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Posts posted by #1stangfan

  1. 1 hour ago, Hupernikomen said:

    Don't reduce Madisonville's efforts to a couple blown plays by WO-S.  It was more than that and anyone there knows it.  The better Mustangs won, but the others one played their butts off in all phases of the game.

    I don’t want to sound like sour grapes because I am very happy with the win.  That was a salty, well coached team with some athletes.  However, special teams did indeed keep letting them back in the ball game.  On the same token, special teams is a phase of the ballgame and they won that phase.  I am sure it is something that will be addressed.  Offensively and defensively; I feel the game belonged to WOS.

  2. 2 hours ago, lostaussie said:

    Just an outsider reading the thread.........but there seems to be a lot of discontent among some of the WOS faithful. I actually find that very interesting. The reason I say that is what I saw in my hometown was the same thing. The more we won........the more it was no longer good enough. I was always on that win and advance thought. Many in Gilmer think if we ain't winning by 60 the sky is falling. Just my thoughts for what they are worth.......and that's usually not much.

    I agree with what you are saying.  I also think that many are just unsure of the true identity of this team.  WOS missed their first two games and then played a Bridge City team the first game, that had been through the same situation for game #1.  Silsbee was great test but it seemed they had an identity crisis about that same time getting romped later by LCM.  The Kennedale game showed some muster!  But then the district isn’t that strong, first playoff game is weak and round two wasn’t a convincing win in some people’s eyes.  I am of the opinion with back up QB in and a two score lead...it was fine.  Just get out of the building with a W.  I don’t doubt this teams POTENTIAL....but I do understand the skepticism of some.

  3. 2 hours ago, WOSgrad said:

    I do cringe when I see what seems to be a default 40 point win prediction every time the Mustangs take the field.  Last year is last year and it seems like those that make those predictions are expecting Jack Dallas, KJ Miller, Mo Joseph, Jeremiah Shaw, T Brown and others from last year's team to pop out of the Mustang inflatable.  They won't...they've graduated and are on to the next phase of their lives (which all of them seem to be doing real well in).  Cornel Thompson realizes that, Eddie Dyer realizes that, Mike Pierce realizes that.   It might be time for some of us to realize that.  Last year's team and their accomplishments will go down in the annals of Texas High School Football History.  It probably won't happen again in our lifetime, it might not happen ever again.

    So when I see Eddie criticized for not doing things on offense that the Mustangs did last year, I find that patently unfair to him.  Jack Dallas and Chaka Watson are two different young men.  There are parts of the offensive playbook that he opens up for Chaka to execute that he would have never dreamed of asking Jack to do.  By the same token, there are parts of the play book that he would open up to Jack that he would never ask Chaka to do.  Why?  Not because one is any less of an quality quarterback than the other, but because they possess different skill sets which lend themselves to different parts of the Mustang playbook.

    Would I like to see some of the same things as last year? Of course.  But the current personnel package needs to have plays called that fit in their skill sets, not the skill sets of Jack or KJ or Keion or Jeremiah.  And last Friday painted the Mustang's offense further into a corner.  I don't know of any team that would be able to lose the services of their starting quarterback and expect the offense to run smoothly.  It doesn't happen in the NFL, it doesn't happen in the NCAA and no, it doesn't happen in West Orange, Texas.  Tyrone Wilson will do great things when it is his turn, but to expect him to at this point to do the same things as Chaka is just as unfair as expecting Chaka to be a carbon copy of Jack.

    The end result is that the Mustangs won, just as they have done for every week that they have played since the middle of 2015 for 37 straight games and 14 straight playoff games.

    Now that is not to say that I don't believe the 2017 Mustangs are a top notch ball team.  They are on a path to play for a 3rd straight state championship.  All I am saying is that there is no need to blow a gasket and demand wholesale changes in a great coaching staff because they aren't beating teams by 30-40 points!

    Well said.  Last year is last year and we just need to be thankful that we were able to witness it.  The two years prior, WOS got into some tougher games and were still able to play in the final game. I am not saying it is a given WOS will be there this year.  I do trust this coaching staff that has a proven track record and do think these athletes have not yet reached their full potential as a team. This young teams growth was also stunted by Harvey...some coaching, growing up and teachable moments were lost.  Let’s enjoy each step this years team climbs and I truly hope that I am driving to Dallas in December.  If not, I still have to doff my cap to one hell of a run and hope that it is the starting point of another!  

  4. 21 hours ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

    Make no mistake, the ranking is still bad.  Glad this is the last one.  

    You were in Silsbee *slow clap*

    Soulja I have seen your criticism of his rankings each week.  There are a few that I might swap but this doesn’t seem outside the box.  It is after all a poll based on opinion....and most on this board would not have identical top 10s.  What would be your top 10 and which of his rankings gives you the most heartburn?  I’m not calling you out....I am truly curious.

  5. 12 hours ago, Goblin said:

    I wouldn’t say it means nothing. We have the same coaching staff and some of the same players as do they.  There is an overlap between years that should be taken into account.  Either they will run it and overpower us or trick us.  If they can’t do one of those things well enough they will lose.

    I hear you and that is very true.  What even got me started on the post is that I hear/read comparisons between this team and last years team and the fact that WOS is "down" in certain areas.  While it is true, it is about as obvious as saying our rainfall totals are down since Harvey went away.

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