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Everything posted by Back2swag

  1. Crockett by a lot if they show up , they will totally over power CC . Crockett has a lot of talent but not a lot of good coaching .
  2. Bad calls on both sides, that crew was horrible. But no call determined the game at all . Crockett was overmatched . Pentalties: Newton- 5 for 30 Crockett- 10 for 49 , 5 were for to many men on the field.
  3. but there is no blood bucket bar lol, I don't know where that came from lol
  4. Newton would love to be in d1 or 4a but that's just not possible, they lost numbers in the last 10 years due to no jobs & the prison shutting down . Prison employed 100s
  5. Crockett very overrated , hanging there hats on last year game and there run in the playoffs against some of the worse teams to ever play in the playoffs .
  6. you are living in a fantasy land, This game will be over quick . Newton fumbled 8 times last year and still won the game. A game that was over at the half and 8 fumbles later Crockett still lost .
  7. Silsbee was the best team Newton has seen, Newton has left a lot points in the field the other 4 games . I think they make a statement at home and blowout Crockett .
  8. Haha a whoppin is a lot worse than a whuppin everyone that played knows that lol
  9. Newton loaded , Crockett does not have enough to compete . This will be the first whoppin of 2 .
  10. healthy Newton team for the first time all year
  11. This is the most balanced offense in Newton history.
  12. This will be the first meeting, they will meet up in the 4th round to. Top 2 teams in D2 according to Harris polls .
  13. You said it right there, college and pro have become all about money, politics & gambling. It's sickening to me I can't stand to watch it, high school is the only one still pure and hopefully the Uil will stop trying to corrupt it to .
  14. 74-6 Newton . Lol , I remember Silsbee guy in 2012 , predicted Ec to beat Newton. That was the score, Ahhhh good times.
  15. Crockett vs Newton matchup in 2 weeks should get some press.
  16. The Eagles are very fast , can't wait to see them on turf .
  17. Newton deep , gotta a lot of young talent
  18. Silsbee & Diboll were big , Newton not missing much. This team has a lot more depth than other teams in the past .
  19. Mother Russia deleted my post on Cardinal backer. Good job Setxsports way to be a bunch of communist. Big brother watching you guys be careful what you say .
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