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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I don’t see you as whiny at all, I see you complaining because you feel like your team came out on the short end of bad calls. I do it as well. What I don’t do is call for umpires to be replaced because they’re not perfect. It’s part of the game and always has been, just another obstacle to deal with. One thing I am sure of is the whooping the Rangers took last night wasn’t because of bad umpiring. They’ll figure it out, they’re too good a team not to.
  2. You saw a different game than I saw. You sound like the high school football fan that gets beat 60 to 7 and complains about the referees, lol.
  3. Agree, I’m also pulling for the Rangers now that Houston is out, but I doubt we would be hearing about the lousy umpires if Texas won last night. Like I said, it’s part of the game.
  4. It goes both ways, it’s part of the game. Smart pitchers know how to deal with it. No need to change. Umpire wasn’t the difference on a game like that.
  5. Kelly pitched a gem, plain and simple, no help from the ump. Personally, I hope balls and strikes are always called by a person.
  6. Arizona exposed that explosive Texas lineup tonight.
  7. Continued prayers for wisdom for the doctors and recovery for this young man.
  8. He is, but we got sitting congressmen/women that are way more embarrassing than this dope.
  9. Article I, Section 2, Clause 4: When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.
  10. I believe they have a special election to fill a vacancy in the House.
  11. Healthy debate produced a good choice for speaker, glad they took their time and got it right.
  12. No doubt, y’all finally got him. lol lol lol
  14. [Hidden Content] From the article: The FBI maintained more than 40 confidential human sources on various criminal matters related to the Biden family, including Joe Biden, dating back to his time as vice president, according to information obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley. The confidential human sources "provided criminal information to the FBI relating to Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden." Those confidential human sources were managed by multiple FBI field offices across the nation—including the FBI’s Seattle Field Office. But Grassley learned that an FBI task force within the Washington Field Office sought to, and in some cases, successfully, shut down reporting and information from those sources by falsely discrediting the information as foreign disinformation. That effort "caused investigative activity to cease." Gotta love the FBI's management style...sweep it under the rug ignore it...unless it's Trump.
  15. Hopefully, they have their guy picked out, if he is, the wait was worth it. By the way, the Republicans have done way more embarrassing stunts than this imo, lol. I guess the positive is Republicans don't have members that are openly supporting terrorists.
  16. Personally, I think that can be a good thing, I hate lockstep mindless politicians.
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