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2 minutes ago, 45thAND46thSucks said:

Poll this morning showed biden leading conald lol... yall will learn the hard way, same folks who didn't support him then don't now... simple 

Was that a Stripper’s Poll that was taken? Your ridiculously hilarious in your naïveté.😂

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15 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

Trump is not the problem in the midterms, and that’s an asinine proposition. The problem is a lack of effective messaging from the national GOP. All they do is criticize Biden without inspiring voters with their solutions to fix the nation’s issues. As a independent conservative I don’t care for majority of the Republican Party but it is what it is. 


Donald Trump is OUTPERFORMING the generic ballot in EVERY POLL in EVERY STATE, but “it’s his fault” that the GOP is losing.😂

STRONGLY AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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52 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Here’s the problem… with all of those true things about the democrats that you just stated, the Republicans are still on the verge of losing again.  How do they end up losing when the deck is rightfully stacked against the Ds this cycle?

By continuously aligning themselves with the most hated politician I can remember. 

And y’all can all stop yelling about Trump being “America First.” That’s not a reason to vote for somebody. There has never been a politician more “country first” than Adolph Hitler… y’all act like it was every Germans duty to support Hitler because he obviously had Germany’s best interests at heart. y’all just like a biggo bunch of Nazi sympathizers. 

On the verge of losing thanks to the low info voter that only cares about free stuff!  The only reason biden is offering student loan forgiveness.  He knows that recent grads have been brainwashed by liberal faculty, so he knows that’ll win their votes.  Scary to think this is why some vote for biden.

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6 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

Will probably vote D, showing the last four years taught you nothing!

Taught me the MAGA's are a far right dictator group! Me and my family want no part of that cult group, is what it is! The right had every opportunity to crush the D's in midterms, yet they chose conspiracy theorists and election deniers to run the table, and now everything is in question if they'll flip the 2 branches... ppl are tired of the far left and far right nonsense... blame media or whoever but at some point the individual needs to take responsibility 

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10 minutes ago, 45thAND46thSucks said:

Taught me the MAGA's are a far right dictator group! Me and my family want no part of that cult group, is what it is! The right had every opportunity to crush the D's in midterms, yet they chose conspiracy theorists and election deniers to run the table, and now everything is in question if they'll flip the 2 branches... ppl are tired of the far left and far right nonsense... blame media or whoever but at some point the individual needs to take 


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Anyone implying Dems are going to win in November is on drugs.


~The reality is this: Rs will win across the board, the only question is by how much. Anything over 20-30 House seats is a tsunami.


~The earthquake comes down the ballot, as it's extremely likely Rs flip hundreds of state legislative seats (and thereby take control of several state chambers).


~Now, will Rs win every competitive race? NO! 


~The Senate is especially tough because there are not a lot of opportunities and Pennsylvania and Arizona are among the most difficult states to project. Nevada and Georgia look good, and New Hampshire may surprise.

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1 hour ago, 45thAND46thSucks said:

What's even scarier is a life long D and D donor, has duped Americans to thinking he's for them lol! Dude will spend the next no telling how many years in court lol... don't forget to donate

Sure duped me by nominating conservative SCJs, building the wall despite the democrats obstruction, energy independent for the first time, lowest unemployment for minorities ever, nomination of hundreds of judges that don’t legislate from the bench, on and on.  I didn’t vote for the guy until he was the last man standing and still don’t like the person, but I have enough sense to see results.  Hopefully he doesn’t run again because folks like yourself can’t get past feelings to get to results which is the biggest problem we have in the country right now, voter wise anyway.

You’re the one that has been duped into believing all the lies.

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29 minutes ago, 45thAND46thSucks said:

Taught me the MAGA's are a far right dictator group! Me and my family want no part of that cult group, is what it is! The right had every opportunity to crush the D's in midterms, yet they chose conspiracy theorists and election deniers to run the table, and now everything is in question if they'll flip the 2 branches... ppl are tired of the far left and far right nonsense... blame media or whoever but at some point the individual needs to take responsibility 

Explain that one, should be good.

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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

Here’s the problem… with all of those true things about the democrats that you just stated, the Republicans are still on the verge of losing again.  How do they end up losing when the deck is rightfully stacked against the Ds this cycle?

By continuously aligning themselves with the most hated politician I can remember. 

And y’all can all stop yelling about Trump being “America First.” That’s not a reason to vote for somebody. There has never been a politician more “country first” than Adolph Hitler… y’all act like it was every Germans duty to support Hitler because he obviously had Germany’s best interests at heart. y’all just like a biggo bunch of Nazi sympathizers. 

That’s because people fail to do the research and instead take the media (majority liberal owned and operated) for truth.  We have lazy low and falsely info voters.  Media will spin things how ever they see fit to get clicks and viewers and that goes for both sides
I base my vote on a person s policies and record.

trump maybe a lifelong D but many of his policies that were put in place put America 1st.

he s hated by the left mostly because of the false info that liberal media has spread. Yes he has his flaws (his mouth and tweets) which the sensitive left can’t handle.

your comparison using hitler is not even close.  Americans are made up of many nationalities and Trump isn’t killing anyone.

nice try.

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25 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Sure duped me by nominating conservative SCJs, building the wall despite the democrats obstruction, energy independent for the first time, lowest unemployment for minorities ever, nomination of hundreds of judges that don’t legislate from the bench, on and on.  I didn’t vote for the guy until he was the last man standing and still don’t like the person, but I have enough sense to see results.  Hopefully he doesn’t run again because folks like yourself can’t get past feelings to get to results which is the biggest problem we have in the country right now, voter wise anyway.

You’re the one that has been duped into believing all the lies.

You would think this was common sense

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15 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Explain that one, should be good.

I'll take this one.... you have a large part of the electorate that support one person... not a party, not their country... their allegiance is to the Donald.  In Don they trust, lol.  

Trump's supporters believe lie after lie at face value.... but any article/story critical of their leader is instantly assumed to be garbage, questionable source, a smear campaign, a lie, or a combination of all of the above.  But they will believe any lie told by their dear leader if it comes devoid of a single shred of evidence-such as the evidence of election fraud that was promised but never delivered, his followers (like Unwoke) will still believe with all of their might that Trump won the 2020 election... despite zero evidence to support the lies, the subsequent disbarment of attorneys (like Rudy) that perpetuated the lie, etc.... He still won.   

If you ask about about the events that we all watched on 1/6, they come back with "that was Antifa and the FBI" or "but did you see what happened the summer before that?"  They are incapable of recognizing any fault in their dear leader.  Good Christians support a foul-mouthed whoremonger and claim that He was sent there by God to protect us all from the liberals, lol.  Fiscal Conservatives crow about tax cuts while ignoring the debt that ballooned on his watch.   People who campaigned and voted based on promises to "repeal and replace" suddenly decided Obamacare wasn't such a bad deal after Trump couldn't get it pushed through a Republican controlled Congress.  When Trump says horrible things about women or treats them badly (Rosie, Megyn, etc....) good men stand silent because they can't bring themselves to admit that their leader might have a fault.  

Trump even called Ted Cruz's wife ugly and nobody (except Democrats) called Trump out on it.  

When Trump lost the election in 2020, he and his followers attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power by any means necessary... baseless lawsuits, repeated lies in the media, a foolish attempt to substitute electors, and even an insurrection that was intended to stop the process.... Even yesterday Trump was talking about how based on what Zuckerberg said, we need to throw out the old election and have a new one, now.  And nobody is calling him out for being insane. 

This is the hidden content, please

The red maga hat truly is the new Nazi armband.


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21 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

I'll take this one.... you have a large part of the electorate that support one person... not a party, not their country... their allegiance is to the Donald.  In Don they trust, lol.  

Trump's supporters believe lie after lie at face value.... but any article/story critical of their leader is instantly assumed to be garbage, questionable source, a smear campaign, a lie, or a combination of all of the above.  But they will believe any lie told by their dear leader if it comes devoid of a single shred of evidence-such as the evidence of election fraud that was promised but never delivered, his followers (like Unwoke) will still believe with all of their might that Trump won the 2020 election... despite zero evidence to support the lies, the subsequent disbarment of attorneys (like Rudy) that perpetuated the lie, etc.... He still won.   

If you ask about about the events that we all watched on 1/6, they come back with "that was Antifa and the FBI" or "but did you see what happened the summer before that?"  They are incapable of recognizing any fault in their dear leader.  Good Christians support a foul-mouthed whoremonger and claim that He was sent there by God to protect us all from the liberals, lol.  Fiscal Conservatives crow about tax cuts while ignoring the debt that ballooned on his watch.   People who campaigned and voted based on promises to "repeal and replace" suddenly decided Obamacare wasn't such a bad deal after Trump couldn't get it pushed through a Republican controlled Congress.  When Trump says horrible things about women or treats them badly (Rosie, Megyn, etc....) good men stand silent because they can't bring themselves to admit that their leader might have a fault.  

Trump even called Ted Cruz's wife ugly and nobody (except Democrats) called Trump out on it.  

When Trump lost the election in 2020, he and his followers attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power by any means necessary... baseless lawsuits, repeated lies in the media, a foolish attempt to substitute electors, and even an insurrection that was intended to stop the process.... Even yesterday Trump was talking about how based on what Zuckerberg said, we need to throw out the old election and have a new one, now.  And nobody is calling him out for being insane. 

This is the hidden content, please

The red maga hat truly is the new Nazi armband.


Sorry I wasted my time reading that garbage, I'm sure Big Girl and 45 will enjoy it, lol.

When the next Republican nominee is savaged by the socialist democrats and the low information crowd continues to vote democrat because they want abortion on demand, free college and the bathroom of their choice, maybe you'll place blame where it truly lies and not on one man like the other TDS maniacs do...remember, long time ago it was Bush derangement syndrome, not going away.

I'll give you this, at least it was a response, even if off the rails...more than I've come to expect from the poster I asked

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16 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Sorry I wasted my time reading that garbage, I'm sure Big Girl and 45 will enjoy it, lol.

When the next Republican nominee is savaged by the socialist democrats and the low information crowd continues to vote democrat because they want abortion on demand, free college and the bathroom of their choice, maybe you'll place blame where it truly lies and not on one man like the other TDS maniacs do...remember, long time ago it was Bush derangement syndrome, not going away.

I'll give you this, at least it was a response, even if off the rails...more than I've come to expect from the poster I asked

Every word of it was true... but that doesn't matter because it was derogatory of your Dear Leader so it gets dismissed. 

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12 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

You saying “Dear Leader” is much more of a reflection on you than me, you should know that.

Kinda like when you call all of the facts that I quoted garbage?  Just because you don't like them (because it reflects poorly on your Messiah, Donald Trump) doesn't make them garbage.  That's a reflection on you. 

What did I particularly say that was incorrect?  I mean, I get that the satire about the armbands is opinion, but the rest are indisputable facts.  Why do you have a problem with facing facts?

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1 minute ago, CardinalBacker said:

Kinda like when you call all of the facts that I quoted garbage?  Just because you don't like them (because it reflects poorly on your Messiah, Donald Trump) doesn't make them garbage.  That's a reflection on you. 

What did I particularly say that was incorrect?  I mean, I get that the satire about the armbands is opinion, but the rest are indisputable facts.  Why do you have a problem with facing facts?

Edit... You can go back a week or two ago when all of the Trump supporters were on here bashing Beto and saying how he was unfit to be governor because he said "mf'er" in a campaign stop.  I literally posted a clip of Trump saying the same word, along with a whole host of other swear words and NONE of you would condemn Trump's use of the word.  He's still presidential material, lol.


All fascism takes to thrive is an electorate that is unwilling to hold their leader accountable for his misdeeds- and that is the most accurate description of practically all of Trump's supporters. There's always an excuse.  "yeah, but he always puts America first" or "yeah, but he was so good with the economy" or "but he doesn't even take a salary."  We all should have held him accountable early on.  He put on display the very first debate behaviors that should have disqualified him from serious consideration.  Republicans and Trump supporters (two different groups, btw) ignored the warning signs and all of this has come back to bite us. 

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1 hour ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Explain that one, should be good.

Simple, anyone speaks out against the cult gets the boot, labeled a RINO from within their own party despite supporting everything the party stands for, labeled anti America etc... yeah dictatorship is how that group is led, anyone who thinks differently and wants a change is now a "low info voter"! So much for libertarianism and freedom 

Maybe "fascism" sums it up for you

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23 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Kinda like when you call all of the facts that I quoted garbage?  Just because you don't like them (because it reflects poorly on your Messiah, Donald Trump) doesn't make them garbage.  That's a reflection on you. 

What did I particularly say that was incorrect?  I mean, I get that the satire about the armbands is opinion, but the rest are indisputable facts.  Why do you have a problem with facing facts?

I don't, your reference to January 6 that he incited an insurrection is complete garbage.

As far as the election fraud, I've moved on from that...strange that the states flipped during the night, but whatever.

Once again, you referring to him as the Messiah reflects on your being absolutely ate up with the guy, you just can't let go.

You complain about what he said about Cruz's wife and no reasonable folks like that, but I sure wouldn't put those feelings over what we have in the White House now.

I have heard you talk about Bill Clinton in an admiring way in the past and you can actually try and take the high road on morality.

Clinton was the most morally debased President we have ever had, and you seem to be able to ignore that because you claimed he could reach across the aisle, when he was actually dragged by Newt.

That Clinton is your Messiah screams of your hypocrisy.

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24 minutes ago, 45thAND46thSucks said:

Simple, anyone speaks out against the cult gets the boot, labeled a RINO from within their own party despite supporting everything the party stands for, labeled anti America etc... yeah dictatorship is how that group is led, anyone who thinks differently and wants a change is now a "low info voter"! So much for libertarianism and freedom 

Maybe "fascism" sums it up for you

Good grief, sorry I asked...at least it was more than 10 words with no profanity.

That's a start.

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27 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Edit... You can go back a week or two ago when all of the Trump supporters were on here bashing Beto and saying how he was unfit to be governor because he said "mf'er" in a campaign stop.  I literally posted a clip of Trump saying the same word, along with a whole host of other swear words and NONE of you would condemn Trump's use of the word.  He's still presidential material, lol.


All fascism takes to thrive is an electorate that is unwilling to hold their leader accountable for his misdeeds- and that is the most accurate description of practically all of Trump's supporters. There's always an excuse.  "yeah, but he always puts America first" or "yeah, but he was so good with the economy" or "but he doesn't even take a salary."  We all should have held him accountable early on.  He put on display the very first debate behaviors that should have disqualified him from serious consideration.  Republicans and Trump supporters (two different groups, btw) ignored the warning signs and all of this has come back to bite us. 

LOL...are biden's voters holding him accountable?

...and not a word from you on that...what an absolute joke your reasoning is.

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1 hour ago, 45thAND46thSucks said:

Simple, anyone speaks out against the cult gets the boot, labeled a RINO from within their own party despite supporting everything the party stands for, labeled anti America etc... yeah dictatorship is how that group is led, anyone who thinks differently and wants a change is now a "low info voter"! So much for libertarianism and freedom 

Maybe "fascism" sums it up for you

I truly believe you have a Negative IQ. Smh

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    • Where were the 8 Omaha teams in D1's preseason top 25 poll... 2. Florida 8. A&M 9. Tennessee 13. N.C.State 14. Virginia 15. North Carolina Kentucky - unranked Florida State - unranked
    • That TDS is really flaring. Now do Biden. You have way, way, way more material. And keep that bitter "you are better than me" jealousy tone you have with Trump. You know Biden, the one you want everyone to vote for instead of Trump. Somehow you didn't acknowledge my pleas for you to die a painful death. I was quite certain that is how you would have interpreted my previous post. I guess when your focus is Trump 24/7, nothing else matters.
    • I have a better one. The point that nobody wants to acknowledge is that Dems are crossing over to vote Trump in the primaries and in the general so he will win the presidency. That way Trump will get the blame when the Dems implement their sinister plan to deport all of the minorities in the country. They have already laid the groundwork...convincing everyone that Trump and Republicans are racist (without providing any proof). Then it will be just a matter of time to execute their White supremacy plan of the great purge of the dirty, unwashed, heathen, non-Whites that roam freely in this country. I think my theory is more viable than your theory. Maybe we can get some other ridiculous scenarios so we can start a poll.
    • But that’s what Trump’s fanboys don’t understand.  When he talked about sexually assaulting women, y’all laughed it off as “locker room talk.”  When it was proven that he raped E. Jean Carroll, you cried that it was all an injustice… a lie. Even though he’d already confessed to doing the same thing to other women.  John McCain has suffered and sacrificed more for his country than practically anybody, except possible gold star families… and Trump called him a loser or something to that effect. “Oh, it was a joke that no one was supposed to take seriously.” But when Trump, after disrespecting the sacrifices of one of our most valiant, y’all are like “just because Trump didn’t go to Omaha Beach doesn’t mean he isn’t pro military!” Really? All you have to do is listen to what he said about McCain’s service. Not McCain as an opponent, not McCain’s political views… about the fact that the man was tortured, probably raped, and who knows what all else for over five years for swearing an oath and putting on the uniform.  But all of y’all supposedly “pro military” people just laughed along with Trump. “Good one, Sir! Maverick my new-hind! Filthy Rino!”  I don’t understand how the same people (y’all) who probably always say “thank you for your service” to any veteran still support a guy who craps on the ones who suffered the most on our behalf.  It’s baffling. 
    • Wow. Do you actually believe your little scenario has any chance of alleviating you of your moral immaturity? Deflection at it's best...or worse. You seem to be a sad case. If you died today, I would be remiss if not attributing your cause of death to severe TDS, and of course, Covid. Look at that. I just made a joke about your death. You did not get offended. Nobody was offended. Not one person will accuse me of being hateful towards fellow human beings. But yet, you hate Trump because he made a similar crude comment about McCain. You tried to attribute that comment as evidence Trump hates the military. What grade level of schoolchildren do you think is laughing at you for that "less that adolescent" (hint, hint) comment. You used one crude comment in an attempt to justify your TDS. Now, when called on it, you try to deflect the whole topic. You are certainly not having any fun with this, but you sure are providing entertainment for the board. It's a shame you can't join in on the fun. I think even Big Girl might be to the point of giggling at the shamelessness you are exhibiting.
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