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Everything posted by whsalum

  1. I’m not buying the “ Hardin Kids “ moniker. They have had some really good basketball players over there in the not to distant past. I would go out on a limb and say there’s as much basketball talent in Hardin as there is in West Hardin
  2. I think a little looking into the victory over EC is very revealing. There were numerous technical fouls issued against EC in that game which just normally doesn’t happen. Coach Sutherland runs one of the most disciplined programs in the area or even state. I think there were even some suspensions for the officials after that one. The guy may be a good coach but his record looks a little deceiving with multiple victories against Fred Good Samaritan. Still not sure why West Hardin would be a better job than Hardin. Looks like a downgrade from the outside
  3. The biggest difference is going to be a little pg that just refused to lose. Guards like Bush don’t come around every day.
  4. There has been several very good coaches at WOS over the years with a pretty good pedigree. I wish em well.
  5. His record can be deceiving. It was a hot topic on here a couple of years ago. I would think that’s a step down from Hardin to West Hardin????
  6. HF completes the trifecta by winning the high school state championship, college final four and the NBA championship 😂JK y’all chill out. Hardin Jefferson is going to be solid again.
  7. Or take it to the corner and run out the clock. There have been some storied finishes at the state tournament
  8. That’s gotta be frustrating for the kids in the program.
  9. Warren should have a pretty solid baseball team year in and year out. They seemed to have underachieved since Coach Wofford left a few years ago.
  10. I imagine the Woodville coach still has nightmares about that one. 😂
  11. He’s not coaching this year. He’s been an assistant and the JV coach at HJ for the past 7 years. He took an assistant principal job this coming school year. Had another baby and needed a salary bump for a while 😂
  12. That’s why I said often and not always. It’s a strategy and good coaches will use it to beat you if they get ahead. You give a good free throw shooting team a 5 point lead and the ball they’ll beat you with a good coach.
  13. It’s a strategy often deployed by teams that don’t have equal athletes. Been part of the game forever. I personally am not a fan of stalling the basketball but it’s up to the defensive team to adjust. High school basketball doesn’t need a shot clock
  14. This would be a great small school job . This little town really gets behind their teams. I’d like to see a good young coach settle in there. Not sure why the young man that was there would leave for an assistant position.
  15. I know nothing about the new guy but he could be great and get the same results. My biggest concern is are they going to hire football position coaches to drive the basketball and baseball buses?
  16. Normally we have to hire a detective to get a score
  17. In all honesty folks we’re getting the cart in front of the horse here. The new coach could be the best in our schools history and still have the same record as his predecessor. I wish the guy the best but unless he has some kids that are blue chip recruits some of y’all are setting the bar to high.
  18. The gym is nice. The football and track facilities have been pretty much the same for years. It would be hard to pass a bond issue to improve facilities with the history of the program. I still think an AD tag on a basketball or baseball guy would be an improvement but that’s never gonna happen.
  19. My heart will always be a Warren Warrior but the athletic programs on the boys side have been disappointing for several years. As an outsider looking in these days it appears the programs that had some degree of success in the past have been neglected. Like I’ve said before I wish the new guy the best of luck but I’m not convinced coaching is the problem in Warren. In all sports it has to start at a young age with the parents being dedicated to develop the youth leagues, travel teams and most importantly a weight program. Until we turn this around we’re going to struggle.
  20. I have no idea what the realignment or snap shot day will look like and I hope the new AD/HC is as good as advertised. If he is Warren is probably looking at a 1-6 or 2-5 record. I’d love to see them in the hunt but Newton, New Waverly, Corrigan, Anderson- Shiro , Hemphill are all usually decidedly better.
  21. he’s a good coach no one can doubt that. If someone wasn’t playing for him it was probably because someone else was better. So I guess Warren needs a HC in both Boys and Girls Basketball and Baseball. I would think most districts have their staffs under contract by now.
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