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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. But why is it called an Issue? And I’ve seen some people refer to it as ‘unwanted growth’. I definitely can read between the lines. But my rebuttal is anytime your town grows, it’s great for the local economy. And anytime your town grows this fast, that’s even better.
  2. Silsbee/WO-S. So of y’all don’t know the magnitude of those games.
  3. You would like to believe that, but nah. Just exactly what I said about a normal Beaumont team smacking whatever team you support silly and offering to revisit this conversation.
  4. Another week and another thread you have folks with these stale lame jokes. Like I said before, keep it up. Because I know on a normal year of Beaumont football, at least one of our teams would take your team behind the woodshed. Those days will happen more sooner than you think. Then I’ll revisit these little jokes.
  5. And for everyone cracking these little jokes recently. Alright, we get it. Beaumont football sucks. But prior to this state of football in Beaumont, you guys remained mute. Knowing that at least one of our teams would run your team off the field. But go ahead and laugh it up. When things are back to normal, I’ll be revisiting these jokes. Have fun.
  6. I just want to point out that the same thing was implied last year. ‘Brook will split with BU, man’. Actually, those were your words. Probably not verbatim, but …. 🤷🏾‍♂️. But go right ahead…
  7. I was just told that a screenshot of a message from one of the Kelly Coaches ended up with TAPPS. I assume that they don’t allow the actual coaches on the staff to coach any of the players in offseason stuff.
  8. Well, a Kelly contact told me there is only one ex West Brook kid on the team. But I talked to a west Brook contact this morning and he told me several WB players made it to Kelly. Two different stories, so I dunno…
  9. My nephew is one of the star players in the team. Apparently, there were some text messages that were leaked from one of the assistant coaches stating that he coaches in an off-season game for Kelly by a teacher at West Brook. It was sent to TAPPS . If you didn’t know, there has been beef with West Brook and Kelly. West Brook parents have been saying that Kelly recruited several of their players.
  10. West Brook over Silsbee and BU are laughable at best. But go right ahead.
  11. Who’s pretending that there is great management? Management is horrible which ultimately why we’re at this point.
  12. He cried for weeks on the news and to the newspaper about a dang field house at West Brook when it had nothing to do with BISD. The stop work order being pushed by their very own west end city council was the roadblock that prolonged the completion of that field house. IMO, that was nothing more than a scapegoat for him to make it seem like it was BISD’a fault so he could leave.
  13. At this point, absolutely. I was trying to hold off on this, but enough is enough. I sat by @Alpha Wolf and we watched this mess last night. We’ve been watching these games for over 15 years. I don’t think it’s ever been this bad accross the board. This is not ok, but apparently, admin is ok with everything in place, as long as basketball is in point. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️
  14. Last year, we gave you a pass. This year, is falling right in like with last year. No improvement. Still silly penalties, still defense can’t tackle and can’t cover anyone. Offensive line won’t block…. A line that includes a kid going to A&M next year. Another year, and another bad team. I say we cut our losses early. As soon as the season ends, I wish BISD Administration do what they need to do EARLY, not wait until the school year is over with. This crap is beyond embarrassing and the Athletic Department should be a shamed.
  15. Looks like north shore let them borrow some of their resources…
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