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Posts posted by wbfan

  1. 4 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Keep getting your news from the likes of Goldberg, Maddow, Behar, and Lemon.  They need those like you to keep them employed.  They live to scream the sky is falling in regards to Trump.  This country is not near as safe as it was when Trump left office, and it  has nothing to do with some documents he took.  

    So you're not denying he didn't follow the law. Glad we agree on something.



  2. 1 hour ago, BS Wildcats said:

    All presidents take documents when they leave office.  Are they stealing them?  Quit biting on what the MSM and FBI are saying.  They are Dim political hacks!!  In response to your statement, he took them, they are not stolen.

    Presidents dont take nuclear secrets with them and they get the documents they do take with them passed through the national archive and receive clearance for them.


    Trump did none of those things.

  3. 3 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    I guess you took the Steele Dossier hook, line, and sinker as well.  Someare easily manipulated by the MSM, and you fall into that category.  Also, the FBI is just as complicit in the raid as they were in the Russian hoax.  This Dim administration is more dangerous to America than Trump ever was.

     So you're not denying he stole them.

  4. 6 hours ago, baddog said:

    Man, are you are up with it. What does MLK have to do with high school football? When the dude who fired a shot through the entrance tunnel at Zaharias stadium a few years back when they were playing Galveston Ball, was he  upset because MLK wasn’t being taught in school? Makes about as much sense as you do. 

    You didnt click on any of the links and it shows.

  5. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Why do people still get mad because other people still fly the Confederate Battle Flag? Why are schools named after anybody? Why are people more upset about old statues than current day black on black murders?

    You dont care about "black on black" crime. You're just trying to use it as a deflection point which of course doesn't surpri she e me since Bridge City isn't the most friendly place to Black People or any other minority for that matter.


    Every race has the highest murder race upon each other due to proximity. That flag symbolizes treason and the people who flew that battle flag killed people who flew the American Flag. 

  6. 43 minutes ago, myrecordwashorrible said:

    You are beyond wrong and you know it.  You are making a false claim.  As someone that has taught history, not once has anyone called for these individuals not to be discissed and admired.  You are stating a flat out lie and you know it.  

    Create division and vilify is all both statements you have made are designed to do.  



    Then why do people still fly the Confederate Battle Flag? Why are schools, streets and other establishments named after them? Why are people upset that statues paying tribute to them are being removed?


    Wanna learn about them outside of school? Go to a museum. Read a book. They don't need to be glorified.

  7. 42 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    Do you know them personally?

    what we do know is exactly what @thetragichippymentioned. Parents have been labeled as domestic terrorist, because their OWN KIDS are being taught from  inappropriate books.  I haven’t heard one word about people wanting MLK removed.

    only person I worship is God Almighty I could really careless about history figures from civil war….we can learn from history, but the actual people I could careless about.



    This is the hidden content, please


    This is the hidden content, please


    This is the hidden content, please


  8. 28 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Some want history, good or bad, to be a one way street.  Seems you are one of those.

    I know your profile picture alone tells me that you're a bad person. You stand for hating minorities, hating gay people and worshipping a reality TV star who has committed so many horrific crimes that theres too many to name.

  9. 9 hours ago, thetragichippy said:

    I agree.....while I hate to make this political (as I make this political...), when the current administration basically calls concerned parents showing up at school board meetings domestic terrorist.....it basically takes parenting out of the schools..... 

    Those "concerned parents" want to keep MLK, Maya Angelou and other Black authors and historical figures from being taught or having their books in libraries.

    Those "concerned parents" want to bring their racist nonsense into the schools.

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