought Saddam Muhammed Johnson.
  19. evacuation is going to suck. because of what happened last week, the city is going to be hesitant to do a mandatory again unless they're pretty positive we're going to feel the storm. i hope we don't end up in a mad rush trying to all get out of town at the same time.
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