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Everything posted by AHUDDLESTON

  1. Those coaches that are mad are babies! Starters don’t play in 4th quarter. How many complaining milked the play clock every play?
  2. I would say top three in no order: Kevin Smith, Little Joe, and Matt Bryant. My heart still says Eric Alexander! Switches to lb and was second leading tackler on National Championship LSU team and won a super bowl with Patriots. Made a tackle on 2 yard line to preserve the undefeated season.
  3. just answer everything like a liberal would😂!
  4. Seems like the uil would have to pay for the semi final locations as well.
  5. Practice times dont really even out. You get 15 practices in the spring versus one week if you dont do spring ball.
  6. One problem would be hurting the Spring sports at smaller schools. You could start Spring ball after all sports are through except playoff participants.
  7. It looks like a small college. I was just up there driving around it
  8. Vidor vs Calallen 4A semifinals game lasts a total of one hour and 15 minutes.
  9. looks like closest district game would be 82 miles to groveton! All others 100+ miles
  10. Was at the Smithville/Sweeny game. Sweeny came out in second half and decided to run at them. Smithville had a hard time with power run game. Sweeny never stopped Smithville. Zone read, qb iso and sweep, jets, play action passes.
  11. Addendum: What if you publicly criticize the previous staff and then proceed to lose more games and scoring margin skyrockets.
  12. So, in a small school (no spring football), how long does it take for a football program to be considered the new head coach's? For example, if you come in the previous April , does it take a full year before the new head coach gets the Credit/blame?
  13. LT, I can agree with you. However, I teach in Alief and that word,with the a, is used by 80% of our students: Black, White, Hispanic, Chinese, African, Korean, Vietnamese, Pacific Islanders, etc. I do not allow it in my class room, but you should hear it in the halls.
  14. Not even a topic yet? Who takes this one?
  15. There have been several years in a row that the teams in 7 on 7 have also gone a long way in the playoffs.
  16. Y’all want to hear kids using that word? Come by my school one day! At Alief Hastings, it is synonymous with friend. Everyone says it in the halls. I do not allow it at all in my classroom. I've heard two Chinese students use it each other. Pretty much the only ones who don’t use it are the Students from Africa. Seems like everyone greets eavh other that way.
  17. Turf for football, baseball and softball if I’m not mistaken.
  18. Demand! I would be willing to bet that less than 10% of the schools in Texas have every teaching spot filled by certified teachers. Today, according to just one teacher job board(tasa), there are 2790 teaching positions open. I have been in Alief now for 6 years and we have not been at full staff at anytime. That is with one of the highest salary in Houston area and the best benefits.
  19. Some of us do get by on just that salary. I did for a long time: 22 years. The last 5 have been much better since I moved to Alief. Still if I do not work summer conditioning or teach summer school, I am under 78,000 a year. Includes two coaching stipends. I gripe about the money for sure, but I love what I do, so we make it work out.
  20. just for comparisons: State minimum salary for teachers: West Hardin Kountze 0 years - 28,080 30,080 31,700 10 years - 38,080 40,080 38,900 20 years - 45,510 47,510 46,400 no raises after 20 years stops at 20 36 years - 55,250
  21. 4x100, and 4x200 DQ from state meet for using a runner who was not eligible. i was told this is the second year in a row!
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