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East TX

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Everything posted by East TX

  1. I guarantee, scrimmaging the Lufkin Hi Panthers is a good move for any team!  That is one-proven-baseball-program....
  2. I wish BC and BH could meet regularly for scrimmages--they would be able to help each other get ready for stiff District play.
  3. It was 8-3 when I left......It started out 4-0 BC but there were a lot of substitutions....Ned did have one Pitcher give up several hits. It was a good scrimmage with both mixing in players at the last.  When Bellow gets back Nederland will be stronger.
  4. No debate here--it is just that Hicks is superior at SS or Pitcher and has helped led a team to Regional Semifinals last year and even higher a few year ago: he is a proven consistent winner, not a one year wonder.
  5. Hicks has stood out for years now.  He has a great record and has pitched to all the teams played that were the best scheduled; plus, led to deep in the playoffs.  He has proven to win the big ones over and over for years Question, what is BCs Mitchell Hubbard's top speed? He seems to be ready to join an excellent team brace of good HS Pitchers. Over at OF, I like their pitcher Chase Angelle he stands out as quite superior IMO.
  6. I will try to see them play Bridge City & PNG.
  7. I wonder if assorted Orange County and Greater Beaumont area assorted Associations ought to all annex Nederland's geographic area?
  8. It was kind of funny,  when they asked Ross Perot what it would take to stop the collapse of public education across America.....he quickly responded, "Number one thing would be to immediately TORCH all the teachers colleges across America. Secondly, run the Teachers Unions out of the business of education of youth." I think that was funny in that the Teachers Unions spent a TON of money from that point on to get him- bashed-- completely   LOL Basically their are three things that the Teachers Unions fight continually: 1. The skewing of training college Education Majors into TOUGH subject matter to get a degree and eliminate the host of classes on.... how-to-teach...NATIONWIDE 2. In each class K-12 test the children on the materials to be taught at the BEGINNING of the course(first day) and then test the same students at the END of the time frame of the course AND pay teachers bonuses that can perform better than others!.. NATIONWIDE 3. Try to cut out the common denominator UNION mentality--pay the good ones well and run the bad ones off; that are not really helping the kids. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To the person bragging about HF softball etc:  You went for years with NO field for the girls period. Secondly your brag about the boys field not as good now as the girls field is interesting--you had no girls field and most would note your boys BB field is not one of the better ones....WOW I did not know I could be so kind.... HF has one of the best in Coaching & Management in Texas in Wayne McHaffey: he did wonders for the whole school system in Rusk, TX; problem is he is just the baseball coach at HF.
  9. Sir I was not confused....... everyone I thought, knows you use the crow-hop drill to assess MPH.....Maybe you could get Coach Sam Moore to teach you more....The crow hop drill is as old as Baseball that gives everyone comparative data!!!!!! Sorry I confused you with not taking the time to go over fundamental sound methodology; that even I learned 50 years ago when I played BB.  When you power throw you deliver in this manner with all you can muster. It is so interesting to see the reactions of those that peaked out in HS; when someone like Jaden continues to get better and better! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a little aside- BEFORE radar usage....the crow-hop drill testing was done by two pitchers pitching side by side, when a signal was given.  Several Coaches stood on each side of the front of the plate(back a little bit lol).  Next, five throws were made jointly by the Pitchers and the one with the best three of the five was considered the swifter of the Pitchers. You could easily assess a whole lot of Pitchers at a tryout: and most importantly you could test occasionally as to who was peaking and who was still improving their--- speed.
  10. Title IX has always been a joke.  All girls sports are treated unfairly.  Look at the SB fields for the girls for starters across the USA! Parity? Don't give us the football money generation baloney.  When you have more Coaches on the sideline than players on the starting offense- on the field; you don't "generate" any money....LOL
  11. I trust my sources...but if you want to question me, go ahead. That may be why a lot of folks don't post anymore.
  12. Also, news for some interested folks is that Jaden Dillon now going into his second season at McNeese is hitting 96 mph over at the Sam Moore training facility.  He had a great Freshman year and also a great Select stint in Colorado! He finished Bridge City HS as a 157# long-drink-of- water; but, today he is 180#s of top conditioned muscles. Projections are he will join his friend Kevin Angelle as a Pro pitching prospect.
  13. I am hearing that BC will more than be ready to make a run come playoff time this season.  Matt Hicks is improving and is hitting 92 mph.....and we all know he can slowdown good hitting orders.  Even better news is that Zoch the Junior is not far behind. With Zoch stepping up; prospects are better. Sam Moore's training facility has moved to Mid County/Nederland and along with his Select teams-- his hard work with youth is getting recognized Nationally...Congrats! Can anyone give us fresh info on Little Hubbard and others, ready for the bull-pin?
  14. TO:  Red Pepper--You are very rational and seem to have this VB posting site at heart! Congrats for trying to keep things on track...If an opening comes someday to be involved with being the brass of this thread, please consider. Thank you!
  15. We are talking about DISTRICT races.......Yes for many years BC would pitch a #4 or so Pitcher; and sometimes OF would win a preseason warm-up game. With Hicks on the mound in District it will be just another year.. to win District for BC.....same prediction as last year.
  16. We have heard it all before year-after-year, yet OF..... NEVER beats Bridge City..... I would rank the poll with BC and OF tied for first place with Jasper at # 3.    lol
  17. I understand that on February 4-- Temple JUCO and the PA Seahawks will play an early SB game in Port Arthur.   Wow, a chance to see our local girls in action with scholars to these two JUCO teams.
  18. Dishon will pitch if called upon and will do a good job......
  19. We are talking about STACKING TEAMS in little school with many 5A caliber girls. I was at a BC girls basketball game at the Kelly Tourney Saturday; the Basketball team is mostly the VB team and I guarantee the SB team that will win District is well represented with--VB, State Level Cross Counry & Powerlifters, Basketballers, cheerleaders, etc... These teams of 6 footers that I saw packed into 4As & on down to 1A were totally dedicated to Club Volleyball and assembled and pre-planned by the Club parents. They were not our multi-sport girls, that also try to play a little club VB ball in-between  lol
  20. I see the poll has BC out front......You know, I really don't think it matters that much; if BC just makes the playoffs IMHO.....With Coaches like Becca and Beth they will do very well in the brackets.  Good solid coaching really helps a team reach its goals in the post season..
  21. BC has the best Sophomore Catcher maybe in the state in Menard......Look for several Pitchers to shine besides Hicks--Dishon, Zoch, and several others. What a matchup-- position to position--with OF: maybe that is where the real State Championship is decided, like it was a few years back between Jasper and BC....lol
  22. Good evening....I don't have anyone on either team but I will make a comment..  Marci Anderson is a great Coach.  She could be at a 5A somewhere but she chooses to coach several sports at Sabine Pass. To the students, faculty, and folks from S P; I know you are quite fortunate to have good coaching down your way and I know that you appreciate their efforts.
  23. Hicks is amazing look how well he did working his way fairly deep into the playoffs! Any stats on Zoch and others that pitched some?
  24. I just don't think OF can beat Hicks again during this year.  Zoch may also get some great wins...he has been overshadowed by Kellogg and Hicks, but who has not?    lol The BC left-hander will surprise a lot of people in the playoffs!
  25. No he is not--a couple from OF and a couple from BC....come to the games and find out...lol
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