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WOS Volleyball forfeits district game for football game/Game rescheduled!!!


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TD, Whats your take on this?  Your the most rational, level headed (except when someone pisses you off  ;D) straight talking wos person I know.  I would respect and might even listen to your post  ;D

Not knowing the whole story, it's hard to point fingers. I think the VB game should be played. We don't know what Coach Kelly's thoughts are. I'm not real sure we know what Coach Hooks thoughts are. We do know what the girls thoughts are and the parents thoughts are (what was reported anyway). It could have been resolved had someone attended to this situation long ago. So basically unless I get more info, I'm going to sit right here on the fence and wish and think the VB game should be played.

wait a second...that made too much sense. hopefully they will come to their senses and play. it's the right thing to do.
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Guest Brubaker

It is amazing at times how we know what the right thing is, but have a hard time making it happen.  This boils down to communication, or a lack thereof.  We have a problem, there are a number of potential solutions, what has been done to reach a solution?  Are some trying to make a point?  At the end of the day, we're hammering over a decision.  Nobody got hurt or injured, a decision was made and some would say the right/wrong one.  We all have the right to choose, but we should also know the consequences and accountabilities.  Who are we accountable to?  

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It is amazing at times how we know what the right thing is, but have a hard time making it happen.  This boils down to communication, or a lack thereof.  We have a problem, there are a number of potential solutions, what has been done to reach a solution?  Are some trying to make a point?  At the end of the day, we're hammering over a decision.  Nobody got hurt or injured, a decision was made and some would say the right/wrong one.  We all have the right to choose, but we should also know the consequences and accountabilities.  Who are we accountable to?  

i'd say in this instance the vb team. i'm sure there were quite a few girls that didn't make the varsity team that would die to play.
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Guest Brubaker

believe what u want.....wos is interesting.  the rest of the area is not interesting.  wos...long threads, lots of hate and lots of love.  everyone else.....short threads, not very interesting.  truth hurts sometimes.   8)

Proud?  Lots to be proud of in WOS, maybe this isn't one of em.

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believe what u want.....wos is interesting.  the rest of the area is not interesting.  wos...long threads, lots of hate and lots of love.  everyone else.....short threads, not very interesting.  truth hurts sometimes.   8)

Proud?  Lots to be proud of in WOS, maybe this isn't one of em.

who said anything about being proud?  im just stating fact look at the other threads 13-14 pages at most.  wos volleyball thread gets up over 20 pages.  as i said before wos is interesting.

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I looked it up... The Top 10 longest threads are.

Word conga line!  6957

"This or That?" game  2613

celebrity game  1702


"3 Random Letters" game  1546

This or That, Manly Man Edition  916

Who WINS..... Sulpher Springs or Dayton????  734

how much does OU suck?  667

Hey Indian fans...for what its worth..re: CRAIG STUMP STAYING AT WB!!  646

Nederland Bond  578

I don't see WO-S anywhere..  ;D

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Guest Brubaker

It is amazing at times how we know what the right thing is, but have a hard time making it happen.  This boils down to communication, or a lack thereof.  We have a problem, there are a number of potential solutions, what has been done to reach a solution?  Are some trying to make a point?  At the end of the day, we're hammering over a decision.  Nobody got hurt or injured, a decision was made and some would say the right/wrong one.  We all have the right to choose, but we should also know the consequences and accountabilities.  Who are we accountable to?  

i'd say in this instance the vb team. i'm sure there were quite a few girls that didn't make the varsity team that would die to play.

Matter of perspective I think and the facts, otherwise you'd have folks like TD picking a side.

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Amazing. Anyone who says that the size and general controversy contained in this thread has nothing to do with it happening at WO-S is being disingenuous at best. I have seen some stretched rationalizations here that could be analyzed for hours, but the silliest has to be remarks along the lines that these students should be punished for choosing one extra-curricular activity over another. Not one activity listed in this entire morass is vital to an education and they all count equally for phys ed. At that point, you all need to seal your pieholes. If this was the end of the football season bleeding over into basketball would you all be yapping about it? NO. It is not your place to decide what is more important to the individual student who signed up for more than one extra-curricular activity. I personally participated in 2 year round activities that clashed with each other regularly and although it thoroughly pissed off one of my coaches, i instructed them that one was going to win out over the other and that they could either deal with it and have my talents for most of the time or not at all. apparently some schools have dealt with this situation by forcing a choice between 2 potentially clashing activities. WO-S didnt do that. get over it.

there are at least 2 people in this thread that are here for no other reason than to jump on WO-S' neck at any opportunity. maybe some of you lack the introspection to realize it, but not all of you are blind. some are just liars. find something else to moan about.

I have to agree with one thing about your post.  That is.....it seems you have received a good education.  I am surprised you got away with instructing one of your coaches.  Informing or notifying them would be a more preferred method.  Anyway you were doing quite well until you chose to write paragraph to too  two.   You may have underestimated in your charges or accusations that they also might be well educated.  Just an observation.

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Guest rykerx144

this is crazy! 

First, W's campaign to get this thread moved is just another way of admitting he agrees that this is wrong and doesnt want it read.  If you cant argue the facts of the thread then the only thing left to do is argue the location of the thread.  Nice attempt but I hope most can see right through that.

As for the situation I think some people are getting way ahead of yourself.  I agree that what is going on is a terrible thing for the WOS program.  This should have never been allowed to go this far, but it has and I think that we need to wait and let the proper officials at WOS have a chance to get to the bottom of this.  To say that Dan Hooks has nothing to do with this and there is nothing he can do is crap.  He is the Athletic Director and has everything to do with this.  I am positive that he had nothing to do with decisions that the players have made.  I am also positive that he is just as disappointed in decsion that the players have made and can not and should not support their decisions.  I am doing my very best to keep my views and opinions to myself until I feel this matter is over.  I have faith that the officials in WOS will handle this properly.  Trust me, I will have no shortage of opinions and will have no problem speaking my peace once the time has come and I feel like it was not handled properly.  These are all just my thoughts on the matter and I thought I would share them with you.   

Mr Ryker, since you know so much, why don't you break down exactly what control over this situation you think Hooks has. Give us some examples of things he can do.

I dont know, I am not an AD or am I even going to prented I am.  I just know that at every other program I have been involved with the AD is in charge of all althletics and what goes on with athletics inlcuding the volleyball program.  If this is not the case at WOS and he is not capable of handling such a situation then let me know and Ill gladly retract my statments.  I just assumed he was, thanks.

There are 4 different school organizations involved in this situation. Three he has no control over, and as far as I know, no AD has control over the Band, Drill Team or Cheerleaders. The one of the 4 that he can affect is the Volleyball team. Now, you made some pretty bold statements in your post above... Don't cower down now. YOU tell us what he can do with the volleyball program to control this situation. Keep in mind that this is a highschool, not a prison, and all participation is voluntary... voluntary means you have a choice to decide which one you participate in.

With that in mind, please proceed...

You are correct it is not a prison and it is a high school that he is in charge of all athletics.  Lets say that his two D1 backs and half the offensive line decided not to play friday night and instead go cheer for their girlfriends in the volleyball game, or during baseball season the starting pitcher and all the infield players deceided not to play instead attend a Ag meeting on friday night!!  Would there be recourse to these decisions?  of course!! and you can call it punishment or whatever you care to call it but it needs to be treated the same whether its the football, baseball, or girls volleyball team and the same actions need to be considered.  For people to sit back and say oh well its just a girls volleyball game is an slap in the face to girls athletics and goes way beyond the WOS program!!  JMO

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I looked it up... The Top 10 longest threads are.

Word conga line!  6957

"This or That?" game  2613

celebrity game  1702


"3 Random Letters" game  1546

This or That, Manly Man Edition  916

Who WINS..... Sulpher Springs or Dayton????  734

how much does OU suck?  667

Hey Indian fans...for what its worth..re: CRAIG STUMP STAYING AT WB!!  646

Nederland Bond  578

I don't see WO-S anywhere..  ;D

i appreciate ya for keeping the thread going   ;D

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I think what' he's talking about is if it was another school that forfeited a game it wouldn't be near this much talk, which he's right it wouldn't.

I can assure you if LCM had to forfeit a volleyball game all heck would break lose ! ;)

trust me no one would care.  :D

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To me it's simple these players commited to play a team sport. Cheerleading and drill teams are not needed for a football game even though of course they make the atmosphere so much better. When Eisenhower played at West Brook they didn't bring band, cheerleaders, etc. and they managed to win. Central did the same when they played in Alvin against Ball and they also won. I just feel sorry for the girls that can't play because of this especially when they have been so much better this year.

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What is the reason for declining enrollment? Is it that bad over there? One thing is for sure, the "no comment" by the volleyball coach speaks volumes. Why do some people think west orange is getting bashed out of jealousy? What would they be jealous of? (I am not being rude, its just that i know very little about the situation over there, and i am looking for WO-S fans to give me some info)

What volumes does it speak? I take the "no comment" the exact opposite as most everyone on here.

i don't see how the volleyball coach would be OK with losing a game this way. To me, the no comment was a way to not say something to throw someone under the bus.

Or maybe didn't want to have to explain her position.

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Guest rykerx144

What is the reason for declining enrollment? Is it that bad over there? One thing is for sure, the "no comment" by the volleyball coach speaks volumes. Why do some people think west orange is getting bashed out of jealousy? What would they be jealous of? (I am not being rude, its just that i know very little about the situation over there, and i am looking for WO-S fans to give me some info)

What volumes does it speak? I take the "no comment" the exact opposite as most everyone on here.

i don't see how the volleyball coach would be OK with losing a game this way. To me, the no comment was a way to not say something to throw someone under the bus.

Or maybe didn't want to have to explain her position.

maybe she disagrees with it completely and wants to stand up but if the situation there is anything close to the feed back we are seeing on this web site, she's probably pretty smart to just say I have no comment!!

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What is the reason for declining enrollment? Is it that bad over there? One thing is for sure, the "no comment" by the volleyball coach speaks volumes. Why do some people think west orange is getting bashed out of jealousy? What would they be jealous of? (I am not being rude, its just that i know very little about the situation over there, and i am looking for WO-S fans to give me some info)

What volumes does it speak? I take the "no comment" the exact opposite as most everyone on here.

i don't see how the volleyball coach would be OK with losing a game this way. To me, the no comment was a way to not say something to throw someone under the bus.

Or maybe didn't want to have to explain her position.

Thats the thing thats so confusing if we take your side........what on earth could be her position?

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I looked it up... The Top 10 longest threads are.

Word conga line!  6957

"This or That?" game  2613

celebrity game  1702


"3 Random Letters" game  1546

This or That, Manly Man Edition  916

Who WINS..... Sulpher Springs or Dayton????  734

how much does OU suck?  667

Hey Indian fans...for what its worth..re: CRAIG STUMP STAYING AT WB!!  646

Nederland Bond  578

I don't see WO-S anywhere..  ;D

How many pages do we need to get in the top 10?

Are we there yet....

are we there yet....

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I looked it up... The Top 10 longest threads are.

Word conga line!  6957

"This or That?" game  2613

celebrity game  1702


"3 Random Letters" game  1546

This or That, Manly Man Edition  916

Who WINS..... Sulpher Springs or Dayton????  734

how much does OU suck?  667

Hey Indian fans...for what its worth..re: CRAIG STUMP STAYING AT WB!!  646

Nederland Bond  578

I don't see WO-S anywhere..  ;D

How many pages do we need to get in the top 10?

Are we there yet....

are we there yet....

Not even close.

I am sure the school plans to conduct a thorough investigation to isolate, prosecute, and punish the individual who leaked this breaking story to SETXsports.com.

It wasn't anyone from WO-S who told me about it.  ;)

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    • I get called way worse all of the time… and it doesn’t matter to me.    But it’s like this…. Let’s say you have a favorite football team-maybe the Cowboys. As a diehard fan, you whole-heartedly believe that the Cowboys are the best team in the NFL every year… would it make it sense to cash in your IRAs and borrow every dime you could borrow against your home and bet it all on the Cowboys to win the Super Bowl this year? That would be letting your devotion and affection for your team make a really bad choice that will have negative consequences of your plan doesn’t work out.    That’s kinda like sticking with Trump when he keeps losing and shows no sign of winning this year.  But at least you can proudly boast that you were DC4L. 
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