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  1. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Dangerous Times   
    I feel the same way...there is no fixing them.  As painful as it will be, there needs to be a grass roots conservative movement to combat the dems.
    Republicans are no longer the answer...Trump proved it.
  2. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Chester86 in Impeachment   
    Who did he poop over? Didn't poop on me, I prospered under Trump.
    Are you a democrat that he pooped all over, if so, I can understand your rants.
    I feel for guys like you, can't pick a side so you argue both.  Once again, goes back to your choice of bill clinton...he had no core values that he was willing to stand by so he changed his spots to fit whichever crowd he was in.  What a way to go through life.
  3. Haha
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in 01/06/2021 - The day America began it’s slow-death   
  4. Haha
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Realville in Impeachment   
    It's that simple for simple people that have the American Idol voting mentality.
  5. Haha
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Realville in Impeachment   
    Now he’s the guy you’re jealous of because he’s filthy rich...and you’re not.
  6. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog in Trump Should   
    Start his own social media platform. Maybe Facebook and Twitter would fail. Yeah, I kjow, they already made their money, but at least they wouldn’t be able to silence or censor anyone’s right to speak.
  7. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan reacted to 5GallonBucket in Impeachment   
    Trump has his faults, but media has...........well been the media.....
  8. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Impeachment   
    Man, you don't listen.  I have never excused Trump's actions, He has said lots of things that made me shake my head.
    But at the end of the day, I can look at what he has done and MUCH more importantly, I can look at the alternative to voting for him, and it's a no brainer.
    We have become a nation of low information voters that don't operate on enough information than to get past Trump's mannerisms...smh.
    I am not the problem, I voted the right way,  and neither was Trump and the next four years will be a very painful  confirmation of it. 
  9. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Chester86 in Impeachment   
    Nope, I can't speak for others but I'm upset because I have paid attention to the other contestant for decades and I see what's coming...he's even showed it to me once before.
    Trump isn't the problem, our flakey low information voters are that choose smooth over policy.
    You voted for Trump twice AFTER you have watched him for years going after folks like O'Donnell and now you can't stomach his personality...lol.
    He hasn't changed, you must have.
  10. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from baddog in Impeachment   
    Nope, I can't speak for others but I'm upset because I have paid attention to the other contestant for decades and I see what's coming...he's even showed it to me once before.
    Trump isn't the problem, our flakey low information voters are that choose smooth over policy.
    You voted for Trump twice AFTER you have watched him for years going after folks like O'Donnell and now you can't stomach his personality...lol.
    He hasn't changed, you must have.
  11. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Chester86 in Impeachment   
    He can't help himself...and this is from the guy that has scolded others for insulting.
  12. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Chester86 in Impeachment   
    Man, you don't listen.  I have never excused Trump's actions, He has said lots of things that made me shake my head.
    But at the end of the day, I can look at what he has done and MUCH more importantly, I can look at the alternative to voting for him, and it's a no brainer.
    We have become a nation of low information voters that don't operate on enough information than to get past Trump's mannerisms...smh.
    I am not the problem, I voted the right way,  and neither was Trump and the next four years will be a very painful  confirmation of it. 
  13. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar in Impeachment   
    “Imbeciles who say he may be rude or crud, but”.   Pretty clear you were referring to me.  That’s what liberals do when confronted with facts they can’t refute, start name calling.  No CB, I’m not an imbecile, nor a genius. Quick question for you - are you even aware of all Trump’s accomplishments, or is your spiffy and well thought out response, what accomplishments?   Here’s a list of them.   I don’t need to read it since I’m convinced he was a great President.  I doubt if you read it but if you do, I’m sure, like a liberal, you’ll find fault.  The best unemployment in peacetime is a great starter.  Lowest Four Years Combat Deaths since the 9/11 attack.  The fact that N. Korea stopped its incessant missile firing is another.   Bottom line, if your priority in choosing a President is someone who gives the illusion of being Presidential/Competent (Obama did), but couldn’t pour urine out of a boot with the instructions on the heel, that’s your choice.  Personally, I prefer a man that gets things done, or at least tries his best.   Those type candidates are very, very, rare.

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  14. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in Impeachment   
    It doesn’t make me mad, it makes me laugh, at your arrogant, know it all nonsense.
    You would rather have higher taxes, single payer healthcare, squeeze the energy industry and fall back in bed with China and Iran than listen to a meanie.  I’m not the problem, your kind are the problem that choose to vote against Trump based on nothing but emotions.  Not surprising when it was Bill Clinton that you singled out as the go to presidential choice...lol.
  15. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar in This Board Needs....   
    Not often our Founding Fathers get on this thread, but I just saw this quote from John Adams, our second President.
    ”One useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three is a Congress”.
  16. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar in Impeachment   
    While the Dems hatred of Trump, his supporters, and America, was spouted continuously for 4 years, many including violence against the above, at the Capital and in the MSM, only silence.   Even the Sanders supporter who went to a Repub softball practice with a hunting rifle to kill them all brought only token condemnation.   Now on the MSM, and listening to Dem politicians, you’d think Trump lead the charge up the Capital steps carrying a Don’t Tread on Me flag.
    Trump’s speech didn’t call for violence.  But do the Dems care - no.  What they’re doing is a disgrace, but it does show where they are heading, and it ain’t good folks.  Are we, is America, doomed?   As the Dems amass Power - Yes.  Our Constitution, a brilliant guide for freedom, written by our Founding Fathers, is in danger.   The Dems will eventually make it useless.  This realization dawned on me when I heard a quote by John Adams, our second President, and one of those brilliant men.  
    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate for the Government of any other”.
    Now, ask yourself, are the Democrats a moral and religious people?  The same people that booed God at their 2012 Convention.  The same folks taking down God as quickly as they can.  Same folks that tore down religious statues, and partly destroyed the WW-II Memorial in a Dem protest.  These are the actions of those who hate (or fear) God, and have zero morals.  If John Adams is right, yes, America as we know it is doomed.
  17. Haha
    LumRaiderFan reacted to TxHoops in Are edges not conveying in light of the fact that batsmen are so far down the pitch?   
    Finally a thread about cricket!  Now if we can just find some traction with lawn bowling in this forum....
  18. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Realville in Does Trump still have a chance   
    I didn’t say it. 3 Star General McIerney said it yesterday.

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  19. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to BS Wildcats in Free Speech!   
    I guess the CEO’s of these social media leftist groups have no problem letting the Ayatollah still have open accounts.  And this from a man that openly declared death to Americans.  And the Democrats wonder why the right feels the way they do about them.  I will never understand the support for their politics.
  20. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Chester86 in Free Speech!   
    This is my only social media.  I like it that way, and sometimes wish I could avoid the political section.  It’s just really interesting to me to see divergent view points.  I am still amazed that I am considered “far right”.  I wish Biden / Harris nothing but success.  America though, and politicians in particular are speeding toward the complete opposite end of the spectrum from me.  I want to be left alone, lower taxes, fewer governmental interferences in my life, 2A and religious liberties.  I am pro-American, a veteran and served the people for over 32 years.  Work for what you get and I want hand-outs restricted (because I’m the one paying for it).  Almost everything I listed is considered pure abomination by the Democrats.  There are so many on here who have all the answers and the name calling serves no purpose.  I gave Obama a chance (voted against him twice) and he lived up and surpassed my reservations I had about him.  
  21. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan reacted to BS Wildcats in Inauguration   
  22. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Ty Cobb in Inauguration   
    Not even close, tell that to the farmers that are getting good money for their corn and soybeans.
    Tell that to the folks in fracking that were killing it and are now scrambling to secure leases on private lands.
    Tell that to the millions of unborn that are hoping Roe v wade is revisited in the future.
    Being rude and crude is ignored in Washington all the time, some folks just seem to focus on Trump.
  23. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to underarmor in Inauguration   
    After 4 and a half years of democrats saying Trump is not a legit president and standing in the way of everything he wanted to do, and calling him racist and other vulgar terms you still put the stimulus money in your pockets didnt you. Why didnt you send it back if you hate him so much. He should not only tell them to kiss his a-- on the way out he should drop his pants and give them the big moom. He owes all of us nothing, he tried to drain that cesspool in DC that nobody wants to uncover. Corruption beyond belief. I look forward to the posting of dems when gas is above 3$and taxes are higher and your energy grid is in trouble. You drag racers will love the whir of the engines.😀😀😀😀
    RESIST has a new meaning back at ya
  24. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Inauguration   
    Why don't you try talking to real farmers instead of googling your nonsense.  Renegotiating the trade deals in 2017 and 2018 was painful for farmers (they knew it would be) so the gov stepped in, as they should, in the interim.  You wouldn't want to deal with the year to year stress that farmers do, the myth that they are all rich is nonsense. 
  25. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Inauguration   
    Not even close, tell that to the farmers that are getting good money for their corn and soybeans.
    Tell that to the folks in fracking that were killing it and are now scrambling to secure leases on private lands.
    Tell that to the millions of unborn that are hoping Roe v wade is revisited in the future.
    Being rude and crude is ignored in Washington all the time, some folks just seem to focus on Trump.
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