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Parents that dont support teams, coaches and refs shouldnt be at the games.

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I'm not playing the Christian card... I am calling a spade a spade. You are more than welcome to come talk to me anytime. Send me a message and when can discuss like adults... I personally find it pathetic that you attack a coach from the stands.... hey buddy man up and come talk to me personally... send me a message anytime and we can sit down and talk about how bad coaches are these days...I can take you bashing me, but shame on you if you do around my family or my players

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I also attended ETBU and I find that "christian" comments repulsive.  Just becuase someone is a Christian doesn't mean they shouldn't have opinions on subjects.  ETBU's opinion is a valid one, I may or may not agree, but I would never question his faith because of it.

P.S.  Just because someone went to ETBU doesn't mean they are automatically a Christian anyway.  Geez

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Does challenging someone to "man up" and "meet you to talk about how bad coaches are" fall into those "Christian Values" taught to you at ETBU.  Sheesh man, grow up.  If I found out that you were coaching my kid and posting things like that on here I'd be having a meeting with your athletic director and trying to get him to show you the door!

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ETBU taught be to defend what you believe in whether its the popular thing our not. You could call my athletic director if choose, unfortunately you would get me on the other end of the line... Again I will repeat, GOD, FAMILY, TEAM and I will defend them to the end.

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I'm not playing the Christian card... I am calling a spade a spade. You are more than welcome to come talk to me anytime. Send me a message and when can discuss like adults... I personally find it pathetic that you attack a coach from the stands.... hey buddy man up and come talk to me personally... send me a message anytime and we can sit down and talk about how bad coaches are these days...I can take you bashing me, but shame on you if you do around my family or my players

Dude you have some serious issues and when did I mention anything about you or your family? What a embarrassment that you are as a coach and  graduate of Etbu. Oh by the way I am a heathen that got away without converting to your methodology.

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I find it hard to believe that you are an athletic director.  I dont know of many of them that are up at midnight trolling the message boards defending their comrades honor.  Seems as if they usually have something better to do.  Sorry that your 7th grade B team parents are giving you trouble.  You should give little Johnny the ball more. 

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Tupac, your comments here are naturally not helping your cause. Let's see, you have used cursing (which in the several years that I have known ETBU, he has NEVER used and oh by the way is a board rules violation), called someone unchristian.  Misquoted other posters.  Basically invited another poster to step outside.

I hope that in person the values that you learned up in Marshall come out much more than they have on this board or I truly pray for your kids.

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Guest falcons

tupac i don't think etbu is saying its OK for parents to scream at you in the stands. plus you ever think about being a crusader? if i saw you in person i would scream at you for that post. wonder why churches are empty these days? you think? etbu is good man and cares not only  for his kids but all of our kids in huffman. get real.

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Cursing and insulting a Coach's family is not what this thread says. What makes it totally wrong to question a coach's decision on the field from the stands? They have chosen this field in which to pursue making a living for their families. And yes as long as I pay my taxes I think I should be able to express my opinions without having to hide in a corner and secretly write them on the wall. This does not however include cursing them or insulting their families. Neither of which should be defended or condoned.

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I wonder: do coaches ever yell at the officials?  Maybe someone can help me out here.

Been my experience that most parents/fans that are yelling at the refs or coaches dont know most of the rules of the game and dont know what their yelling about.

LOL, Oh yeah Smitty, even the most professional of coaches will go on a  tirade on some ref every once in awhile.
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gentlemen, there is time and a place for everything.  emotions run high when  it is your kid involved.  however it gives no one the right to yell and throw a temper tantrum in front of other people in a public setting. no matter if you pay taxes or not.  If you are that unhappy with the situation confront the individual in a private setting when both parties are clear headed atleast at first (hopefully).  yes i agree maybe a boo here and there is ok at times, it's part of the emotion tied into the game. what kind of example do you set for the kids that sit there watching this.  we all know that teenagers are impressionable people as we use to be one ourselves.  im not saying that i haven't had a moment where i slipped and said somethings i shouldn't have, because i have.  i paid my fines (about $250) and became a better person by learning from my stupidity.  all this does is embaress the kids of that parent and what does it say about the home life?

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I am with you on the hollering part of it bc I have made a fool of myself only to realize that a wife or kinfolk was sitting nearby. Bad when you do it bc all you do is feel like you are on a island.

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Cursing and insulting a Coach's family is not what this thread says. What makes it totally wrong to question a coach's decision on the field from the stands? They have chosen this field in which to pursue making a living for their families. And yes as long as I pay my taxes I think I should be able to express my opinions without having to hide in a corner and secretly write them on the wall. This does not however include cursing them or insulting their families. Neither of which should be defended or condoned.

Look, I have been reading this thread and the First Amendment of the Constitution of the the United States gives us in this country the right to freedom of speech.  That being said I also do not think it is open season on the coaches kids and family members because of decision they make on a football field.  Leave the family out of it.  As for the coaches instilling "life wisdom" to at least my kids the answer is no thanks. That what a PARENT is for.  I do understand that some of these young men need that kind of guidance from there coaches because they don't get the support and in those cases I fell sorry for the coaches to even be put in that position and Lord please give them the strength and wisdom to handle those cases.  But to sit here and act like these coaches don't bash some of there kids parents is ridiculous.  It happens all the time.  So lets not act like all coaches are saints because they are not.  Do I question the decisions being made on the field both practice and game? yes.  My fore fathers gave us that  right.  Freedom of speech is what makes this website so entertaining.  For that I say thank God.  But to say you cannot voice your opinion because it might get into a coaches feelings then maybe they might need a career change.

Sorry for the rant, but when my Constitutional Rights in this country start to get trampled on I get a little upset.  Keep speaking up SE Texas and SETX.com.  This is what makes this country strong.  God Bless

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Cursing and insulting a Coach's family is not what this thread says. What makes it totally wrong to question a coach's decision on the field from the stands? They have chosen this field in which to pursue making a living for their families. And yes as long as I pay my taxes I think I should be able to express my opinions without having to hide in a corner and secretly write them on the wall. This does not however include cursing them or insulting their families. Neither of which should be defended or condoned.

Look, I have been reading this thread and the First Amendment of the Constitution of the the United States gives us in this country the right to freedom of speech.  That being said I also do not think it is open season on the coaches kids and family members because of decision they make on a football field.  Leave the family out of it.  As for the coaches instilling "life wisdom" to at least my kids the answer is no thanks. That what a PARENT is for.  I do understand that some of these young men need that kind of guidance from there coaches because they don't get the support and in those cases I fell sorry for the coaches to even be put in that position and Lord please give them the strength and wisdom to handle those cases.  But to sit here and act like these coaches don't bash some of there kids parents is ridiculous.  It happens all the time.  So lets not act like all coaches are saints because they are not.  Do I question the decisions being made on the field both practice and game? yes.  My fore fathers gave us that  right.  Freedom of speech is what makes this website so entertaining.  For that I say thank God.  But to say you cannot voice your opinion because it might get into a coaches feelings then maybe they might need a career change.

Sorry for the rant, but when my Constitutional Rights in this country start to get trampled on I get a little upset.   Keep speaking up SE Texas and SETX.com.  This is what makes this country strong.  God Bless

There is not a coach around that does not get criticized...  There is a line however....I think that is what this thread is about..... what is the line.....??  Yelling?  ok fine.... Yelling personal attacks??? ok fine....  Coming out of the stands to physically challange a coach...???  etc.....  You guys should get so riled up about losing your right to question a coach....  just do it in an appropriate manner that does not embarrass yourself or more importantly your children.....

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You pay taxes so that makes it ok to bash a coach?  How much of your taxes go to their salary? About a freaking quarter!!  If you have a problem with how a coach runs his program then have a meeting with him and express your concerns like a man. Don't hide in the bleachers and spout off.  Yes, coaches chose their profession, before you go off on that tangent.  But you chose your's too, I bet it would be different if someone came to your job and said "I bought so and so from you so I pay your salary, I think you suck and you have no idea how to read that gauge or nail that board, or dump those garbage cans...etc etc".

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Kind of read through everything here...and so I thought I'd take a crack at things...

As a former coach of the little ones, screaming at coaches and officials starts young...young mamas and daddies expect perfection.  When they realize that the coach or ref is human, it doesn't matter to them...they have to show little Johnny "support".  So getting in coaches' faces and reffree faces is the way they manifest this.  Where it bus the doo out of me is when it's a volunteer league, and the people there are not paid, but doing it on their own time.  It seems that the people who do the least are the ones who act like jack***es the most.

Getting back to the paid folks...

1.  Referees...there is a crew of refs for football, all trying to make sure that the rules are being followed, and trying to stay out of the way of 250 lb Bubba Jack, and the additional 350 lbs hanging on to him as he lumbers toward him.  It's hard to be in position on every play, so sometimes an interference call isn't, and sometimes it is...most of these guys try their best to do the job.  They even take the complaints in stride...some even have favorite ones.  "Hey ref, we found your cell phone, says you missed a couple of calls"...etc...all this to say that if your going to yell, at least have a little class, and make it interesting...

2. Coaches...I will be the first to plead guilty to bashing a coach...but it wasn't because of his football coaching abilities, it was because of a host of other things...that being said, coaches have a crew as well...they try to motivate a team, fill out papperwork, teach classes, all of this so your rears can sit on the sidelines and scream at them...Many of you say that they chose that profession...true...AND YOU DIDN"T, simply because you know it's easier being an armchair quarterback, than a real coach.  I can tell you that it was the wrong play every time...after it happens.  If it works, I will say that I would have done the same thing.  How about letting the guy on the field do things?  The best little players I ever coached  had parents who would encourage, and let me coach, and let the guys assisting me coach.  The worst ones?  The ones where mommy and daddy were on the sidelines or in the bleachers trying to coach...

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You pay taxes so that makes it ok to bash a coach?  How much of your taxes go to their salary? About a freaking quarter!!  If you have a problem with how a coach runs his program then have a meeting with him and express your concerns like a man. Don't hide in the bleachers and spout off.  Yes, coaches chose their profession, before you go off on that tangent.  But you chose your's too, I bet it would be different if someone came to your job and said "I bought so and so from you so I pay your salary, I think you suck and you have no idea how to read that gauge or nail that board, or dump those garbage cans...etc etc".

Coach what is this about?

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If and when your kid makes it to the next level.....go yell at that coach and see where it gets you... IF the coaches don't produce then they have bosses just like everyone else that they have to answer to. Coaches don't go to your job and tell you how to do them, then why do people feel like they have the right to yell at them all night. Most coaching stipends range from 2500- 3500 dollars. They do not do this because they get rich, they do it because they love kids and the game, and yet they have to answer questions from their 5 year old on why people do not like their dad. I personally get tired of it. I can take all the criticism in the world, but when I see my kid start crying like that it makes me want to beat the crap out someone. I personally have never met a coach that doesn't play to win and play the kids that give him the best chance to win, whether they are 10-0 or 0-10.... they always play to WIN.. So the next time you go to a game just remember who may be sitting around you...it may be a wife, a kid, a mom, a dad, or a grandparent of a coach... If you are one of these people who doesn't care and thinks just because youpay taxes you have the right to act like and a-hole then God be with you and your kids and lets hope they do not turn out like you.

Nice!  (P.S. I don't really get the "it's against my 1st amendment rights" line of thought...)  I've said it before, if these parents want to coach and think that they can do a better job than the REAL coaches...get your teaching degree, quit your current job and GO BE A COACH!  That almost seems tooo simple!

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did he mean a quarter as in .25 cents becuase that is about what it is. Not a 1/4 of his salary. And just becuase he pays taxes doesnt mean he is his boss for 1/4 or even .25 ....thats why the board hires staff.

I'll quote what I heard a coach say a few weeks ago when his player yelled at the ref. "Hey, you dont need to yell, thats what we (the coaches) get paid 33 cents an hour to do."

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If and when your kid makes it to the next level.....go yell at that coach and see where it gets you... IF the coaches don't produce then they have bosses just like everyone else that they have to answer to. Coaches don't go to your job and tell you how to do them, then why do people feel like they have the right to yell at them all night. Most coaching stipends range from 2500- 3500 dollars. They do not do this because they get rich, they do it because they love kids and the game, and yet they have to answer questions from their 5 year old on why people do not like their dad. I personally get tired of it. I can take all the criticism in the world, but when I see my kid start crying like that it makes me want to beat the crap out someone. I personally have never met a coach that doesn't play to win and play the kids that give him the best chance to win, whether they are 10-0 or 0-10.... they always play to WIN.. So the next time you go to a game just remember who may be sitting around you...it may be a wife, a kid, a mom, a dad, or a grandparent of a coach... If you are one of these people who doesn't care and thinks just because youpay taxes you have the right to act like and a-hole then God be with you and your kids and lets hope they do not turn out like you.

Nice!  (P.S. I don't really get the "it's against my 1st amendment rights" line of thought...)  I've said it before, if these parents want to coach and think that they can do a better job than the REAL coaches...get your teaching degree, quit your current job and GO BE A COACH!  That almost seems tooo simple!

This is lame!  I never hear a coach complain about getting ridiculed or bashed.  The only people that complain are you true huggin do gooders on these sites.  Coachs know when they take the job they will be questioned and second guessed and blamed for everything.  Its not like its a big surprise and they are getting their feelings hurt.  Now im not talking about cussing him out, or making threats to him but if a coach is not getting the job done and has the athletes to do the job,  then its okay to tell him he sucks! 

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