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Posts posted by robanadana

  1. 12 hours ago, TxHoops said:

    Anyone predicting a close game with a team that runs the slot T hasn't seen enough of this defense and doesn't know Cornel Thompson!  Not gonna happen. 

    Navarro didn't run the Slot-T worth a crud and went to the spread several times. For a bunch of high school kids I believe this would be a little too complicated. When they ran out of the slot and the very few times they cut up the field off tackle (like you're supposed to) they were able to make some yardage. Trying to outrun WOS to the sideline without Ezekial Elliot was just stupid. 10 out of 10 times WOS beats this team...to me they just weren't that good. And, no way I kick, punt or anything else that let's KJ put his hands on the football. Regardless of the team he is the best football player in SE Texas, period.

    TxHoops, I don't think it matters what offense you run; you're not gonna beat WOS. To me, your only hope is holding on the football and running the spread insures that they get their hands on the ball once every 2.5 to 3 minutes. Game over.

  2. 2 hours ago, griff said:

    Why do that when Vidor could play WO-S? Did you ever ask Jeff why he keeps declining to play us in a real game? Scheduling a team from out of state when you have an available opponent in neighboring Orange County is ridiculous. 

    Please, before I believe a word you say about scheduling games with WOS, I will ask Jeff. Don't put it on here if you don't know it to be true. We scrimmage each other every year and I'm sure there is a reason we don't play y'all, BC, LCM and Orangefield every year since we are in the same county. SMH.

  3. Same here...what openings are you talking about? Jeff Mathews and Vidor play out of state teams on a regular basis. We had a home and away with Florida teams recently. Let me know what you're looking for and I'll forward to Jeff. We run 1400 kids...same classification as the Washington school would be.

  4. 7 hours ago, WOSgrad said:

    While I understand what you are saying and I know you so I know that you are not suggesting this, I kinda bristle at how this post is worded because it leaves open the implication that WO-S' recent success is due to playing "inferior" teams.  WO-S is playing in the class and division that it size dictates as stated by the UIL.  Neither they nor Navarro nor Gilmer nor Sweetwater should have to apologize for where they are for all they did was what every school in the State of Texas did, count the heads of students attending (well, okay Livingston didn't do that) and wait for the UIL to tell them what class, division and district to play in.  The playoff opponents have not been determined by them but again by the UIL.

    I realize that I have furthered your argument and I didn't mean to dispute it.  But let's all remember, smaller schools don't always mean inferior schools.

    I'm not really talking about small schools nor was I disrespecting WOS; I would have said inferior if I meant inferior. My point is valid...if school size meant nothing then WOS would have beaten Richmond Foster last year. Richmond kept running out defensive line, then backup defensive line, etc. etc. They beat WOS down. It's not apples and apples and it is not a dig at WOS; I respect that school too much for that. However, they wouldn't make three rounds of 5A ball because they would run out of gas due to lack of depth. Hard to play against a team that suits up 40 - 50 seniors. Cedar Park, 5A Div. 2 champs last year enrollment 1949. Seriously! I could merge all the Orange schools and not get that number.

  5. 2 hours ago, LCM17 said:

    Do you think if they combined LCM/WOS with these same group of kids that Orange would not have went deep in the playoffs the last few years if they were 5a? I think we would have around 1700 kids. 

    Absolutely. Playing mostly seniors, playing one way, backups for injuries. It makes a HUGE difference.

  6. 9 minutes ago, WOSgrad said:

    I get a little nervous about WO-S being appointed the standard bearer in this subject.  Remember that for all of the success WO-S has enjoyed, even we Mustang fans had to wait 28 years between state championships.

    Making my point about population decreasing. It took WOS moving to 4A Div. 2 to accomplish it.

  7. 8 minutes ago, WOSgrad said:

    I agree to an extent, but the DII numbers this year don't completely bare this out.  Yes, College Station (1743) enjoyed almost a 300 student ADM advantage over PN-G (1447), but Fort Bend Marshall (1280) went into its game sporting a nearly 400 student ADM deficit to Crosby (1668).  But without searching further, it would appear that the Fort Bend Marshall/Crosby situation is more the exception than the rule.

    To better level things, the 5A supers need to approve the provision which will be set before them dividing Class 5A, Division I and Division II.

    Coming around to my way of thinking, huh! Alas, then Marshall ran into 5A CS who was split out of one school from one area that is on a SUPER growth spurt, CS/B. Same as Nederland vs. Georgetown 2012, etc., etc.

  8. 20 minutes ago, losteraussie said:

    Dang you made me go to Wikipedia. All these years and I didn't know he was born in Gilmer. I have a buddy that grew up in Hughes Springs. When he was a senior a little local band played their prom. Name of the band was either 4 speeds or 4 tops, I can't remember. Lead vocalist in that little band, none other than Don Henley.

    Got tickets to see him in Sugarland, January 2017. Love the guy.

  9. The shortcoming with Southeast Texas is that the area and area schools are shrinking. True, WOS keeps their winning ways but they have dropped classifications dramatically since they were a 5A in the early 2000s. Most of the schools in our area in the 5A classification are in the 1100 - 1500 kid range which won't get it under the present format of taking the two smaller schools to the D2 level for state playoffs. You still run into schools who have 1700+ kids who have 50 seniors and very few players if any going both ways. Losing enrollment every year without changing classifications = not very far in the playoffs. Same is true for the lower classifications. Most of the facilities for all the teams are less than standard compared to other areas. Unless new money, new jobs and new people move into the area such as what's happening with the BH and New Caney school districts it will continue to be this way.

  10. 1 minute ago, Goblin said:

    2A Refugio held Navarro to 14 points, almost won that game and yes Refugio is good but have you checked out their enrollment and size? If the top Offense and Defense in 2A can almost beat them surely WOS (the top defense in 4A AND the entire State) surely can.

    Again with the who beat who and by how much philosophy that doesn't work with high school football. Luv ya Goblin but let's keep it real. Navarro is playing WOS because they're good.

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