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CardinalBacker last won the day on October 25 2023

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  1. So I guess your opinion on abortions is “if you don’t want one, don’t get one.” “If you don’t like heroin, don’t inject it.” The arguments are so hypocritical that it’s funny. A bump stock serves no purpose besides spraying down a crowd of unarmed people. But y’all will fight for the right to slaughter kids while simultaneously protesting out front of an abortion clinic. Right wingers are nuts, too.
  2. So y’all think this is acceptable? And you don’t mind if it happens again. Pro-life my you-know-what.
  3. How would cracking down on crime prevented have what happened in Vegas? The law of the land is no automatic weapons. If you get caught with a switch on your Glock, it’s a problem. But you can legally modify your AR to get the same results? It’s a loophole that shouldn’t be there legally, and gun owners should boycott. I love my AR. I believe everybody should get one. But there’s a big difference between a 30 round mag that’s fired semi-automatically, with at least the possibility of aiming at particular targets…. And a bump stop equipped AR that quite simply can’t be aimed. When the left argues that an AR serves no purpose, I disagree. But when some 2A nut is arguing that their fully automatic AR (by why of a bumpstock which renders the weapon useless in regards to accurate fire) is legal, I have to disagree, too.
  4. And before all of y’all start yelling “shall not be infringed,” who wants to argue that the 2A rights of ex-convicts are being infringed? My guess is that there are tons of people/places in which you don’t mind a few restrictions.
  5. Yeah… as a strong 2A supporter and AR owner, bump stocks shouldn’t be available. In a perfect world manufacturers would recognize that these parts serve no valuable purpose other than indiscriminately firing rounds into a general area and refuse to manufacture them. But as always, the gun lobby will skip right over the prudent thing and stand on an indefensible position, making the sane 2A supporters looking like slack-jawed morons, too. We shouldn’t need a bumpstock ban… we (gun owners) should demand that these things not be produced. I remember watching clips from Las Vegas the morning after and saying, “holy____… that’s actually full auto!” if the weapon bucking is the force applying pressure on the trigger, there’s no chance of aiming. It’s all about spraying a crowd down with 5.56 rounds. The next time somebody goes on a rampage with a bump stock, ALL of us are guilty for not keeping the things off of the street.
  6. Did you notice that even the diehards have to specify “violent” crimes now that he’s been repeatedly convicted of the non-violent type?
  7. I kind of disagree with her on this one.... Trump talks a big game, but it's just to whip up his fans. His supporters want revenge, but I wouldn't expect a lot of retribution from him if elected. We'll all be too busy worry about the flying swine and the fact that the lake o' fire is suddenly frozen over.
  8. And I think it's worth noting that despite having the power to do so, Biden hasn't pardoned Hunter (yet), and if he's reached out to the DOJ asking them to stand down, nobody has leaked it. Small modicum of respect to "The Big Guy" for apparently just letting this thing play out. His kid is an eff up.
  9. He raped E. Jean Carroll and provoked an assault on the Capitol. boom.
  10. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  11. Meh..... this is a mess. As I've often pointed out, I felt that the prosecutions of Trump in NYC (hush money and business valuation fraud) were a big stretch, unwarranted, and likely an abuse of power. And I kinda feel like Hunter Biden got screwed here, too. He's basically in trouble for lying on an application to buy a firearm... he denied that he was actively using drugs when he made the purchase. He owned the firearm for 11 days, committed no crimes with it, then it was disposed of by a third party. The only reason he was investigated and prosecuted is because he's Biden's son. Anybody gloating today is no different than the people who were gloating over Trump's 34 convictions a couple of weeks ago. We ARE a banana republic at this point. This division won't stand for long. We can't keep going down this road of "well, they did that to my guy, so we're going to do this to their guy" way of thinking. God bless the America... she needs it.
  12. A lot of them don't. And a lot of them believe that housing is a right. While you and I might worry about property tax increases, folks in subsidized (or even government housing) don't care very much. It's why voters in PAISD who rent will approve any bond that comes their way- an increase in property taxes doesn't affect them, at least in their own minds. Another key demographic that doesn't care about the increased cost of housing is the elderly... many of whom own their homes outright or have no intentions of ever relocating. People who own their homes outright don't care so much about the cost of home ownership... interest rates don't matter, and their net worth grows with every increase in housing prices. Who DOES care about those costs are people who are living beyond their means and can't afford to get a fresh home equity loan to cover their unsecured debt because they can't afford the new payment that will result from the increased principal and higher interest rates. Those people are drowning. Everyone's situation is different.
  13. But that’s what Trump’s fanboys don’t understand. When he talked about sexually assaulting women, y’all laughed it off as “locker room talk.” When it was proven that he raped E. Jean Carroll, you cried that it was all an injustice… a lie. Even though he’d already confessed to doing the same thing to other women. John McCain has suffered and sacrificed more for his country than practically anybody, except possible gold star families… and Trump called him a loser or something to that effect. “Oh, it was a joke that no one was supposed to take seriously.” But when Trump, after disrespecting the sacrifices of one of our most valiant, y’all are like “just because Trump didn’t go to Omaha Beach doesn’t mean he isn’t pro military!” Really? All you have to do is listen to what he said about McCain’s service. Not McCain as an opponent, not McCain’s political views… about the fact that the man was tortured, probably raped, and who knows what all else for over five years for swearing an oath and putting on the uniform. But all of y’all supposedly “pro military” people just laughed along with Trump. “Good one, Sir! Maverick my new-hind! Filthy Rino!” I don’t understand how the same people (y’all) who probably always say “thank you for your service” to any veteran still support a guy who craps on the ones who suffered the most on our behalf. It’s baffling.
  14. I get called way worse all of the time… and it doesn’t matter to me. But it’s like this…. Let’s say you have a favorite football team-maybe the Cowboys. As a diehard fan, you whole-heartedly believe that the Cowboys are the best team in the NFL every year… would it make it sense to cash in your IRAs and borrow every dime you could borrow against your home and bet it all on the Cowboys to win the Super Bowl this year? That would be letting your devotion and affection for your team make a really bad choice that will have negative consequences of your plan doesn’t work out. That’s kinda like sticking with Trump when he keeps losing and shows no sign of winning this year. But at least you can proudly boast that you were DC4L.
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