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Nederland Bond

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Look at all these folks who are on here anonomously complaining about the bond.. You are weak and scared.. The bond is needed. Most of these schools are junk.. We need to get our schools up to par... even Beaumont and Port Arthur will be better than us... You are complaining about the money.... and how it is unfair..  But this is what are tax dollars are for and atleast we get to choose... I would much rather pay for a school bond than pay for illegal immigrant healthcare...   Oh and by the way the old buildings are not AdA complient...  They do maintain the schools.. but the problem is they are old and out dated... Central as well as CO have window units (not energy friendly).. the highschool has green and orange carpets from the 70's .... You are a bozo bondcrusher 09..... The codes your home had to meet are building codes... not ADA codes for public buildings... ( You do not have to have a wheelchair ramp along with your steps at your home... but a public place has to have them )

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Guest Bondcrusher09

Look at all these folks who are on here anonomously complaining about the bond.. You are weak and scared.. The bond is needed. Most of these schools are junk.. We need to get our schools up to par... even Beaumont and Port Arthur will be better than us... You are complaining about the money.... and how it is unfair..  But this is what are tax dollars are for and atleast we get to choose... I would much rather pay for a school bond than pay for illegal immigrant healthcare...   Oh and by the way the old buildings are not AdA complient...   They do maintain the schools.. but the problem is they are old and out dated... Central as well as CO have window units (not energy friendly).. the highschool has green and orange carpets from the 70's .... You are a bozo bondcrusher 09..... The codes your home had to meet are building codes... not ADA codes for public buildings... ( You do not have to have a wheelchair ramp along with your steps at your home... but a public place has to have them )

Weak and scared you say LUFAN, I took a look at some of your old post and you seem to like to hide behind the cyber world and bash girls high school basketball coaches. wow you are such the hero... I agree the schools are junk, run down junk, poor history of maintenance, you list carpet, I say change it out, you say air conditioners I say install central heat and air, and you are wrong, every school is ADA and the stadium is ADA, now if you build from the ground up yes there would be more codes to follow, but to repair you don't need to do anything but repair. Stadium has ramps, schools have ramps, all this fuss over ADA, you guys can come up with more than that can't you. Oh yea, wet muddy grass on the football field. Man how have we ever been able to get out seasons of football and soccer in with this terrible condition. At least I can say my house is maintained and I don't need to ask for a new one just because it's time to install new carpet and air conditioning. Real good reasons to spend 126 million dollars.
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I understand that all this comes from ONE consulting firm.  ???

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Would love to hear from G-v-n B-r-n--  Vote for the kids.... you've gotta be kiddin me.  How does the bond representation have anything to do with this ridiculous statement?  I know two people on the bond committee who have nothing to do with the school district.  Erik Shaw was on TV, evidently led the bond committee, has ZERO ties to the school district.... wonder what his credentials are.

I counted 27 out of 34 on the board with direct connection to the scools. Loaded very loaded so what else do you think they were going to present. Answer this, how come there is so much simple maintenance items on the list, tear it down, build new, and in 30 years make another generation build new again, good thing the whole world doesn't work this way or we would not have any historical places to go and visit. I'd fire the people who let our schools get so run down, and as far as the football field goes, it's grass people it's gonna get wet and muddy, live with it and play, they been doin it since God created grass.

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I believe ol' Smitty had the same concerns about not making repairs if repairs were needed.  Will anyone be held accountable?  We'll see if those here are truly concerned.  Will these same people here call for the resignations of those responsible?  Probably not.  Too many one-track minds.

Old schools, WOW, sounds like 90% of the homes and businesses in Nederland, let's just tear them all down.

Well, first off, a person's home is not public property so they don't have to meet ADA codes and since the are not in business of educating children they don't have to be wired properly for modern technology.

Businesses are open to the public, yes, but they are paid for by private owners. So again, since they are not owned by the public, they can choose to keep their business in the stone ages if they so please, since they are not in charge of educating your children. But since they are open to public business, they do have to adhere to code enforcement when they look to add on or improve in any way.

Well, first off, I am so lucky this board didn't evaluate my home or they would want to tear it down too. I do what I can to keep the maintenance up on it and pay my taxes. Oh, and when I did pay for some electrical boxes and panels to be changed out I had to meet city code also, so bit me, you lose, private homes do have to meet codes. ADA codes seem to be the big issue here, last time I looked the schools were ADA approved so was the stadium, ramps everywhere you look at all entrances. Heck last time I looked all the schools were wired for computers and modern technology stuff. There is NO CODE for repairs, why have the repairs gone so long without attention, fire the whole bunch who let it go so long. I would look deep into the facts about who is running the show when it comes to keeping up with our PUBLIC facilities as you like to put it. I totally agree, PUBLIC PROPERTY, so why the heck have you let my PUBLIC PROPERTY go down hill. I don't keep my personal property like this, so why you need more of my public money to bail you out. We got a problem with the people in charge of controlling our schools. If the schools had been well maintenanced we wouldn't be having this bond. What makes you people think we can maintain a new school when we couldn't keep the ones we have now REPAIRED, notice REPAIRED, repaired when broken and we would still have NICE....Go ahead build all new the same people who drove the old ones will be in charged and soon the new will be old again, and broken.

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Bondcrusher... i do not care what happens with the stadium.... You would think with all the support that is given to the football team donations could be given to cover the cost of most of those upgrades in the bond... I am more worried about the schools... bandaids do not work when a complete replacement is needed. The only reason I say you are weak and scared on this subject is you are probably a regular poster on this board that created a new name to keep people from knowing you identity... anyone who has PMed me and asked for my name has been given it except ole titan.. because we would have probably thrown down.. That is all.. I do have to say this... I think that the sport facilities bond and the school buildings bonds need to be separate... also a second opinion from another firm would be nice... but that is expensive.

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It appears that all of our problems could be solved by hiring smitty and bondcrusher09 to work in the Maintenance Department. From their obvious expertise in maintenance technology they could probably keep the buildings in top shape and reduce the budget to boot. But all of this is a smoke screen you guy's would be against the bond no matter what package it was put in. All you can do is point fingers at everyone else, how bad they do their job, I would like to see anyone of you try and maintain the property with the budget they are given, then again maybe not we probably wouldn't have any schools left to rebuild. It's real easy to stand on the outside and throw rocks but it's not as easy to actually do the job. If you are not a member of the NISD Maintenance Department then you just think you know, you don't really know at all.

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Bondcrusher I suggest you just go out and vote on election day.  Your whining and complaining will not change anyones opinion on this board.  If you don't like the way Nederland does things I hear they are building lots of housing in PA... maybe you could move there.  ::)

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Guest Bondcrusher09

Bondcrusher I suggest you just go out and vote on election day.  Your whining and complaining will not change anyones opinion on this board.  If you don't like the way Nederland does things I hear they are building lots of housing in PA... maybe you could move there.   ::)

Wake up dude because what you are saying is exactly whats happening, let Nederland keep going in the direction it is with the people in charge pretty soon Nederland will be PA!!!!!!!!!!

Bottom line, the schools were not keep in shape and somebody didn't do their job to see that this did not happen, and i'm not talking about the men who actually do the labor in maintenance, i think they do great with what they have. Tell me one school that has a ADA problem, tell me where in the stadium it is not ADA approved. ADA, CARPET, AIR CONDITIONING, does not sound like 126 million reasons to me....Sounds to me the money that they have now hasn't been going to the right places.

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Every restroom in every school has ADA problems. Every school that has sprinkler systems doe not conform to State regulations on backflow prevention. Again you guy's are just throwing up trash, you don't really know, you just talk to your anti-bond friends and stir up garbage.

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I sincerely hope the good folks in Nederland vote and pass the bond.  Those in favor need to get out there, campaign, encourage the people to get out and vote, and push this thing through.  Approving the bond is a "win-win" situation for all involved, but especially for the students!  Best of luck !

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First I would like to start out saying that I am not employed by NISD or a spouse of a NISD employee.  I do however have children that attend school here and I am a tax payer.  Everyone is bashing the maint. dept. but, I feel they have done a great job with the funds that they have.  How could our children still be going to schools as old as the ones in our district if the maint. dept. hadn't been KEEPING UP?  As far as the opposition...they are stating that the Bond Committee used a firm to help them decide what needed to be done.  My reaction to this is...at least they are being proactive.  The opposition just wants to complain but, I haven't seen their numbers. What will it cost to do what they are proposing be done?  Until you put pencil to paper, 126 million looks way out there.  I think once they put pencil to paper they will see that what they want done won't come cheap either.  I have walked through these schools (thanks to NISD for opening them up for our viewing) and they are pitiful.  Not only are they in bad shape but they are way overcrowded.  I don't think the opposition  has even addressed this problem.  In the elementary schools we have students doing testing in custodial closets.  Mops, brooms, a desk, a chair, and a lamp.  Seems like a great place to me for a student to score high on a test!?!  The gyms are not air conditioned, the bathrooms have no ventilation.  My oldest child attends class across the hall from a boys bathroom.  I have attended parties and could not believe the smell in the classroom thanks to the boys bathroom.  Again, great learning environment.  We have students doing reading and writing programs in the cafeterias.  Has anyone checked out the below par lighting the the cafeterias.  Again, great learning environment.  My children have also attended classes in the portable buildings.  On rainy days they cannot even hear the teacher talking because of the noise from the rain on the roof.  Again, great learning environment.  Has anyone had to sit in an assigned seat at the back of a room and could not hear your teacher but could hear the entire assignment of the class in the next room because of the thin, make-shift walls (great high school environment).  Renovation the schools WILL NOT address the overcrowding at each of the elementary schools and the make-shift classrooms at the high school.  It will also not address the problems at CO Wilson middle school.  Anyone checked out the gym and changing areas here?  Why add-on to a thirty year old school and then have to address the rear part of this school in 10-15 years.  Address the problem now!  I have had mixed emotions on the field turf but have grown on the idea.  I am opposed to those who say we are spending money and will not educate one student by putting turf on the field.  I disagree.  No, Nederland does not have record numbers of students getting athletic scholarships but, there are those lucky few.  I believe that alot of these students may not reach the college level without these scholarships, so yes turf on the field will educate students.  Maybe not in our classrooms, but it enables them to achieve a greater level.  Isn't that what education all about. 

Again, I am a NISD tax payer and my taxes will go up.  I might not have been raised with a silver spoon and I have had to work for every penny I have so I don't believe in wasting my money.  I want my children to have the best and the only way I feel they can achieve this is by voting for the bond.  The only way I see my children's opportunities to the newest technology, science labs and adequate learning environment is by voting FOR the bond.

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More news coming out concerning the bond issue.  We now know that the bond committee was way over loaded with pro-bonders.  Out of 34, 23 are either employed by the district or on the school board.  At least 3 others are paid to provide services to the district.  Real community representation, as promised!

Information (public records) was requested from the superintendent.  Ten days after the request, the school responded and was told it would be another 3 weeks and had to pay around $375.  And these responses were by the district lawyer.  That in itself should raise a few questions.  Trying to stall also raises a few questions.  All the district had to do was copy 78 pages.  There is a law that specifically states how much it should cost.  The cost should have been -- now get this -- $37.80!  It's so bad that now the Texas Attorney Generals office had to get involved.

Now to the one consulting firm that some do not seem to have a problem with.  I understand that the firm, LANWalton, also was involved in the PN-G bond issue.  Keeping up with the Jones'?  Well, anyway, it is also my understanding that they get a percentage of the bond passed.  So, the more the bond issue is, the more they get.  It could be real possible that the taxpayers could get a real reaming from something like this.  Pro-bonders -- you with me so far?  Let's keep going.

It was reported that in the late 90's, Gulf Coast Electric did extensive upgrades to the electrical systems.  It has been also stated that there is plenty of power there to do what Nederland needs to do.  Amazing!

So, pro-bonders, as I thought all along, this stinks to high heaven.  Whenever the kool-aid drinkers can only regurgitate the talking point, "do it for the kids", then I knew there was more to the story.  And boy was I right.  I'm sure there is more to come.

PS, One local newspaper requested comment on an article concerning the bond issue from the superintendent.  But, the reporter said they were instructed to submit questions in writing in advance.  The request was presented and a reply was made.  But not by the superintendent.  No!  A response was from the school board president.  And this response was, and in the words of the newspaper, "It failed to address all of the questions the newspaper posed, and appeared to CONFLICT (emphasis added) with the newspaper's independent findings."  So, pro-bonders, I think once the stink permeates the town with openness, it'll go down in a blaze of glory. 

Bondcrusher I suggest you just go out and vote on election day.  Your whining and complaining will not change anyones opinion on this board.  If you don't like the way Nederland does things I hear they are building lots of housing in PA... maybe you could move there.   ::)

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You say all this, but you could be the biggest story teller in the county. You just keep on slinging the mud, but then again that's about all I would expect for someone who has made the post you have. And by the way, I would be real careful about making accusations that you can't back up. You can be found and you can be held responsible!

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1-high school

2-middle schools

4-elementary schools

1-alternative campus

plus all sports complexes, maintainence, transportation, and administration facilities

maintained by 2-electricians, 1 A/C Tech, 1 Plumber, 2 Carpenters, 1 Locksmith, 1 Painter, 5 Grounds Keepers, 1 General Maintainance, and  ???????????? .................... how much do you think the CREW can do for YOU ! Confession............ I'm ONE ! NO APOLOGIES ! YOU can do better ? Come on ! All the slamming maintainance make me sick. COMPLETE ignorance ! Investigate before you point the finger of guilt. My opinion.............. Vote NO ! Because................ management, not maintainence !

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I notice you talk a good game.  But one thing you didn't do was deny what was said.  I have my sources for everything I stated.  It just goes to show you you don't even know what I'm talking about.  Now I know why you are a pro-bonder, you listen to only one side.

I say to you and other kool-drinkers: bring it on! 

You say all this, but you could be the biggest story teller in the county. You just keep on slinging the mud, but then again that's about all I would expect for someone who has made the post you have. And by the way, I would be real careful about making accusations that you can't back up. You can be found and you can be held responsible!

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Hey Coop, does there sound like there is a threat here?  Just wondering.

You say all this, but you could be the biggest story teller in the county. You just keep on slinging the mud, but then again that's about all I would expect for someone who has made the post you have. And by the way, I would be real careful about making accusations that you can't back up. You can be found and you can be held responsible!

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Hey Coop, does there sound like there is a threat here?  Just wondering.

You say all this, but you could be the biggest story teller in the county. You just keep on slinging the mud, but then again that's about all I would expect for someone who has made the post you have. And by the way, I would be real careful about making accusations that you can't back up. You can be found and you can be held responsible!

this topic will stay heated till the election. the you can be found is borderline threat.

don't get personal, let it flow.

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Thanks!  You are right, it is a threat.  I made a copy of it.  But confused minds will always say silly things.  One can always tell when the pressure is mounting on one side or the other.  It just so happens to be on the other.  ;)

Hey Coop, does there sound like there is a threat here?  Just wondering.

You say all this, but you could be the biggest story teller in the county. You just keep on slinging the mud, but then again that's about all I would expect for someone who has made the post you have. And by the way, I would be real careful about making accusations that you can't back up. You can be found and you can be held responsible!

this topic will stay heated till the election. the you can be found is borderline threat.

don't get personal, let it flow.

;) ;)
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Not a threat at all, anything you say on any board can be taken in multiple ways and some ways you may not think about. smitty has made accusations about the leadership in the Nederland School System. If he can't back it up and someone takes exception to the accusations he may find a person knocking on his door some day with legal papers. I am not making any kind of threat, just a statement of what can happen when things get out of control. People have been terminated because of the things they wrote on the internet. You are not totally anonymous on the internet and if the legal folks want to find you, they can that's all I am saying.

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You are not totally anonymous on the internet and if the legal folks want to find you, they can that's all I am saying.

Yep. dawgnut is right. If someone wanted to go through it all, legal could ask SETXsports for smitty's IP address. Or any of our IP addresses for that matter if they thought we were libeling someone for instance. Just because you post anonymously, does not mean you are totally anonymous.

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I have been in many of our local pressboxes broadcasting games for this site. I have seen very good ones, fair ones, and bad ones. I will say that I was very suprised to see how bad off the Nederland pressbox was considering they are one the bigger 4A schools in our area. I have seen smaller schools with much better facilities. I agree, Nederland's pressbox is in much need of repair.

Now, does it need 1.8 million in repair, I think not. I am quite certain that Silsbee's, Bridge City's, Central's and even Lamar Universities new pressboxes did not cost that much. I think there can be an upgrade there without spending that kind of money.

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A threat is a threat.  I am sure this web sight can get your name and address also.  Like I said, I have a copy of it.

PS - You think these statements were fished out of thin air?  If so, then you need to expand you horizons and read a little more.  Then you might have an intelligent argument.  But from your statement I can tell they've fogged your mind.  Ol' Rusted is in the same boat.  I think we are now seeing what we are exactly dealing with.  I've always said, it's not good to drink too much kool-aid.  If you even know what I'm talking about.  ;D  ;D

Not a threat at all, anything you say on any board can be taken in multiple ways and some ways you may not think about. smitty has made accusations about the leadership in the Nederland School System. If he can't back it up and someone takes exception to the accusations he may find a person knocking on his door some day with legal papers. I am not making any kind of threat, just a statement of what can happen when things get out of control. People have been terminated because of the things they wrote on the internet. You are not totally anonymous on the internet and if the legal folks want to find you, they can that's all I am saying.

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