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Posts posted by skipmeister

  1. Atkins had been suspended for improper relationship with a student! If I were the principal of the campus Atkins was employed, I would tell him to get away from the campus and not come back and report it to law enforcement as soon as possible! Faculty are the students' teachers, not their friends! Period. They have their own dining facilities (faculty/staff lounge) unless they are assigned to lunch duty where they have their own table where they can eat their own lunch. The students have their own restroom facilities and the faculty/staff have their own. I am sick and tired of that stuff being heard on the news! It never happened like 15-20 years ago until Mary Kay Letourneau had an improper relationship with one of her former students as result having two children with him, divorcing her husband at that time rarely seeing her older children, and serving prison time for sexually assaulting a child because at that time, he was under 18. Her time in prison took a toll on her family life. She became estranged with her two children and her father died while being incincarcerated and she couldn't go on furlough to attend his funeral! Mrs. Letourneau and the former student are now married!
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