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Everything posted by uandme08

  1. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1314892" timestamp="1351626266"] [quote author=PAMFAM10 link=topic=105437.msg1314876#msg1314876 date=1351625411] WB and Ozen believe They Have A Real Shot Of Playoffs...In BASKETBALL that is :D [/quote] ;D [/quote] There I fixed it....as much as I love my Panthers....really expected more this year  :(
  2. [quote name="RaiderGirl92" post="1310438" timestamp="1351274790"] Who do you think are the top three most dedicated fans on here? [/quote] You by far have to be at the top of the list of 10.
  3. Central needs to score EARLY and quickly. You can't play come from behind football with Livingston at Livingston. I hope Central has brushed up and won't be plagued with so many penalties. In the game last week, the flags seemed to be coming from every direction on one particular drive. Get it done, Jags!  :D
  4. [quote name="409Fan" post="1307967" timestamp="1351008109"] Ok I do not bash kids or call them names first off. If I did I think I would be kicked off of here already. I just make the obvious come to light of others. Is Jacoby Jones good? Yes! Are the Panthers a good team full of athletes and possibly a decent coaching staff? Yes! Do they truly have my love and support no matter what everyone else thinks? Yes! Did they lose every game since beating Central? Yes! I don't bash kids. I tell it like it is. Every statement I have made refering to Ozen has came true except for them facing Central (really thought that would have been a closer game). Accuse me all I want but you are just adding fuel to the fire. I hide behind a screen name just like everyone else on here. I'm not that obnoxious fan in the stands at yall's game. That's honestly why I don't go to your games anymore cuz it's just too much to hear and deal with. You act like Jones' daddy or something KING TUT. Are you? So quick to jump on me for saying he dropped a game winner. Spend less time on here and teach your son how to catch. And teach whoever dropped that other one too. I'm calling out the whole Ozen football team. If you wanna really know who I am then win against the Bulldogs on Friday in Nederland and I PROMISE I WILL BUY THE WHOLE TEAM BREAKFAST THE NEXT DAY AND REVEAL MYSELF TO THE COACHING STAFF. And who the heck is thedogs1987? Keepy my username out of your mouth and the next time you do make sure you at least spell it right [/quote] 409fan, you are full of it. No, you don't tell it like it is you give your opinion as well as others do. No, you don't state the obvious yet again you give your opinion. If you are so perfect in all of your opinions then why did Jakobi drop 1 pass instead of the 2 you said earlier? Was it a mistake? Are you or any of the kids not capable of making them? [color=blue]No, you tried to make a spectacle out of a kid with your as(S)inine comment.  ??? ???  [/color] Trust me we, Ozen fans, are alot better off with you not attending our games. And if you aren't there to see things for yourself then why even comment? No, to my knowledge KING TUT is not Jakobi's daddy and neither am I but it takes a village to raise a child and one idiot to bring him down. From your posts about Ozen, you are definitely not part of the village. Me, I personally don't care to know who you are. And I honestly don't think that the WHOLE Ozen football team cares to know who you are or would want anything from you with the exception of maybe Tony Brown because he is by far the only one that you've had anything decent to say something about. If you have an issue with thedogs1987 and wants him to keep your username out of your mouth then do the kids at Ozen a favor and keep their names out of your mouth. Back on thread "Let's Go Panthers!"
  5. [quote name="409Fan" post="1306576" timestamp="1350859705"] UH OH! Anybody say Ozen will give Nederland a hard time? Get your popcorn ready, then again don't waste a good bag cuz Nederland will handle them in Nederland. I guess Ozen ALMOST won their last one. Too bad they can't add time to the clock in high school football (seriously it may be something to look at in the offseason). Anywho, Nederland is too big and physical, much bigger than the Livingston team they lost to. I think Jacobi Jones is banged up, Jordan Ozen is still trying to figure out which WR is open, and the run defense has been kinda exposed. Plus once again they failed to finish. Good job for Tony Brown recovering 2 fumbles and keeping them in the game! But [color=blue][b]"Mr. Excitement" misses 2 game winning passes????????? [/b][/color] Nederland wins this one BIG and seals Ozen's fate of not making the postseason while sealing their own opportunity 49-18. [/quote] 409fan your posts have been decent even for you up until this 1. Jacobi is a heck of an athlete and that 1 dropped pass will haunt him for days to come. Nobody is harder on him then he is himself but for you to make that comment and highlight it in the manner you did speaks volumes. I was at this game and offensively he stepped up which is being scarred by 1 mistake. That 1 dropped pass didn't lose the game for us when we didn't capitalize on so many opportunities.
  6. It was do or die for my Panthers and they didn't smh
  7. A must win for both teams....I'm hoping for a good, injury free game. It's do or die time!
  8. [quote name="RaiderGirl92" post="1303532" timestamp="1350579048"] Really thinking about going to Vidor's game [/quote] Come on and join in on the fun!
  9. If my PANTHERS don't get it together NOW, we are going to be in a world of trouble. We've faced 2 opponents where the game should have been ours but you know what they say SHOULDA, WOULDA, COULDA. Moving on to this week, LET'S GO PANTHERS!
  10. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1303201" timestamp="1350522595"] [quote author=409Fan link=topic=104818.msg1303193#msg1303193 date=1350521973] LCM will win! Not because they have better coaches. Not because they have better players. But because they have better fans and their Ozen will end up hurting themselves a win once again. Oh and the refs won't be a factor in this one either like they were last week. Sorry Ozen for calling it like I know it. [/quote] [b]Typical ozen guy blaming the refs[/b]. Smh ::) [/quote] Excuse me, this is hogwash cuz I'm a typical Ozen fan lol
  11. [quote name="dustoff03" post="1303199" timestamp="1350522431"] [quote author=409Fan link=topic=104818.msg1303193#msg1303193 date=1350521973] LCM will win! Not because they have better coaches. Not because they have better players. But because they have better fans and their Ozen will end up hurting themselves a win once again. Oh and the refs won't be a factor in this one either like they were [b]last week[/b]. Sorry Ozen for calling it like I know it. [/quote] so the refs held Ozen to 16 yrds and 1 first down in the second half and scored 18 points. hmmm not sure what game you watched. [/quote] If I'm not mistaken that wasn't the outcome of the game last week. Either way a loss is a loss.
  12. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1303354" timestamp="1350559180"] [quote author=Mr. Buddy Garrity link=topic=104834.msg1303326#msg1303326 date=1350534039] yall wanna meet somewhere for a pre-game snack before the Vidor/Central game? [/quote] Anything in mind? [/quote] *raises hand* I'd love to put some faces with the screen names
  13. Can't wait for this one. I'll be on somebody's side with my blue and gold on lol.
  14. [quote name="RaiderGirl92" post="1302395" timestamp="1350444462"] Who you have?? Lets go Raiders!!! Go out and play your hearts out again and make lumberton proud to have a team who doesn't give up no matter what the score is!!! [/quote] RaiderGirl92, gotta love and admire your spirit.
  15. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1299558" timestamp="1350149486"] Anyone have the final stats on this game? [/quote] I've been looking for the same thing.
  16. [quote name="Lions#80" post="1300936" timestamp="1350308092"] [quote author=409Fan link=topic=104558.msg1300579#msg1300579 date=1350249481] [quote author=Trocket link=topic=104558.msg1300022#msg1300022 date=1350179395] [quote author=ozens fastest@1906 link=topic=104558.msg1300009#msg1300009 date=1350178577] [quote author=Trocket link=topic=104558.msg1299954#msg1299954 date=1350173501] [quote author=Jackthehammer link=topic=104558.msg1299818#msg1299818 date=1350162355] Did not expect this thought Ozen would smoke this one......... [/quote]Well, really Ozen is a good team but I still believe the best team won, and the calls by the ref's did not determine the game in anyway. This crew was not a good working crew, but [b]nothing they call affected the outcome of the game[/b]. They just turn a 2 hour game into a 3 hour game that's all they really did. [/quote] Are you serious they called back a 45 yard gain by ozen that had the panthers in scoring position to tie the game up in the 4th qtr, there was not a flag on the field, or never a flag thrown to explain their actions... all we saw from the stands was the livingston coach yelling and screaming and then there was a meeting for 5 mins and then the ball was not only moved back 15 the first time but picked up again and then it was as if they played the initial down over, but that normally follows a flag which was never thrown seen or justified [/quote]I recall that play as well, the call was that the ref had not blown the whistle for the ball to be in play when you team snapped the ball. So yes I'm serious, as I said before, this was the slowest crew I have ever seen, all they did was hold up the game and frustrated me, but you do have to wait until the ref blows the whistle after the clock has stopped. I had no problem with the call because it was the right call but to hold up the game for 20 minutes was crazy. [/quote] Actually you're wrong. I heard that the ref (for no reason whatsoever) blew the whistle early and the defense stopped and that's why the play was a big run. Problem is the refs didnt blow the whistle, maybe the people in the stands who we're blowing whistles all night did it, and the defense didnt stop pursuing the play AT ALL. Secondly, how come the coach can act all animated and talk directly to the refs. Now I don't like to blame refs for bad calls either because there are more than one plays in a game, however this play was worse than the Packers vs Seahawks controversial call. A game changer. [/quote]I didn't hear any whistles blowing in the stands, but what I saw it was a timeout and the refs were taking a water break and after the ref sit the ball down they snapped it before he blew his whistle and ran over the little water boy as he was coming off the field. he was knocked out or scared to death and needed medical attention. [/quote] There are so many versions to this one particular bad call that it's not even funny. Nobody truly knows what happened including the "refs". There were so many bad calls and bad spots, you can't just chose one lol. I hope I don't ever have to see that set of refs ever again. Again had WE taken care of business to begin with it wouldn't have been an issue. The players have moved on now it's time for the adults to. Good luck Lions the rest of the way. 
  17. I can't even be mad at the refs. ANY team as well as Ozen knows that to beat Livingston at home, you have to have at least a marginal lead to walk out with a victory.
  18. [quote name="BRONX ROX" post="1300202" timestamp="1350189315"] [quote author=TheRef link=topic=104628.msg1300199#msg1300199 date=1350188606] Hey jenks, we have no instant replay, we have two less officials than college and NFL, and we are shorthanded. We could care less who wins the game as long as they play by the rules. A lot of the calls we make are judgement calls which means we have to make the decision and live with the decision that we make, but its our call not the guy sitting up in the stands, or the coach on the sideline that had a totally different angle and did not see it the same way that we did. We are doing our best so that the kids can play the game. That is right I said the kids. That is the reason we are there and the game could not be played without us. Yes we miss calls, and we make bad calls, and we live with the calls that we made. That ref that comes running from 50 yards away to tell me that the ball hit the ground, he had a different angle than I did and I thank him for pulling me off that call so that team does not get some cheap yardage that they did not earn. No I was not at your game last night, but whoever the guys were that called your game they did it for the kids, and if they messed up a call, it was not on purpose it was a human being making a mistake. I will be happy to let you have my striped shirt and my yellow flag and my rule book, and I will go sit in the stands and watch you. I guarantee next week I could find a reason to get on here and complain about something you did that I did not like. But that will never happen because if you did put on the stripes and you did get out on that field you would understand why things happen the way they do. So we will keep calling the game and making judgement calls and hopefully your team wins so I don't have to listen to the reason your team lost was because of the officials. You see we have been there and heard it time and time again. Guess somebody has to be blamed for the loss!     But I will leave you with a quote from a famous coach from our area.         If a team is not good enough to overcome a bad call made by an official, that team was probably not going to win in the first place!                                                                  Coach Darrel Barbay Newton Eagles [/quote] [b]APPARENTLY U AINT BEEN TO A LIV GAME AT HOME  ;) BUT LIKE THE PEP TALK AND I HOPE YOU CONVINCED SOMEBODY  ;)[/b][/quote] RIGHT! Reba wasn't as annoying as the refs lol
  19. Which side has room for this poor ole Panther fan?
  20. [quote name="BmtTopFlight2017" post="1300383" timestamp="1350233631"] PAM played a good game..as far game plan well we'll see if it applies when the SEASON starts...I remind you Ozenn played with some KEY pieces missing...Silsbee game was poorly officiated with the refs allowing Silsbee players to throw elbows and punches.... [/quote] Who was missing from Ozen?
  21. Bmtqj33 I understand ur frustration HONESTLY I do but don't do this. Those kids played hard against the Lions and the refs and that's not an excuse.
  22. [quote name="409Fan" post="1298942" timestamp="1350100669"] All I have to say is, according to my source that heard about the game, "there's a sh@t storm on the Panthers side." Some huge mistakes by the refs and tension on the sideline [/quote] Can't believe I'm agreeing with u on something lol. Trust me I'm not downing livingston in anyway but the refs were horrible. Anybody at the game left with a few new made up cuss words. How I wish this game was televised cuz it would beat America's funniest home videos by a landslide. Seems we got the bottom of the bunch of replacement refs. Good job Livingston, good luck the rest of the way.
  23. Naw we lost this 1 it's 21-14 with 1:54 Livingston has the ball
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