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Posts posted by skipmeister

  1. We are all glad that the administration has hired a coach who wouldn't take anything from anyone! If they do not like the way Coach Strong and his staff handles the team, the players can go play somewhere else! Being a Texas Longhorn football player is a privilege, not a legal right! When they are on the team, they are representing the University of Texas at Austin, Austin the city, the State of Texas, and the United States of America! Coach Strong wants to play the best players!
  2. We are 35 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....

    1715: The first lighthouse in America was authorized for construction at Little Brewster Island, Massachusetts.
    1827: The first swimming school in the U.S. opened in Boston, MA.
    1829: In the United States, William Austin Burt patents the typographer, a precursor to the typewriter.
    1903: The Ford Motor Company sells its first car.


    1950: "The Gene Autry Show" debuted on CBS-TV. Gene and sidekick Pat Buttram brought the bad guys to justice for six years.

    1966: "They’re Coming to Take Me Away Ha-Haaa!" by Napoleon-the-14th entered the Billboard Hot 100. The song reached #3 before most radio stations pulled it because of complaints from mental health organizations. The writer and vocalist, Jerry Samuels, was a former mental patient.
    1979: The Ayatollah Khomeini banned non-religious music in Iran.


    1982: The Coca-Cola company introduced Diet Coke.

    1984: Miss America Vanessa Williams relinquished her crown to first runnerup Suzette Charles. Pageant officials had asked Vanessa to give up the title after nude photos of her were published.
    1986: Britain’s Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson in Westminster Abbey. The marriage folded in 1992.
    1994: Searchers found Tabitha the cat after her owner had filed suit to ground a Tower Air 747 airliner for a 24-hour search. The cat had been lost inside the plane’s cargo hold for 12 days, traveling to New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and San Juan. She was okay, but hungry.
    1994: Amy Osmond was crowned America’s Junior Miss. The daughter of singer Wayne Osmond, Amy played Aunt Marie in the TV movie Side By Side.

    I had chili without hot dog and I prefer Coke Zero.


    1997: Josh the Wonder Dog died of cancer at age 16 in Riviera Beach, Maryland. Josh, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s most petted dog, had been petted 478-thousand times, appearing at hundreds of schools, the 1992 Republican Convention, and as Grand Marshall of the

    1997 Mardi Gras Parade in New Orleans.
    2000: Lance Armstrong won his second Tour de France
    2006: Floyd Landis succeeded fellow American Lance Armstrong as winner of the Tour de France, the cycling classic smeared this year by a drug scandal.
  3. It had been my dream to be a public school admistrator back on the day being an assistant principal, principal, maybe even superintendent of a school district! I wanted to rebuild! Has anyone seen the movie Stand and Deliver? The late Jaime Escalante played by Edward James Olmos first taught a remedial math class in an inner city high school. His students then started to take challenging math courses. On a trip to a factory to learn more about careers, Mr. Escalante discovered calculus and had an idea of teaching an AP Calculus class! The administrators at his school think it is impossible to do that and he said to them if the students get a passing score (3 minimum), they will get college credit for the course and they reluctantly let Mr. Escalante teach the class. Man, the students had to make sacrifices for that including giving up relationships and summer! When they took the test, almost all passed! When the College Board found out about that, they think that the students were dishonest because they were in a poor, inner-city school and opened in an investigation! With a representative from the Board proctering the exam, the students passed and in the coming years more students at the high school took and passed the AP Calculus test! If I were principal, I would be like the youngest high school principal in the State. If my plan to improve academics and others on campus within like 2-4 years and made it exemplary at WOS, there could be a movie featuring like Ryan Reynolds playing me!
  4. I would wish coaches go back to the days about not caring about who your daddies were or how much money they or their families have! It would be all about the best players playing! Football, everyone knows is a way of life in the State of Texas as well as down South 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year! Coaches want to play the best players in an area where it is very competitive and trust me, football districts in the Greater Houston/Golden Triangle area are on the toughest in the State! On Friday nights from August to December, fans pay their hard earned cash on tickets so they watch their high school teams win (in most communities, HSFB games are community-wide events)! They want coaches that could create very high standards of winning!
  5. If I were the principal over there, I would improve the quality of academics! WOCCISD has open enrollment just like LCMCISD and Vidor which means a student isn't required to reside in the school district to attend their schools. If I were named the Principal of WOS High School today, I would present the school district and entire community my four year plan to make the school the highest rated (exemplary) within four years or I resign and accept a similar job elsewhere! I want to do this for them!
  6. We are 37 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....

    National Junk Food Day

    [font='Times New Roman']
    For some of us, every day is Junk Food Day. For the rest of us, National Junk Food Day is an opportunity to guiltlessly eat your favorite junk food.
    [font='Times New Roman']
    Dietitians will tell you that junk food is any food that contains little nutritional value. We also include foods that are high in salts, fats, and sugars. In other words, junk food is all that tasty stuff that the dietitians, and Mom, say is bad for us.
    [font='Times New Roman']
    On Junk Food Day, you get to eat anything you want. Eat any amounts that you want, too. Tomorrow, however, it's back to a healthy diet.
    [font='Times New Roman']
    Please Note: Junk food may be hazardous to your health. After all, mom knows what's best for you. Do so at your own risk. That risk includes Mom saying: "I told you so!"

    Maybe I will grab a Coke and chili cheese nachos!
  7. For me it is the 80's as we had many teams win state championships during that decade:

    Football: In the 80's, West Brook (5A in 1982), Beaumont French (5A co-champ in 1984), Burkeville (1986 in 1A), West Orange-Stark (1986 and 1987 in 4A), Corrigan-Camden (2A in 1988) and Groveton (2A in 1989) all won state football titles. Port Arthur Jeffferson (1980 in 5A), Groveton (1983 and 1985 in 2A) and West Orange-Stark (4A in 1989) were state runner ups.

    Baseball: During the 80's, Colmesneil had 3 1A (or B) championships (1980, 1985, 1986). Thomas Jefferson won the 5A crown in 1983 and San Augustine took the 3A title in 1987. West Sabine (2A in 1982), High Island (1A in 1987) and San Augustine (3A in 1990) all made appearances in the state championship games.

    Boy's Basketball: Beaumont Hebert (4A in 1980 and 1981) won 2 titles during that decade. Port Arthur Lincoln (5A in 1980, 1983, 1987, 1988 in 4A) won 5. For those that include La Porte in our area, the took the 5A title in 1986. Hardin-Jefferson (3A in 1983) made a state finals appearance.

    Girl's Basketball: During that decade, Barbers Hill (1981, 1982) and Hardin-Jefferson (1985 and 1988 in 3A) each won 2 state titles. Hardin-Jefferson (1987 in 3A) and Colmesneil (1980 in 1A) were state runner ups.

    The 80's were a darn good decade for SETX sports.

    Hardin-Jefferson won a State title in boys basketball back in '91.
  8. Other than playing in the '90s during some of WOS best years(dang LaMarque) I would have to say the late '80s. Being a kid and my parents dragging me to all the WOS state runs and watching my sister as a filly(drill team) is a special memory for me.

    Yes, Kicker, it was an honor to be a part of that team like I did! Heck, I was a part of the State Finalist team back in 2000 and very thankful for that! We didn't win but we were someone greater than ourselves! We were true Champions! We never went down without a fight! Ennis scored on every possession in the first half being down by 31 at halftime. But we came back playing like we were supposed to in the second half but wasn't enough! We are still someone greater than ourselves!
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