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Posts posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. 2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    To clarify… Rs like wars.  It’s undeniable.

    1. George HW Bush- Persian Gulf War 

    2.  Bill Clinton-no wars

    3. George W Bush- War on Terror (Afghanistan) and the Iraq War

    4. Barack Obama-no wars

    5.  Donald Trump- attack on Capitol Hill-failed insurrection 

    6.  Joe Biden-no wars. 

    But y’all are scared Biden is gonna get us in a war - was he putting that off until his second term? lol. 

    Seriously, though… the Trump thing was a joke. He’s more Dem than Republican anyways. We all know that. 


    “Failed insurrection” made the war list.

    It’s really bad!

    Don’t forget the war on terror was Bush having to clean up the coward’s mess.

    But you already know this.

  2. 8 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Liberal mindset…..”we should only be concerned about wars if Americans are fighting”. I feel dumber for having said that.

    There’s a good chance Ukraine and October 7th would not have happened if we didn’t have such an incompetent and weak administration.  The biden administration if proof that it matters whose in the White House.

  3. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    How many American soldiers have we lost in the two wars we’re currently fighting? 

    Because to the voting public, it’s not a war until they start covering caskets with the red, white & blue. 

    You might not have noticed, but Rs are the party of wars… we always seem to end up in them when Rs are in the White House. Gotta pay back those defense contractors somehow, right?

    I guess Bush Jr. should have run from every military challenge like the cowardly Clinton, who gutted the military, let attacks like the USS Cole go unchallenged and weakened our intelligence.  

    Bush responds to 9-11 which was brought on by Clinton’s mismanagement and folks like you claim Rs are the party of war, simply because you have a dysfunctional hatred of Trump.

    And you claim to be a Republican voter all these years for the party of war.

  4. 2 hours ago, UT alum said:

    The fact that it had to be denied is more than enough. The USA Today report even acknowledged that Carlson is popular in Russia.

    Doesn’t work that way, can’t fabricate something, wait until it’s denied, and then claim that’s “more than enough”.

    BUT, I do understand that’s how you party operates.

  5. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    What is Biden putting them through? 401ks are rocking. Everybody that wants a job has one. Wages are up. No wars. 

    And a POTUS they don’t hate. 

    Trump does a great job of motivating his base. But he does an even better job of motivating THE OTHER GUY’S base. There aren’t going to be millions of people saying “you know, I voted Biden last time because I was sick of trump…. And since Trump left, everything has gotten better. I think I’ll vote for Trump next time. He doesn’t bother me as badly as he used to.” I fact, I doubt that there are any. 

    Biden won’t drive people to the polls to vote Biden. He’s a horrible candidate. But Trump motivates MILLIONS to get out and vote “anybody but Trump.”  That’s just facts, and no amount of mean tweets is gonna fix that for Trump.

    Yeah, everyone has a fat 401K that’s helps them get by today,  what about a basket of groceries costs $200, can’t get in a home for interest rates, crime skyrocketing, porous border, putting America and Americans last.

    It’s going great!

  6. 1 hour ago, UT alum said:

    Not my first one, which has yet to be addressed. MAGA appears to support a Communist dictator while accusing the Democratic Party of turning America Communist. It’s either misdirection or bait-and-switch, both tactics losers fall for.

    Your post was pure snark, demeaning, and wasn’t inviting for debate al all, you simply tried to use communist misinformation to take shots ….and it bombed.

  7. 28 minutes ago, UT alum said:

    Didn’t figure on an answer to the question from you. All you know is how to snark.

    And your post wasn’t snark?


  8. 21 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I can’t wait to see all of the “gosh, the voters are all so stupid… they didn’t elect trump” posts the first Wednesday in November. 

    Any rational person can read the writing on the wall. Fanboys? Not so much. 

    So what’s the writing on the wall, Trump’s huge crowds, polls showing him leading, maybe you’re referring to the dismal job this administration is doing but no one will care.

    No, you’re writing on the wall is 2020 and you can’t seem to comprehend that folks may be tired of what this administration is putting them through.

    But we do know you’re a guy that can’t seem to deal with the current state of affairs and stays in perennial armchair quarterback mode.

  9. 2 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Yep, that’s who it’s going to be in November because idiots nominated trump again which guaranteed a Biden win. 

    Rs had tons of choices… they picked the only one that has proven unable to beat Biden before.  So when Biden rolls again in 2024… “just deal with it.” Because stupid Dems didn’t give us Biden… Trump and his supporters gave us four years of Biden, and they’re about to give us four more years of Biden, and eventually Harris. Becuse they can’t get over the fact that their idol Trump got lucky in ‘16 and has lost every contest and trial since then. 

    Y’all will all be here in November crying “oh my!! Everybody else is so stupid! The guy who lost last time just lost again…. Because y’all are so stupid!”

    My only hope is that Trump gets beaten 70-30 so that the influence of the red-hatted morons finally disappears. 

    They’re just a bunch of losers. 

    No crying here, I’ll deal with whatever happens, you should try to do the same.

    TDS is not wearing well on you.

  10. 20 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Nothing. Absolutely nothing has changed since 2016 when Biden/Harris clapped Trump’s cheeks. Except the pandemic ended, stock market is at all time highs, unemployment is at all time lows, and Trump keeps getting indicted. 

    Oh, and a couple hundred thousand elderly trump voters died and a few million “anybody but trump” voters turned 18. 

    Nothing at all. 


    But everybody else is dumb. 

    It’s Trump and biden in November, deal with it.

  11. 3 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    But that’s exactly what you’re all doing! Saying “well, I think Trump is the best, so everybody else must be stupid for voting Biden,” when it’s obvious that most people will vote for anybody BUT Trump. 

    Democrats can nominate a house plant and beat Trump… so the morons are the ones who refused to nominate anybody (and I mean ANYBODY else) who would easily take down Biden. And before the clowns all say, in unison, “there are only two choices, so it’s gotta be Trump or y’all are all stupid,” the ones who MADE those the only two options are the idiots. 

    When Trump announced that he was running, it was over. Too many people hate him. Blaming other people because YOU nominated an unelectable candidate doesn’t make you smart or “America First.”

    Nope, I’m blaming folks for choosing biden over a much better choice, you’re still bellyaching about the past.

    It’s Trump or biden, simple as that.

  12. This is the hidden content, please

    They didn't send flowers...but close, smh.

    From the article:

    Top House Republicans are coming down hard on the Biden administration for expressing condolences for the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, whose ruthless ways earned him the nickname "Butcher of Tehran."

    "It is absurd that the Biden administration touted their support for human rights while, in the same breath, offering official condolences for the ‘Butcher of Tehran.’ Clearly, the Democrat Party of today has become the pro-terrorist party," House Majority Whip Tom Emmer, R-Minn., told Fox News Digital.

  13. 9 hours ago, Separation Scientist said:

    Better tell them they will likely get what they wished for then, but also tell them the polls look pretty brutal for the Dims and crooked Joe right now. Better dust off plan B. Just a few months left. The Dims election interference attempt is failing.   

    Everyone but the delusional Trump haters know this theory is nonsense, the democrats fear Trump being on the ballot, that's why they have done everything possible to keep him off, all while they claim their dismal failures as "strategy".

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